

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Healing and The Spirit

It takes move than a good looking body. You've got to have the heart and soul to go with it.

     The above does not mean that what resides inside is not beautiful. What resides within is often far more beautiful that what is seen on the outside. 

     As many of you know, I am involved in a prayer ministry both on my own and with a prayer group. Prayers of all sorts go into my “One Day At A Time” prayer request book. It is a book acquired many years ago for the purpose of writing a journal. The title of it is apropos for the purpose it serves today. Once a name is entered into the book it is never canceled, erased, removed nor ignored. As long as I am able the book will be prayed over. As many of you have professed, problems never go away in this world. They are ever present and ongoing. This should tell you that being remembered in prayer should never be discarded. Prayer is lifted up each and every day for those in the book, It is rare that a day is missed or forgotten. The book even goes with me when we take a vacation. 
     Years ago someone said to me that if your body was not taken care of you could not go to heaven. Ridiculous! If that were the case then would heaven receive anyone? These bodies are conceived in a world that is passing away. They are part of it in every way. These bodies are also the place where the spirit that is us has come to reside. The spirit that is us will survive when the body returns to dust. I see it as a temporary dwelling much like an egg shell or cocoon where we can mature and grow to be what God intended us to be. The spirit should not be reliant on the container it is in but the container is reliant on the spirit within. We are spiritual beings in a mortal home to learn the will and ways of God in a way that will preserve that spirit eternally. (Psalm 42:1) Healing of the body is important for the mind but healing of the spirit is paramount to the life we live today and the life yet to come. Often when the spirit is healed the body is also healed. Sometimes it is the other way around but often both are involved. (Jn 7:37) We are passing through this dying world on our way to our spiritual eternal home. Growth of the spirit can bring peace in an embattled existence. Jesus is our example for that life. He has shown that the death of this body is not the end but the beginning. That does not mean taking your own life but living in the spirit until you are called home. This body can't go there but when the spirit arrives in the next life there will be a new, perfect body awaiting us. Do not let this world and this body discourage you from growing the spiritual person within. You are a spiritual being in a mortal body. 

The image I have chosen to share today is from Coloring for Adults. It was downloaded from Pinterest. I have searched for the image but cannot find it. Considering the shear volume of images on this site it is assumed to be there somewhere. At any rate, the face and hair are all I colored. A stunning image to say the least.             

Eyes: B0000  Skin: R0000  Hair: E42  Lips: R81

     The colors used were minimal but the results were anything but. I pray your days are bright, healthy and spirit filled. Remember to always Love The Details.