

Tuesday, April 26, 2022


I normally will not mention authors, books or articles in my posts. This is an exception. The author is Dr. Michael S. Heiser who published a book called  "The Unseen Realm". The subject of the unseen realm is a place where few dare tread or offer their thoughts for fear of criticism. There are often things that happen that we cannot explain but cannot deny. There are times when we feel the unseen hand of God or have things happen that defy any explanation in the world of the seen and physical reality we live in. At times it even tests our sense of sanity. "Did this just happen" or "How do I explain This". Even scientists such as Einstein confessed to things they could not explain. Some even say we live in a kind of hologram. The big thing right now is the missing matter that h olds the galaxies together. Why then is the idea of the unseen world so far fetched? "Blessed is he who believes but has not seen." (John 20:29)  This is a reference to those that have not seen but believe in Christ. If you are one of these believers then you believe in the unseen world. If you believe in Eden then you believe in the unseen world. 

I have gotten many comments when I post some of my collection of images of the wonders of the universe. I have long loved the Creations of our Lord God. It is beyond our reach and in many ways beyond our full understanding or comprehension just how immense and complicated this universe is. Did you know that we are not capable of seeing the full extent of the universe even if we had a telescope or instrument to see as far back in time and space as it is possible to see? Our universe is so large that light from the farthest regions has not had the time needed to reach us. Amazing!!!! Here are a few of the wonders we can see.
The galaxy group Abel 1060 in the constellation Hydra. the large spiked object is a star that was over exposed.

The massive galaxy group Abel 2218. The spiked spots in this image are the only stars. Most everything else is a galaxy. The curved streaks are from background galaxies. The galaxy group is so large it bends the light from object we cannot see to form the streaks. They are what astronomers call "lensed images" because the galaxy group acts as a giant lens to magnify the background object.

AM 0500-620 consists of a highly symmetric spiral galaxy seen nearly face-on and partially backlit by a background galaxy
Barred spiral galaxy NGC 1365
Inter acting galaxy pair Arp 87

This is Arp 147. The galaxy on the right apparently collided with the galaxy on the left and lost the center of its disk in the process. Amazing!!!!
That will do it for this post. If you enjoy this kind of post let me know and I will do more of them. Until next time, God bless and Keep you safe. Remember to always "Love The Details."

Tuesday, April 19, 2022



Have you ever wondered about Eden? Have you questioned if it really existed? Did Adam and Eve really exist? According to scripture they were banished from Eden because of sin. (Genesis 3:22-24) Where was the garden of Eden? The garden was apparently within Eden since it was the "garden of Eden". Where then was Eden? No one really knows because it was hidden from us until that time when the new heaven and Earth are revealed. (Revelation 21:1-3) Genesis 2:10 says a river came from Eden and parted into four streams that watered the garden. In the center of the garden were the two trees. The tree of life bearing the fruit that would give eternal life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. the location that is generally accepted is at the location of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. There is also a location in present day Turkey that fits the description in the bible. Modern day scholars still debate the location of Eden. What are your thoughts on this subject? Do you believe in the garden or do you think it is just a story?

The old wooden cross has always been a favorite of mine whether plain, with a purple cloth draped over it or as adorned with flowers.
I'm not sure where this image came from but it is one  that I enjoyed coloring.

The Copic colors are:

That is it for this week. I pray everyone is well and safe. May the good Lord bless and keep you forever in His arms. Remember to always "Love The Details".

Tuesday, April 12, 2022


Humility is the solid foundation of all virtues.


I have had this subject before. It is not an easy thing to write about. It is not something you decide to acquire. It is something that is easily noticed when someone is truly humble. Humility is never focused on self in its truest form. That is not to say the person that is humble can be pushed around and controlled to suit ones will. A humble person can also be a very strong and direct individual when need be. Christ was a good example of that in his dealings with the Sadducees and Pharisees. (Mark 3:7, Luke 20:27-40, Matthew 16:1-4) To say that humility is a sign of the weak and cowardly is a huge mistake. I know those humble individuals that are strong, will stand up to anyone if it is warranted yet are gentle when it is to comfort the needy. Do not mistake a humble individual as weak. You may be surprised to find yourself facing a gentle powerhouse. 

Some of the images I color are free, some are purchased and others I have no idea where they came from. After searching through my Stamp company (40 Companies) list I cannot find this image. I suspect it may have come from one of the vintage sites. At any rate here it is for your enjoyment.

The copics used are:

That is it for this post. May God bless and keep you safe. Remember to always "Love The Details."

Tuesday, April 5, 2022


 I had a visit to my cardiologist this past Wednesday and got a shock about my health. I had said two years ago that I was told I had a silent heart attack by the local urgent care and hospital. I never followed up with a visit to a cardiologist. My new doctor (the previous doctor moved and is semi retired) insisted I see one. Apparently she wanted to verify a recent 2D cardiogram and what she was seeing. The cardiologist informed me that I did not have a heart attack. I can only assume my very high blood pressure, over 225, at the time apparently caused my heart to do things that mimicked a heart attack. The Lord works in ways that are a mystery to us. I was living a life according to that belief. I am now back to walking my 5 miles or more a day, at the cardiologist's insistence, and taking care of today with more awareness of the Lord's love for us. May He be praised and adored forever.

Now back to my message for this week  

There are times when it seems we wax philosophical and our daydreams are all we have. There are also times when our day dreams are where we go to escape the realities in our lives. We find escape and hope in those same day dreams. Dreams have their purpose in life but they are not the end in themselves. Today is a special day and dreams are not what caused it to be. Dreams have always been a part of our spiritual life. Dreams were used in the bible for many purposes. The prophets were spoken to in dreams and they interpreted dreams God gave to others. (Daniel 1:17 & 2:1) Dreams were used as an excuse by the false prophets to turn the people away from Yahway. In Jesus's day dreams were used to tell the magi not to go back to Herod. (Matthew 2:12) Even today dreams can be something we should pay attention to. Granted it is not very prevalent but it wasn't in biblical days either. Dreams play an important part in our sleep. Rem sleep is vital to our health. Dreamers are the ones who often lead the way to better living as well as disaster. Dream away if you must but always live in the reality of life. 

Today I am sharing an image found on Digital Tuesday some years ago. It is still a good place to find nostalgic prints to color. These are delphiniums. This was a fun image to color.  

The Copics used are:

That is it for this post. May the good Lord bless and keep you safe. Remember to always "Love The Details."