

Friday, December 23, 2016

Being An Example

I walk in the way Jesus walked, even though I am a sinner, in hopes of reflecting the life He has changed within.

Last post was on becoming. To become a reflection of Christ when we are sinners is the process of becoming the word of God in spite of being sinners. Sounds impossible doesn't it?  Jesus was the only one who was without sin. It isn't hard once you realize all of the saints, in fact all of the holy people of the bible, were sinners. The difference was that each of them repented and went forward in the ways God was teaching them to go. How is that possible when "God does not talk to His people any longer". That is a fallacy! The problem is not with God or Christ but with us. We live in a world that is moving at break neck speed. There is little to no time given to pause and hear Him speak to us. We are taught from the time we are born to be on the go, to seek out everything this world can give us. The things of this world seldom reflect the kingdom of God. (Mark 10:17-31) If you are willing to stop, be still and listen for the voice of God, you will soon find He still speaks to those who seek Him. My favorite reminder is in 1 Kings 19:9-13. I try to practice this every day, especially on my walks. Find a private place free of distractions. STOP! BE STILL in mind and spirit. Talk to Him as you would someone standing next to you. With some practice you will find He is always talking to you. It is very often in a very quiet, soft voice. It has the power to change your very appearance, to make you visibly different from the world. Everyone is different. He is always present no matter the state we are in. Imitate Him and follow His ways. Others will take note of the change in you. Of that you can be sure.

This brings up a very interesting thought. It is hard to see ones self as a saint but by striving to be an example of Christ you are also becoming saint like. Remember that the saints were sinners too. They just worked hard at what our Lord chose for them to do. They surrendered to His will. As they surrendered their life changed in ways that became an example of His life. Still think you are not noticed when you imitate Christ? People do notice when someone becomes "different" in a good way. That is a very interesting way of looking at being an example.

Last weekend I got a very special surprise after finishing shoveling snow off my front walk. I heard a bird call not heard in my neighborhood before. I looked around and sitting high in the pine tree two houses down was a very wet
visitor. It was cloudy, damp and dreary day but there sad an adult Bald Eagle. The pictures are a tad fuzzy due to the weather and full telephoto. Enjoy!

Neither my neighbor that was helping to clear my sidewalk nor I saw it land there. It was obviously aware of us though.
We both went and got our cameras to record the event. It was a surprise that the Eagle stayed as long as it did.

I managed to get many pictures from both my back and side yard. It was in the tree for more than a half hour. In fact I don't know how long it visited. Here are a few more pics.

Like an owl they can rotate their heads at least 180 degrees. Amazing.

Magnificent birds. As you can tell this one is soaked from the rain and snow mix. I am sure it was taking a break from its migration.

Than you for visiting. May the good Lord bless and keep you always safe and healthy. May you Christmas be more than you expect and your New Year be the best ever. Remember to always Love The Details.