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2 Kings 25:30
The acts of breathing which I performed yesterday will not keep me alive today; I must continue to breathe afresh every moment, or animal life ceases. In like manner yesterday’s grace and spiritual strength must be renewed, and the Holy Spirit must continue to breathe on my soul from moment to moment in order to my enjoying the consolations, and to my working the works of God.
Samuel G. Hardman and Dwight Lyman Moody, Thoughts for the Quiet Hour (Willow Grove, PA: Woodlawn Electronic Publishing, 1997).
Each day we are confronted with new, never-ending challenges. It is not enough to assume because today was lived that tomorrow will be the same. Every day is different. Every day requires us to be vigilant. Yesterday's pain does not dissipate with the setting sun or it's rising in the morning. What we experience and endure in the course of our life is like breathing. Life does not go on without that next breath and the experiences within that life do not go away on their own while we live. As Christians we have accepted the Holy Spirit as our gift of grace from Christ. That grace is to live as Christ lived and be images of Him. That means repent of our sins, be examples of peace, unity and forgiveness. The life you live and what the world at large sees of you when you are in this condition is the light that will change lives and the world.