

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Who Am I?


At this time of year many are rushing to get the shopping done, presents wrapped, the tree up and decorated, the lights up on the house and all manner of holiday preparations done. This year is not like any other year I can remember for any of the holidays that were celebrated. This year much time has been suddenly placed in our laps with no prior warning or fanfare. It has posed a problem of identity for many people, a place not known before. For me it was a time of stress and searching for answers. High blood pressure and a silent heart attack didn't help calm things down. A nation divided with politicians building iron curtains and turning everything into a war zone didn't help either. Spite and anger driven hate stalling the workings of government even at the time of this writing has caused me to stand back at take stock of who I am. It is not in my power to stop any of this nonsense and I want no part of  it. I can't speak for anyone else but myself. I am asking myself "Who am I?" There is no simple answer to that question. Any answer I would have would only be what I think I am. It would be a self opinion. How others perceive me would be only partially correct or not correct at all. Living life makes me who I am. The choices I make, what I believe in, what my interests are, my dislikes, in fact the whole of my life is what makes me who I am. I am who I am. My favorite statement is " I am all that humanity is or ever was." I don't recall who said it but it was profound to me. The answer to "who am I"  is a simple "I am who I am." It is not set in stone because it is in constant flux, ever changing. Who are you?

Today I would like to share a house mouse image. Enjoy.

  Copic Colors:

RV00, E53, E31, Voooo, T2

Tis the season to be merry and joyful. Many of us do not have a lot but what we do have we should be thankful for. There are those that have far less than we do. Remember them and be generous toward them this Christmas season. Give some joy to the needy. This will be my last post for the holidays. See you after New Year and to always "Remember The Details."

Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Sin & Repentance

 The wonderful news is that our Lord is a God of mercy, and He responds to repentance. Billy Graham


How true. Living in our denial of sin is counter to being repentant. NO ONE is without sin. It is why we should never judge another for the mistakes they make.(Mt 7:1, Lk 6:37) To do so would bring judgement on us that could be harsher than the one we judge would suffer. It is like saying we are not sinners. We have not been given the right to fudge the living and the dead. That has been given to Christ.(Acts 17:31, 2 Timothy 4:1, John 5:22, 1 Peter 4:5, Romans 14:9) It is important to go into this season and holiday of Christmas with a heart of repentance to fully appreciate what the birth of Christ means. Without that birth we would not have the grace of forgiveness that we cannot earn by any works. Only ask and repent, turn away from the sin and change your heart in the knowledge you are forgiven. The Christmas season is a time when a new birth has come to change the heart of mankind into something better and more pure. Truly this is a greater gift than any that may be under the tree. It is a child that is pure of heart and selfless of spirit come to bless any that would embrace the grace Yahweh is offering to all people. The joy of the season is all around us with light displays, gift buying, parties with all manner of celebrations. How much of this really matters if it does not recognize the reason for the season? I enter this season with head hung low in the realization the child whose birth we celebrate will grow up to be crucified on a cross for me, that I may be forgiven for my sins. It is only right that I honor the gift of His life and death for my sins by repenting of any sins in my life. No present under the tree means as much to me. How do you view the Christmas season?

I am not sure the image where the image I am sharing with you is from but I thought it was a cute love image. Enjoy!

Copic colors:  
The Girl: Clothing -YR24, R30 - Hair - E35
The Boy: Clothing B45, B28, B32, E39 - Hair - E35
Mail Box: W2, 100, R29, E87, Wink of Stella Silver
Grass & Vines: G14, G17, R81, Y08

That is it for this post. Snow is on the way. It is not looked forward to since it means shoveling. Stay safe wherever you are and have a happy holiday. Remember to always "Love The Details".

Tuesday, December 8, 2020



Solitude is strength; to depend on the presence of the crowd is weakness. The man who needs a mob to nerve him is much more alone than he imagines. Paul Brunton

I must admit that I am not a person who enjoys crowds of any kind. Solitude is a place of quiet meditation, a place of healing. It is the place Jesus sought at the end of each day to renew his bond with His father in heaven. (Mk 1:35) It is a place where strength can be found to settle the soul, to gain insight into the place we occupy in this life. It is a place where we can put aside the business and strife of everyday life and find peace outside those places that distract us from what is important. Solitude provides a place where the state of mind can go from chaotic to peaceful and serene. Solitude should not be feared but embraced as a place for the soul to renew it's contact with Yahweh. My DW has often said of me that I would have made a good Monk. It is not denied that solitude has been and is important to me. It has been the one place that is a calm and peaceful refuge in a world that is not. It is often the place that these posts are created and refined. It is not a place to hide from reality but to stop and reflect on what is the true reality. The pace at which we live does not always provide the luxury of peace and quiet. It is often required of us to find that place where we can just stop, shut out the world, be still and listen in the silence of solitude. I often put ear plugs in to shut out the noise. There are many places in scripture where Jesus sought solitude to pray. (Mk 14:22-25, Mk 6:45-46, Lk 5:16, Lk22:41, Jn 22:41 from the New Jerusalem Bible) I am in good company. 

Today I would like to share a house mouse image. 

Copic Colors:  V0000, RV00, R43, Y23, Y28, BG11, BG18, E41, E43, E50, E71, E84

That is it for this post. Please stay safe, wear your masks and social distance. More and more people around us are falling victim to COVID. I get increasing numbers of prayer requests for it. Don't become a statistic. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. God bless. Remember to always "Love The Details." 

Tuesday, December 1, 2020


Lost - yesterday, somewhere between sunrise and sunset, two golden hours, each set with sixty diamond minutes. No reward is offered, for they are gone forever. Horace Mann


Time has been given many meanings. Our version of it is a very narrow way of seeing it. By Einstein's definition; "Time and space are one". If you stop and think about that it is mind boggling. Time and space can be warped by gravity to the point that not even light can escape. Has time ceased to be? As we travel faster and faster time begins to slow down. As we travel faster and faster, we age slower. Yet the progression of our lives never stops to rest but moves on relentlessly. History is not something we can bring back to do over but we will repeat it sometime in the future. All of the above are facts of time. It is what governs us in this life. What of the life after we pass to the next life, our spiritual life? No one  knows? Do you even believe in the spiritual world? (John 6:51) Spiritual life according to scripture is real. (John 14:2-3) Why else would the Lord prepare a place for us where he is? Time there does not exist. It is forever. Treasure the moments, hours and days of your existence. Your passage through this life is but once. Set your course toward the Lord for the place He readies for us is an eternal one. 

Today I would like to share a precious face with gorgeous eyes in a photograph by Sophia Adonopoulou that I found on Pinterest. Those eyes are beautiful and irresistible. This will be the last image for awhile.     

Copic Colors

Eyes: rv000, E42, E30

Lips : E95

Hair: E30

Sjin: E00, Eooo, E0000, RV0000

Flower: YG91, G20

This concludes my post for today. Thank You for stopping by and thank you if you left a comment. Your thoughts and comments are much appreciated. Remember to always "Love The Details". Stay happy, healthy and may you be blessed.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020


I am not sent to be remembered when I die. When I die few shall mourn but those who mourn shall themselves be mourned by many upon their death. I am sent for those that shall be remembered and therein shall I be remembered. Honor falls not in life but in death that brings life.


The quote from my book is a statement of how I view being remembered. It is not a matter of feeling important or of making an impact on those around me. It is the importance of just living a life that may only be seen by a very a few in a way that makes a difference in their lives however small. Everyone affects others in some way. Whom can you look back to in your life that affected you in such a way that your view of your life changed and yet they are no longer a part of your life? How long were they a part of your life? I had one individual in junior high school that was in special education that was not a part of everyday life for me. He was always jubilant and everything was a wonder to him. He would come to me when he was excited because he knew I would listen and be excited with him. He was often teased when he was this way. That teasing was carried too far one day and he had a fatal seizure. I was devastated at his passing. It was a huge loss to me even though we didn't have a lot of contact like normal friends. To this day this individual lives in my heart and memory even though it has been over 60 years. It isn't the big things in life that are important but the seemingly little things that matter. Some of the most insignificant instances are the most significant times in our lives. When we truly live in the moment, the moment becomes a lifetime. 

To day I would like to share an image that was a challenge. The skin color was obviously not a light shade. This was an image I have had for some time and pulled from Pinterest. The artist signed his work in the lower right but I can't read it. Again this is only an exercise in coloring. The images will not be used for any other purpose.

   Copic Colors
Eyes - E23
Lips - R11
Skin - E30, E31, E53
Hair - T5, T3, T1
Blouse - E19, E33
Ear Rings - Wink of Stella Silver

The ear rings turned out to be a bit much but still worked out well. The skin tone also worked out well although a bit blotchy when photographed. The actual image is very smooth complected. I hope you like the results. Remember to always "Love The Details."

Tuesday, November 17, 2020




                          Eyes! Speaking in silent ways

                                  Of life lived and lost,

                                  Being born anew and dying again

                                  In a place of private wars.


                                  Eyes! Reflections of the soul

                                  Come alive as in a dream,

                                  Piercing the quiet of the night

                                  To awaken silence once again.


                                  Eyes! Piercing the thoughts

                                  Tucked away in secret places,

                                  Untouched for many long years

                                  But seen in a careless stare.


                                  Eyes! Shimmering windows

                                  Glowing with twinkling lights,

                                  Raging red with fire

                                  Or wishful as loves last tear.


                                  Eyes! Spilling over with life,

                                  Telling all they ever knew

                                  Of living, loving and losing

                                  Along this short bumpy road.


                                  Eyes! Loving, searching, caring

                                  For all they grasp or touch,

                                  Wrapping close a heart of warmth,

                                  A soul of deepest caring.


                                  Eyes! Filled with knowing wisdom

                                  Gathered in the cobwebs of time,

                                  Projected on gentle living screens

                                  Of blue, green or brown.


                                  Eyes! Those radiant mirrors,

                                  Reflect the beauty of life within

                                  An earthbound vessel of God,

                                  Filled to overflowing with love.


                                  Eyes! Opened to see, speak

                                  Of eternal life from within,

                                  Given to spread the joy

                                  My Lord has given to me.                    


 This poetry was shared some years ago. It is part of a small book composed and put together by me. I have a fascination with eyes because they really do speak to me. The next image I am sharing with you was chosen for that reason. I have pulled several images from Pinterest some time ago which gave no mention of the source. These images are for the sole purpose of the eyes and the coloring of the images. They will not be used for any other purpose. 

I have found that if the eyes are not expressive the image does not speak to the person viewing it. Stray hair is also a part of the full image but is difficult to color without the ink bleeding. This image turned out well in that area.

Copic Colors:  Eyes - B000, R01, C00
                           Hair - E31, E43
                           Skin - E0000, E000, YR0000
                           Lips -  R02, 0
                           Clothing - Rv10
                           Hair Ties - E33

That does it for this week. God bless and keep you safe. Remember to always "Love The Details".

Tuesday, November 10, 2020



The quote today is often the subject of conversation and thought. In effect it is your actions that are a reflection of who you are. The lack of action leaves behind a mystery that has no positive voice to tell of the person within. These past few months have been a whirlwind of division and stress. Our savior is not of this earth and He is not given to the whims of those who would be in control. His only rule is to love and serve Him. When we deviate from that or separate ourselves from those guiding principles that He has set down our society falls apart and bad things happen. Compassion in the face of diversity is needed to move forward not hatred, revenge and rioting. We need a return to God and Jesus not pointed fingers and endless accusations. It is time to move on. It is time to heal and forgive. It is time to come before God and put ourselves in His hands. 

As promised, the final image from last week. Enjoy.


The colors are the same but the freckles were not colored this time. I did lighten the the lip coloring. Again it was the eyes that drew me to this image. 

I would like to share one other image. It is one Jill loves so I did it again. I am unsure of where this stamp came from. I have had it for some time.

Copic Colors

N0, N4, Boo, W5, R24, G29, YR61, E84, YR24, W2, YR27, E27, E57, YG09, G03 and Wink of Stella Clear

Hope you liked the artwork. Until next week, remember to always "Love The Details". Stay safe and God Bless.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020



Think about the quote above. What is it you see in the picture? What do you see in the world around you? Turn that around and after you answer that question and look inside of yourself. What do you see? Is it a reflection of how you see the world? What is your outlook for your life in the world you live in? Is it bright and alive or is it dark and gloomy? How does the environment you live in affect how you feel? how does what you feel affect how you act? Are they positive actions or negative actions? There are many more questions that can be asked that would make you react according to who you are. Those around you will all see you differently. That is a product of who they are and how they see the world. This year has been a year of unrest and, for some, soul searching. My mental and spiritual health is not dependent on this world but on the Lord. Today, the day this is posted, is the last day of the election hype, commercials and viciousness. The nastiness will not be over for others but it has never been important for me since none of them can be my savior or give me everlasting life. There has always been beauty in this world that is a reflection of God's power and glory as well as his love and gentleness. There is a quality of peace in knowing His presence that nothing in this universe can compare to.

Today I have an image that was a test for a final rendering that I will share next post. Yes, I am coloring again. I hope you like what is being done. I am not sure who the artist was but I could not resist those eyes. The freckles were problematic. Have to work on that.

Copic Colors
Eyes  N1-Bo1-r12

Skin   E00-E000-Eoooo

Lips   R12

 That will do it for this week. Have a good peaceful week. Remember to always "Love The Details".

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Hang In There


Last post was what real love is about. The above statement is often true of their beliefs as well. Real love is not governed by men or their laws but by the Holy Spirit being bound to the human spirit within. The current world we live in is rife with uncertainties and deceptions. All I read about with this election year is the hate and animosity being shown to one another. This is one of the worst elections I have ever lived through. The violence and mistrust are disheartening, with each side blaming the other for the situation. In reality both are to blame. There are no winners here only casualties, many of whom are innocent bystanders. It is one thing to express your beliefs or demonstrate and quite another to riot and destroy. Demonstrating is acceptable. Rioting and destruction is not. There is no argument that can justify willful destruction or theft of what is not yours. Injustice is real but the act of performing another injustice does not solve anything. It does cause more hatred, intimidation and, even worse, retaliation. We do not need armed camps or armed battle lines. We need compassion and a return to Godliness, love for our fellow human beings. Differences are normal. Harming others because of it is wrong. Compromise is a better solution. To continue on the road we are on will end everything this nation has held sacred and dear not to mention our freedom. The erosion of those freedoms are a result of the vicious hate factions we see today. Power is not control of but service to the people. That is sorely lacking in governments around the world including this one. I can only pray this will not continue in the direction is has been going. It saddens my heart to see it.

It will be a sigh of relief when these elections are over. The expectation is not peace and quiet when all is said and done  but the fliers, television ads and such will finally end. 

On a more happy note, I have one more card to share. It is from Em from Creative Em. 

 This is a birthday card and a dazzler at that. In case you were wondering, it is my 7?th birthday. That question mark is not a mistake. 😁 

Be safe. Be well. Love to all. Remember to always "Love The Details."

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

True Love

Age changes many things in life that were seen much differently when we were young. We were naïve enough to believe everything would be smooth sailing "if only". If only I were 21 there would be less rules and regulations. What a surprise to find you still had rules and regulations some of which had more severe consequences for not following them. That is one of a myriad of "if only" situations. One of the biggest and the most abused/ignored concerns "Love". All too often this is seen as physical attraction with little if any concern for the complete person. The physical is the "me" factor that is only interested in the experience rather than the total reality of living together, the give and take of bonding in harmony. Any preconceived ideas about love and marriage before the actual event are soon dismissed when living together as a couple. Refusal to be pliable and willing to change as a couple will make the the divorce stats rise. Blending of two souls into a true bond requires Agape love. Selfless love. It is not easy to say the least but it is more than worth the effort. The result? The sense of being one, of having the other's hand in yours even though you are not together. It is knowing that you are together even though you are not physically. It is a bond that is unseen but felt in ways not easily explained. It is supernatural in every aspect. Anyone that experiences this with a human partner will be delighted to know that this is what allowing Christ into their heart is like. Knowing Him in this way is unlike anything else. (1 Peter 4:8 - John 13:34) This should be what we all strive for.

The next two cards are birthday cards. The first is from family friends Mary and Al. Mary was a foster child of my parents and we consider a sister. She is a kind and sweet Christian sister.

This card is from my dear wife. A special lady to say the least.

That will be it for today. Remember to always Love The Details. God bless.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

It Is A Circus Out There


Life is full distractions and detours. It often seems that the road we travel is peppered with ruts, pits and snares. If we allow ourselves to be drawn into them and allow ourselves to consumed by the problem, we often find ourselves diverted from the path of well being. The unexpected often leaves us dazed and unresponsive. Being blind sided tends to do that to the unsuspecting. Disbelief or confusion is often the result. Life is way too short to remain in this condition for long. Anger or frustration is not a very good solution to getting back on the path. Doing so only leads to sickness and health problems, feelings of hopelessness and drowning. This world is not our friend when it comes to our well being. It is better to remember that everything physically in this universe is based on chaos and decay. Nothing material is permanent.  In times such as these it is faith that is strengthened since there may not be anything else to hold onto. The reality of things may be such that we are not the ones in control. Prayer for both the people involved and/or the situations is the beginning. Faith is needed to carry us through all of this. With strong faith comes strength to carry on. Life throws bricks at us to distract us from what really matters. (1 Peter 1:21 ) Love has the power to defeat all distractions that would take us from our path.

Today I would like to share two more cards The first one is from Jill, my dear wife. It is an anniversary card.

Love you dearly. Thank You.

The next card is from my sister in law. 

This was not expected but it was very appreciated. Thank you Virginia. Hugs!

That will do it for today. Remember to always Love The Details.

Love, Hugs and Blessings

Sunday, October 4, 2020

A New Day


This world can be a strange and challenging place. The events that have transpired over the past months have been a dizzying whirlwind of confusing and frustrating contrasts. The quote todays seems to fit this time of trials. It certainly feels like everything is down and not getting up. It is better that we see the possibilities and not focus on the seeming impossibility of the life we are in. With or without us, life will continue. When all seems impossible, the reality is it may be impossible only because we believe it is impossible. Christ was crucified because of disbelief in the reality of His coming. It was foretold but not accepted. I look around and see the fighting, the out right hate that is shown in this world and wonder what is to become of the human race. Then I look again and see the kindness and love that is shared with others who are struggling. Which one will survive? I suspect the ones that are helping one another in love and compassion will be the survivors, not the hate mongers and divisive. The divisiveness eventually destroys those practicing it. Love unites. My favorite verses in the the bible can be found in 1 John 4:7-19. This is not practiced much in this political age. My advise is to just hang in there and you will be able to rise when you think you cannot.

I have several cards that I would like to share from several different events. Instead of all at once they will be shared over several posts.

This first card was sent for father's Day. It was created by Em from Creative EM. It is a special card from a special lady. 

(Please excuse the image shading. The light used did not eliminate shadowing. I am working on that. )
 Beautiful card. Not something I would necessarily try. 

The next card was from my wife. It is an anniversary card. She creates such special cards. It is a favorite.

Thank you for stopping by. Come again and visit. If you leave a comment I will come visit your blog. Have a Blessed day. Remember to always Love The Details.

Friday, September 25, 2020

Time Will Tell

Ideologies separate us. Dreams and anguish bring us together. - Eugene Ionesco

Ideologies are:
  1. 1.
    a system of ideas and ideals, especially one which forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy.
    "the ideology of republicanism"

  2. 2.
    the science of ideas; the study of their origin and nature.
As defined by the Oxford dictionary. They are personal and adoptable and can be adapted to become personal. That is why they often separate us. They rarely stay the same but become our personal persona. We become separated as they come in conflict with other's ideologies. Conflict can result when they are rigid and unbending or just plain untenable. The persona becomes the "me" that does not see beyond self. The result is the loss of our dreams and the anguish of not having them realized. Anger, hatred and all manner of negative things result. Our world is steeped in self and little is focused on ALL. If everyone saw everyone else as unique and special, as part of the greater whole, there would be no unknown to great to realize. All things would be at hand to explore and share. God's plan on earth would be fulfilled. We would be His example to others and complete in Him. 

These many months past have been hard to impossible to post on any kind of schedule. I have switched providers and it would appear the spotty connection that was part of the aging infrastructure of the old ADSL service was the sole cause of all of the problems. It is nice to sit at the keyboard and not have to worry that my service will suddenly disappear for hours at a time. At a time of having to isolate due to the COVID virus, complete isolation is a difficult pill to swallow. 

I will attempt to post on a more regular time  frame if this new service proves reliable. Only God's blessings and time will tell. May the good Lord bless and keep you safe. Remember to Love The Details. 


Friday, July 17, 2020

A perspective of Life

Love looks through a telescope; envy, through a microscope. - Josh Billings

Taking time to pause often in this journey called life to reflect on where life is going often yields things about our selves that are unpleasant and sometimes surprising. I guess the surprise is that what is found has either not been noticed before or was, for the most part, ignored. Negatives are the most often ignored and over looked. Unfortunately, it is those negatives that are what have been turning up lately. Without going through a never ending list, it is safe to say there are many things negative in our lives. How we view them and how we deal with them dictates whether or not they are a problem or a blessing. Viewing all things as a blessing is for me the only way to see my life. Yep! Even the negative things. As the old saying goes, " If it were not for the bad things in our lives it would be impossible to recognize (enjoy) the good things in life." What lessons would be had if there were no problems to be solved. Some would say they have no problems or faults. Denial is not a solution to the life we should be living. In an imperfect world it is better to acknowledge the imperfect and work toward the most perfect end possible. I agree there  is no such thing as perfection in this life, in this reality, in this world. It is however, the path to the perfection of the life to come and therefore worth the effort to strive for what does not exist in this world. Notice, I did not say can't ? It can but only in one way. (1 John 4:8-9) says "Whoever fails to love does not know God, because God is love. This is the revelation of God’s love for us, that God sent his only Son into the world that we might have life through him." { The New Jerusalem Bible. (1985). (1 Jn 4:8–9). New York: Doubleday.}

We often focus on the sacrifice of Christ for our salvation. Have you ever considered the Sacrifice of Our father in heaven? The father and son were one in heart, body and spirit. Imagine the pain and pride He felt for His son. Nothing we experience in this life could ever match what they felt. (Mark 15:36-39) "But Jesus gave a loud cry and breathed his last. And the veil of the Sanctuary was torn in two from top to bottom. The centurion, who was standing in front of him, had seen how he had died, and he said, ‘In truth this man was Son of God.’"[The New Jerusalem Bible. (1985). (Mk 15:36–39)]. New York: Doubleday). Can you even come close to the pain of taking on the sins of all sinners everywhere and suffering the sins of everyone at once? Our Lord Jesus lived among us and knows our hearts and our minds. He was sent by our father in heaven to show us the perfection that is absent in our lives. That absence is only because our vision is clouded by unbelief. The veil can be lifted by believing the one thing that can change lives in this world. Unfiltered love changes everything. It does not recognize anything negative but encourages that which is positive. The world today has taken on a blind eye and unfeeling heart toward those around them. What they see is seen through a tunnel that excludes all but them and their immediate surroundings. Pain and suffering is rampant and much of our world is subject to the injustice of not caring. Sin in the name of justice is still sin and punishable. 

This month I want to share an image I found on Pinterest. It is on several sites but I do not remember which one it was gotten from. I will apologize now for the colors not being true to the actual finished image. Upon showing it to several people, including my artist brother, all agree it is like a photograph. Some day I will learn to adjust the colors to match what the eye sees for the computer.

Copic Colors
Hair E31, E34, E43           
Eyes C2, B21, B41, R01   
Lips R02                            
Skin E000, E0000, R0000 
Clothing V81                     
Background Y0000           

I hope you like the image. It is grainy and the colors are not what you see on the original but it is the best I can do for now. Remember to always Love The Details. God bless and stay well and safe until next post.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Predestination? Fate?

Wisdom is oftentimes nearer when we stoop than when we soar. - William Wordsworth

Predestination is not something I believe in. It is true that God knows the whole of our lives including how it will end. That does not make it predestined. It is more the fate that we ourselves create with our actions than something God has created us to do. He has created all of us in His own image. We were to be like Him. We were the ones causing the events and paths that brought us to where we are. This was not predestined by God but cause and effect of our choices. Today it is we who control our destinations through our choices. The Lord guides us and tries to teach us the way to heaven and the way back to Eden. Our fate is the result of what we do or do not do as we travel the road through life. If it was predestination repentance would not be a part of our language. It would be moot for us. We could argue that there is no purpose to asking forgiveness and changing the way we behave or think if it had no effect on the outcome of our actions. Lives do change and forgiveness does happen. We are able to avoid a fate worse than death with repentance and humility. 

In this day and age there are those that would would twist what is fact to suit there own desires or to justify an action that is unjustified. What of predestination if our truths are taken to places they were never meant to go. It is a struggle to justify the actions that are outside of the realm of not just legal but common sense. There is great injustice in this world. The quest for equality is much like a marriage, both give and take, equally. The problem is it is often lopsided. Why? It is inevitable that once we have what we want we want more until we have it all. At that point the pendulum has swung to the far side of the scale causing the same needs as there were when it was on the opposite side of the current swing. It never seems to settle in the center but continually swings from side to side. Christ said to the rich man, "Sell all you own and give it to the poor then come follow me." (Luke 18:22) This caused the rich man to walk away. The man had followed all of the commandments but one. "Do not covet". Justice is proper but not if lawlessness is brandished in the process. What we strive for is never found when our vision is always turned toward ourselves. I truly worry at what I see in the world. Is this predestination or is this fate as we have created it for not just ourselves but for all?

This is how it feels at times to see the world we live in.

Really? That doesn't seem right! Maybe a different perspective will help.

I have had these images for some time but do not remember where where they came from. 

God Bless and
Remember, Always Love The Details.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

It Is All Good

Come live in my heart, and pay no rent. - Samuel Lover

In these troubled times it is easy to look at all that is going on in the world and worry about the out come of our lives. The actions of others range from the self sacrificing to the the self indulging, from the generous to the hoarder, from the thoughtful to the profiteer. I see this current time as a test of who we are as individuals. The way we travel in this life is fraught with pitfalls and snares. When we fall we get back up, dust ourselves off and continue on. At times it takes multiple falls before a lesson is learned. It is all good!

Hope is not always free. It is often kept alive by a fall. Without the fall the direction we travel may not be visible or may be clouded with life's busy clutter. It is crucial to realize that when we ask the Lord to take our hand and guide us we are expected to do our part as well. He is always there to show the way we are to travel. (Psalm 32:8) He is always there to pick us up when we fall. (Matthew 11:28) Our hearts and souls are never in jeopardy when His hand is in ours to lead the way. It is all good!

Sometimes the world faces crises that are ominous and foreboding. For those of us who are believers it is a time of trial, a time of reflection, a time of testing our beliefs. Are we really safe? Should I worry or be concerned. (Isaiah 43:2  & 1 Peter 5:7) There is much in this world that tries to tear down our strength and erode our hope. Keep moving forward. Do what needs to be done to defeat the the things that come against us. Joy in our God will give us strength and renew hope to our lives. (Isaiah 40:31).

Here is an image from Technique Junkie that I colored some time ago. I have no particulars for colors used but I thought you might enjoy it.

Remember to always Love The Details.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

My Neighborhood

Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?' - Martin Luther King, Jr.

When my wife and I first moved into this neighborhood few of the people talked or shared time with one another. We were viewed as outsiders. Some of the neighbors were friendly and others were downright hostile. As the years pasted and new people came and went things began to change. We gradually became the oldest family in a two block area. Some of those that were on our street were older and a few were middle aged but there were few younger people as time went on. We got to know many of those that were neighbors and gradually became friends with several. The trend toward younger couples in the past year or two has increased and they are less friendly but that is the way of the world. Even with this trend things are still friendly.

There are several elderly people on our block that stick together and help one another whenever possible. When heavy snows come many of us get together and shovel sidewalks of those who are unable to do their own. We even mow their lawns when possible and clear the leaves in the fall, get groceries and even make a meal for them. One neighbor in particular is quick to tell you they don't believe in God but will just as quickly join in when we help others. When I was unable to shovel snow several years ago I came down to find them doing my sidewalk before going to work. When asked what I could do for them they just said "You are good people and I want nothing. Your thanks means a lot to me." I realized  then that the fact that I was always the first to be out doing things for others was being noticed by others. In talking to this person I was told they had been treated badly by "Christians" to the point they didn't think Christians were real and for that reason God didn't exist. I know how that feels because I have been there too.

Judgement by others can be hurtful. Christ didn't come to save the those who not sinners but the sinners of the world. This person is course in many ways but if  time is taken to see the inner person that is not easily seen there is a kind and needing soul there. I took the time to go up and talk for a bit when I noticed them out front, keeping my distance because of the COVID-19. They were about stir crazy because of the current virus situation. We talked for about an hour and they came down to visit with the wife and I on the front steps.

There are no art pieces to share today just a reflection of what the calling that we have received. To be examples of our God is the reason we were created. Sometime we are so taken up in our beliefs we forget that Jesus was our example of the life we should be living on earth. We may not be able to do all of the miracles He did but that does not mean we cannot be gracious, understanding or giving. This is the time of year, and in this pandemic, that it is important to be aware of the plight of life on this planet. Be safe, be giving and may the Lord Bless and keep us all.

Remember to ALWAYS Love The Details.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Troubled Waters

To live happily is an inward power of the soul. - Marcus Aurelius

Lately I have been struggling with hearing loss coupled with tinnitus. At times the tinnitus is so loud it is scary. I am due to have some tests done at the time of this writing and by the time this posts there may be some answers. The reason for this post is that the loss of fundamental hearing has the effect of changing not only my perspective of the world around me but also the lives of those close to me. Living happily when you can't understand what someone is saying to you becomes a challenge for both of you. 

Update: The results have led to blood pressure tests. My blood pressure was very high and more tests are in the works once they get it down and controlled. The doctor has me on two blood pressure meds in an effort to bring it down. I am told I also suffered a mild heart attack sometime in the past several years. I had no idea that happened. I have been stressed with all of the events in my life. There is no doubt that everything mentioned has contributed to the high blood pressure and may be responsible for the heart attack. I will post from time to time as things get sorted out. Thank you to those who have been a support over these past weeks and months. God Bless and remember to always Love The Details.