

Wednesday, April 24, 2024


Last post I said God loves all of us and has loved all of us without regard to our sinful nature. The proof? He gave His only begotten son to be crucified on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins. More proof? His son was without sin, blameless and did not deserve to die as a criminal. More proof? He sent his Holy Spirit to us to help guide us in our daily walk even though we still sin and rebel. Throughout the ages He has been faithful and true to all of His promises. In your short existence have you? He knew from the beginning what we were all like and still he loved each and every one of us. His intent always was to welcome us into his family. Yes, the road ahead is bumpy and full of potholes and snares but rest assured Yahweh, through the Holy Spirit, is always there to help you weather the storm and guide you.

This week a very special image from Victorian Vogue Coloring Book on ETSY. I have a neighbor that has become very special to the wife and I. She has been a friend to us since she and her husband moved into the neighborhood several years ago. I found an image that very much resembles her in a look that she often has when she is listening to someone speak. Since she does not have a blog or follow me I can show this image. It will be given to her as a thank you for her kindness and help.

(Yes her eyes really are that shade of blue.)
The copics colors used are:

Also used were Veritas Brown pencil, Artisoft Yellow Ochre pencil, Marvy Gold pen, Multiliner Warm Gray pen, Multiliner Light Brown Pen.

That is it for this week. May the good Lord Bless and Keep you safe. Remember to "Always Love The Details."

Wednesday, April 17, 2024



Do you know how our bible is so different from that of other religions? What makes Our God so different and special? Our beliefs get lost in the clutter of our world. We think as though the message of scripture can't be true. We think we can earn or impress God into making us special. The thinking of the human mind is not the same as the thinking of our God just as His ways are not the same as our ways. He is perfect. We are flawed and sinful. Do you believe in the words of the bible? Do you understand what it is telling you? Do you understand the full message it is giving? Do you believe that God has ALWAYS loved you and ALWAYS wanted you as part of His family? It is true. Do you know that the Bible is the only bible in the world that accepts you as you are? Did you know that it is also the only bible that proclaims you cannot fix the human condition (sin) on your own or (for that matter) doesn't tell you don't have a problem? Did you know that the bible is the only one that declares that God provided the solution for FREE? You can't earn it! You don't deserve it but it is a gift of love. It is FREE! God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten son to be Crucified on the cross for our sins that we may become sons in His family. Remember that God knew of our sin and loved us anyway. He gave us a way to be forgiven and to join Him as family in spite of our sin. Scripture tells the truth. It is based on the unconditional love of our Lord. No suicides in the name of, no hatred, no them versus us, no negative anything, no way to earn it. God is Love. (1 John 4:8) He that does not know love does not know God. (1 John 3:4) To not love is to live in death. The bible is truth. It is a record of who we are no matter the pain of it. It is also a promise of Hope and a love like no other on this planet. You cannot earn what was always there for the asking despite the human condition. All that is required is that you believe in Christ and the true bible.

This week an image from Dreams Coloring Art.
The Copics colors used are;

This image was another of my wife's  favorites. 
That is it for this week. May the good Lord bless and keep you safe. Remember to "Always Love The Details."

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Fear vs Revere

Man was created to praise, reverence, and serve God our Lord and in this way to save his soul. The other things on Earth were created for man's use, to help him reach the end for which he was created.

Saint Ignatius

The above quote has left something out. God wants man to be part of His family, to share with Him as children of that family. Inspect the creation story and you will find that Eden was the home created for that family to share the company of one another with him.(Gen 2:15-25 & Eze 28:13 ; 31:8-9) It is God's home. There was no fear of God until the original sin. No family can exist equitably with fear of one another. That speaks of sin as being the most prevalent thing within that relationship. The bible is often translated in the term "fear of the Lord". This is true if you are an unrepentant sinner. You should fear the Lord and where you are headed. If you love the Lord and have accepted Him as savior then you should not fear Him but revere Him. Reverence in a family for each member towards one another means we are in a "no conditions" relationship with one another. Love prevails. God created us to be in His image on earth. This places us squarely in a family position with God. He is still the head of the household and the father in charge. We are His children whom He wishes to share His home with. His Love is eternal. It is our choice to accept or reject that love and eternal life with him. I for one long for that life with Him.

Today I thought it would be fun to have a change of pace for an image. It is from Nori Art Coloring Called From Tangles to Giggles. This image is done in colored pencil.

The Artisoft pencil colors are;

Comb - Brown Red

Eyes - Cobalt Blue

Sweater - Cobalt Blue

Teeth - Yellow Ochre

Skin - Peach, Orange Red, Veritas Brown, Red (a wiping technique was used to tone and blend these colors together after they were used)

Hair - Black, Blue, Brown Red, Burnt Umber

This image was fun but took several days to do. These old eyes of mine needed frequent breaks to recover from the fine line detail. Every hair had to be identified and done separately. I will be doing more of these images in the future.

That is it for this week. May the good Lord Bless and keep you safe. Remember to "Always Love The Details."

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Second Chance

Easter is the time of year we celebrate our God giving us a new lease on life, a second chance. Before that we were dead and in the grave. Last post I shared a feeling that is often in the hearts of some of you. Have you ever wondered what God wants from you? He wants nothing more than your love as a child in His family. Have you ever felt your were living a life you could not understand the purpose of? Our lives are filled with second chances that we seem to be blind to. Have you ever felt unloved? That is when we are shut off from God by our own hardness of heart. It is not that God has left us, it is us that we have shut out his love. He has not moved away from us. We have turned from the path with Him. He follows us and calls us to return to the path beside Him. He gives us a multitude of second chances throughout our lives. 

From the book that never was;


    I wander among the stars where   the beginning of time is yet remembered and    the future is but a moment away. The vault of their existence is filled with the essence of  eternal creation, a place where death does not exist. I feel the touch of eons as if  only seconds were passing by. I wander the stars where nothing is lost nor gained but all is constant and equally balanced. There is no need to seek here for all is already known. It is only necessary to accept what is given and enjoy the peace and joy that is God.


                      When I love it is not my physical  self nor only my heart that experiences the gift but the whole of my being.


The Promise 

During a storm of rolling thunder, whose power was released with blinding flashes, a  rain fell steadily as if to cleanse the earth and  prepare her for the coming twilight. Even as the light failed there came a stillness of the air  and the rain changed to a sparse sprinkle. An electric quiet filled the air as all of heaven and earth transformed, glowed with  golden light. Houses, trees, air and sky shown with golden hues.  A great orb of translucent pink-orange settled on the rim of  the earth's shoulder. Peace abounded and God walked the earth. His presence was heralded in the golden light of the promised Jerusalem as it shown all about.  As He passed by, He  touched the sky with His finger and renewed  all His promises with the arch of a perfect rainbow that reached from earth to heaven to earth. Then he breathed a sigh of love and a second rainbow appeared above the first to gently seal it away forever within the hearts of all who beheld it.


Another image from Moontear. (Only 6 more left)

The Copics used are;

The pen is Marvy Gold.

That is it for this week. May the good Lord bless and keep you. Remember to "Always Love The Details."

Wednesday, March 27, 2024



From the book that never was;

I live! I am conceived into a life of endless quest for that which can never bring satisfaction nor answers to an inner need. It is a world gone mad with greed and  inconceivable lack of compassion. Possessions, whether physical, mental or religious, have brought no peace of mind or spirit but have only served to kindle the insatiable fires of greed and hate. The attempt at filling the inner void with finite entities is empty uselessness.

Build you busy hands so your work can crumble! Fall you that were built with  labor of mind and hand so that you may be rebuilt. What purpose is creation when none of it is destined to be forever? What sense is there in being born only to die? There isn't any  reason to live a whole life trying to fulfill a purpose that will either fall short or be fulfilled then pass away into nothingness. Still we  search generation upon generation to find  what is full and everlasting. All people of all the earth are constantly searching and being  disappointed. What were we created for? What is our purpose for being? Seek though you may, It will be as though you were blind for what you shall find is nothing. Spend your last ounce of energy and you may die without your answer or peace in your soul. But if you are still and listen, within you is a whisper which tells of your existence. It does not originate within you but in the house of eternity. It  originates in the Holy of Holies. He is called Creator of Creators. He is called Love. He is pure and total. There is not one thing He needs from us for all is His. He is pure love and that love must have a place to go. We were created as receptacles of His love. We were created to receive Him.


I could not resist this piece from the book that never was. It speaks from a place of frustration and loneliness but with the light of hope shining through. It speaks of a revelation of who we are and the end purpose of our being. God wanted a family, a place where love reigned supreme. He gave His son that we may understand that all He wants is our love and the kind of devotion he has given us. He knows our vision is short sighted in this world. He knew from the beginning how things would turn out for us. After all, He is the beginning and the end, The alpha and omega. What is your revelation of who we are? What do you believe God wants? Are you willing to be still long enough to hear His voice? Do you realize there is nothing more you need do but be still and know you are always in His presence, that you are family to Him?

Another image from Moontear.

The Copic colors used are;

The three colored pens are Multiliner Wine, Olive and sepia. The black pen was used to make lines that didn't print well discernable.

That is it for this week. May the good Lord bless and keep you safe. Remember to "Always Love The Details."

HAPPY EASTER everyone.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024


This subject was touched on several times in the course of writing these posts. Why? The time you are in is what you should be living. It is here and now. It is what will make your past.
The future will look at what you are doing now and not what the future moment will be. It has not yet happened. Those in the future would look at you and say "They were a dreamer but they did nothing with the time they had. They only dreamed." The world runs on dates, times, schedules and such but you may not live to see them. The past is the record of your life. The future is the reading of who you were in that life. Our footprints in the sand will be washed away leaving nothing to show we passed that way.

From the book that never was;

      As I live each second of my life, as it becomes a part of right now, I experience change. To plan for my change is absurd since, at any point, I am no longer living each second as it is given to me.


      I cannot learn until I have lived. I do not learn as I live but because I have lived. How my step forward lands tells me how I have lived.


 I do not choose to memorize what I write. It is more refreshing to read it from time to time so that it might teach me anew.


 The life of all of my youth and all that is gone into the past has become the vision of the  present wisdom for a new, more loving, bountiful tomorrow.


Whenever I enter into meditation I enter into a place of peace and the aloneness of solitude. Here no others may come or enter. It is a personal place in my heart, mind and soul to which the doors are tightly closed. Deep within the byways of the known and unknown I  wander. Truth is found in the clutter of a life lived to the day's end.


I hope you find inspiration or at least a modicum of truth in these offerings. 

Another of the Moontear images. (there are only a few left so bear with me for a few more weeks.)

The Copic colors used are;

That is it for this week. May the good Lord bless you and keep you safe. Remember to "Always Love The Details."

Wednesday, March 13, 2024


(Each week I try to bring a message that will cause thought and something to meditate on. If there is something you would like me to comment on, please feel free to ask.)
There can be no greater mission in life than to love God and those around us. (Mark 12:28-34) If we do this all we do will fall into place. Our very thinking process will change from self to others. Our lifestyle will change and become fuller. Our problems will become less debilitating and important. We become aware of what life is really all about. 
Surely our problems are important but are they all there is? The world is in turmoil. Entitlement, greed and hate are on the rise. Crime follows close on their heels. Call all of this what you may, it is not love of God or of those around us. Love does not produce hate but subdues it. Love does not produce entitlement or greed but a giving heart. We have the choice of living a life that makes others our focus or ourselves the focus. Making ourselves our focus makes for an unhappy existence. Focusing on others may not make us rich or famous but it will result in a satisfaction that mirrors itself in the happiness of others. The key to this is not just family or friends but those outside of family and friends. Some of the best and most profound reactions are from those who were strangers. It is these "others" that need to see that Christ is alive and well on earth. It might just be that it is what they need to begin to love God and those around them. If the world is to change it has to begin with you and I. Mother Teresa was a prime example of this.
Today another of the Moontear images.

The Copic colors used are:

That is it for this week. May The good Lord bless and keep you safe. Remember to "Always Love The Details."

Wednesday, March 6, 2024


Instinct is defined as an innate urge, rooted in natural conditioning rather than reason. The above quote is true if the heart is scripture based. Scripture likens sinners to creatures of instinct. (Jeremiah 17:7-10,Proverbs 1:17, Jeremiah 8:7) It seems the bible considers instinct to be an animal trait more than a human trait when God is not present. The key here is the natural conditioning. This speaks to the survival instinct. There are times when the survival instinct kicks in with situations we encounter in our lives. This is not always with God present. Our lives must be deeply rooted in the belief that God exists and Jesus is our savior. Jesus set aside all instincts and became totally dependant on God for everything. (Luke 42:22) That goes against all natural instincts we follow. (Psalms 51:17) It takes the sacrifice of a broken spirit to follow as Christ did. (Matthew 20:17-28) That is the opposite of what the world teaches. Read the passages given here to understand what that means. Instinct can be a moral safety net if Christian based or a pit for the sinner when it is totally human based. Where you go in life determines the instincts you will follow.
This week another Moontear image.
The copic colors used are:

That is it for this week. May the good Lord bless and keep you safe. Remember to "Always Love The Details."

Wednesday, February 28, 2024


The human spirit within us sees with eyes shaped by the life we live. That vision is based on the earthly life and the human experience. When we invite the Holy Spirit into our lives we begin the journey that changes our lives and our vision from earthly to spiritual. (John 14:16-20) The person living in the world sees the world but not as God sees it. When the spirit of God enters our lives our vision begins to change as well. Indeed the colors of the Spirit become more vivid and alive. (John 14:26) The vision becomes clearer and we are reminded of our place and direction. The loneliness and hopeless feelings become less burdensome or even nonexistent. It is how we are transformed and and find a closeness to our Lord that we never expected to experience. Our spirit becomes closer to the Holy spirit so that there is an inner vision unlike any our human spirit alone can experience. The world cannot know God our father without the paraclete. The Lord speaks of the paraclete coming to the apostles and manifesting in them, teaching them of YHWH Sabaoth (Sabaoth means Lord of hosts). (John 14:16-20, 26) This is the spirit of God come to provide the vision and guidance we need in our walk with Christ. The color of the world is not the same because the Holy Spirit vision is much different than the eyes we see the world with. I have referenced the scripture twice in which Christ has promised us an advocate. It is as true today as it was then. (John 14:20)
Today another Moontear Image. This is my dear wife' favorite of the Moontear images.

The Copic colors are;
It is hoped that you also read what was in my post and not just to view the artwork and coloring. These are gifts from our Lord that are shared with you every week. If you are able please comment. I appreciate your thoughts.
May the good Lord bless and keep you safe. Remember to "Always Love the Details."

Wednesday, February 21, 2024


Note: if you were having trouble following please try again. I have reset the "follow" and "email" gadgets.
This is a subject that has deep meaning to me. Growing up there was not much meaning to this word for me. I never had many friends or "buddies" to hang out with. I was shy, wary and unsure of those around me. I was poor, skinny and standoffish. I was teased a lot and made fun of by most of my peers in not so flattering ways. It was hard to find things to do when no-one wanted anything to do with you. Those that did have time to hang out were the troublemakers. They were only temporarily in my life. As I grew older and began to find the Lord things began to change and I did find a few that were to become my best friends. I also met a couple that accepted me as a friend. They helped me open up and I begin to trust people more. During that time I had a cousin that became a close friend as well. We enjoyed one another's company and did many things together. That all changed when My cousin was in need of a place to stay and the couple offered him a bed and place to stay which the couple inquired if I thought it was OK and I thought it was OK. I trusted him and I trusted them. The very first night he and the wife of the couple slept together. Her husband left her the next day and would not speak to me or have anything to do with me. The wife later offered to help me with "my problem" since she was a trained counselor. That was mostly to make her feel better about herself and place blame elsewhere. My life was in turmoil and trust was no longer something I had for anyone after what happened. Her husband was one of the very few that ever spoke up for me when others ignored me. That was destroyed with this incident. I have forgiven the people involved over time. My only wrong was trusting people and not the Lord in this case. The first trust should always be in the Lord. He is the decision maker in our relationship. The human heart will betray trust if it is not first in the Lord. (Mark 7:14-23) Life is neither fair nor unfair until people become involved. At this point, rest assured, we are tested and refined. Anyone who believes in the Lord will experience this. Love conquers all and forgiveness becomes a way of life. 
Today another Moontear image.

The Copic colors used are:

That is it for this week. May the good Lord bless and Keep you safe. Remember to "Always Love The Details."

Wednesday, February 14, 2024


 Rarely do we find men who willingly engage in hard, solid thinking. There is an almost universal quest for easy answers and half-baked solutions. Nothing pains some people more than having to think.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

This was my way of thinking for many years growing up. Thinking for many is a source for headaches of major proportions. For many finding answers means finding short, compact explanations for everything in their lives. If only life was that simple! I for one do not ascribe to the short simple answer being the only correct answer. I want to know why that is the answer. The bible contains a guide book to living life in the sight and presence of God. It is a history book and a book that rivals any novel ever written. It has all of the features and situations ever conceived within its pages. It is a guide to our moral direction in life. The hard part is that it requires us to think about its message in its entirety. It also brings questions to mind that require some thought requiring solutions. For instance, what were the living conditions in biblical times or what influenced the thinking of the biblical men and women? What were the teachings of those times and eras? What influenced the  Christian in biblical times? What was their teaching and the sources of the information? What other writings from times before Jesus were used to create what we call the bible? This and many other questions are what I try to study to better understand what God is, who God is, so I can be what He wants me to be. The answers are not simple nor are they hard to understand once explained. For me, understanding the times and conditions in biblical times is important to better understanding the people living in those times. We don't really live as they lived nor do we understand and believe as they believed. For instance, they believed in spirits (what we might call ghosts).(Ephesians 6:12, 2 Macc 3:12) Something is lost in the translation without that. I am retired and have the time to dig deeper into the lives of the Israeli, Jewish, Christian connections. I find we are missing much of what Christianity is about. Most modern day believers stop short of the full understanding of the roots of our belief. Do you have questions about the lives and times of Christ, the New and Old testament? I could write a book  on the things I have found about Christianity back then but I would be repeating what is already in print. It is more fun to do the research. (Much of my research is done through a program called LOGOS. There are several versions and the libraries are huge. I get no compensation from them but I think anyone that wants to study the bible would benefit from this resource.)

This week another of the Moontear images.

The Copic colors used are:

The pens used are ; Micron Blue 0.01 mm, Multiliner Wine & Olive.

That is it for this week. May the good Lord Bless and keep you safe. Remember to "Always Love The Details."

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Living Death


Truer words were never spoken. Death has many names but loss of love in our hearts and loss of respect for one another is a living death. Combine the two and death is complete. (1 John 4:8, 4:16, 3:12, 3:18 - In fact, just read 1 John) If you are walking around unhappy and feeling sorry for yourself all of the time, you are the walking dead.  It does not matter what we think about our situation. If you want only the things that are good for others that God wants for all of us, your heart is in the right place. It is not that we don't matter but that we are not only considering ourselves. There are always others worse off than us. We need to see and understand we are not alone in our walk through this life. Misery may like company but it also desires understanding and compassion. An open heart is the way to becoming Christlike. 

This week is another image from Mootear. I will be sharing a few moontear images in between the Dream Coloring Art images until they are all shared. There are still quite a few.

The copics used are:

The two pens are Micron blue 0.01 mm and Pink 0.05 mm.

That is it for this week. May the good Lord bless and keep you safe. Remember to "Always Love The Details."

Wednesday, January 31, 2024



This quote is food for thought. Not many of us think much about our souls. What is the soul? Can it be easily defined? There are many descriptions and definitions for the soul depending on where you look. The wikipedia states : "Refers to one's life". Other sources refer to the soul as that part of us where emotions and things that make us who we are reside. Others combine the spirit and soul as that part of us that lives on when we die. The prayer "Now I lay me down to sleep. If I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take" infers that it is eternal. (Matthew 10:28, 1 Peter 2:11) Both refer to the soul as being damaged by negative actions (NRSV-NJB-KJB-NAB). The soul is referred to often in the old testament but only twice in the new testament, at least in the 4 versions I checked. I am sure the 20+ versions I have would be the same to some degree. Love is without question God, for God is Love. (1 John 4:8) 1 John is about god's love and our love for god. I don't know what that piece of soul is but I wouldn't be surprised if it was missing love. Love is the one thing that has the power to make us complete and acceptable before God. It is the one piece of our existence that our spirit needs to be eternal. There are many naysayers that say the spirit die when we die. Without love that may very well be true. Without love we are truly dead men walking.



      There is little about me I do not know. If I share me and you share you, we shall become more complete.   This is friendship based on love.



Others may see good in me but I see my sinfulness. It presses me on to You, to give myself to You. The good that others see is unsure and full of doubt since it is not yet complete. You are complete and it draws me near to You.  You are my hope and my dream for my life and the life of those around me. May Your glory be complete in us Lord Jesus.



This week I am going to share another of the images from Moontear. There are still quite a few of them to share with you.

The copic colors used are:

That is it for this week. May the good Lord Bless and keep you safe. Remember to "Always Love The Details."

Wednesday, January 24, 2024


Have you ever felt compassion for someone even though you personally were in pain or stressed? If so then, at that moment, you understand what Christ went through. (Mark 9:19, Matthew 17:17)
Even though He was troubled by the generation He lived in, He still felt compassion for us. Even from the cross He had compassion on His enemies. (Luke 23:34) Life is not a sporting event where hate and competition rule. It is a place to learn what our place in eternity will be. There have been times when I have felt the pain of others was deserved and it was good. I then hang my head in sorrow at the thought of feeling that way. Who was I to think they deserved whatever was happening to them. There have been many times when others have done the same to me, although I doubt they later hung their heads in sorrow. We are not the ones to say who deserves what or why they deserve it. This world is on the brink of self destruction and there are many reasons to judge that it deserves that punishment. Then I see the destruction of war and the lives sacrificed as a result. All that I can feel is sorrow at the passing of the innocent as well as the warriors. It is sad the ways in which man finds to destroy himself and others. There are more important things to do than kill one another. It saddens me to live in times like this. I have had others who were hurting more than me show compassion for me when struggling. This is how things should be. It is called love for one another. It is called compassion and selflessness. If we cared less about power, jealousy and hatred this world would be a better place to live.
A few thoughts from the book that never was.



Each waking day presents itself to the eye and mind uniquely and with opportunities anew. How sad we are unable to see them except through hindsight to take full advantage of them.




In all of time why would I call myself special when so many others are so much like me?




Where I go matters not and where I have been even my foot prints have altered the course of life and time.



I have another image this week from Dreams Coloring Art. I am very happy with these images. They are detailed and not as great a challenge to know what I am coloring. It is uncertain whether these images were created in AI but I think many of the available coloring book style artwork images are now AI created. Some of these images have little areas that make no sense whatever and therefore are a guessing game to color.  

The Copic colors used are:

Just a note about the coloring of these, or any image for that matter, is that the smallest of detail is colored individually. Yep, even the hair when strands are visible. The copic Sketch pens have a super fine brush tip. The fine details must done with a light touch and great care. The paper used for this kind of work requires the paper not be too absorbent. Even the lightest touch on an absorbent paper can quickly ruin the image. If bleeding occurs, careful use of the "0" pen can erase bleeds or "oopsies". This is why the "0" pens are included in the colors used. Bad mistakes or bleeds are often "correctable" but may leave behind a stain mark. I experiment when using paper not used before. The "0" blending pens are great for cleanup of an image.
That does it for this week. May the good Lord Bless and keep you safe. Remember to "Always Love The Details."

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Prayers of Confession

On many an occasion in my life I have had to ask for forgiveness, usually of another person. In recent years I have noticed a distinct lack of others asking for forgiveness of others. My thought is whether  not asking forgiveness carries to not asking forgiveness from God. Indications are that it does. In fact if we are not asking forgiveness of others it is most certainly not being asked of God for our sins. We could take a powerful lesson from the ancients in their way of confessing and asking for forgiveness. They went so far as to prostrate themselves face down in the dust to do so. There are few in this world today that would humble themselves in this way let alone ask for forgiveness face to face. I know I am guilty of the omission of asking the forgiveness of another. I do ask forgiveness of God for my sins. Confession is part of the process of forgiveness from God. I try to make it a point to confess the sins in my life as soon as I think of them. That means out loud and usually in private. The Lord is most gracious when done this way. No sin is too small to confess before Him. He is my confessor. Is he yours?    

I am well pleased with the images from Dreams Coloring art. I must admit that I am choosy about the images I pick to color right now. Male images  are a must for me after doing so many female images. Here is another of the images completed.

The Copic colors used are:

This was a challenge and fun to color. The detail is excellent in these images. That makes them a challenge to do and fun at the same time. Anyone who has done coloring of portrait style images knows that female and male images takes some adjustments in thinking to get good results. I am not a professional colorist but there are many differences to the two types of image. Making an image appear male or female is a matter of color choice.

That is it for this week. May the good Lord bless and keep you safe. Remember to "Always Love The Details."

Wednesday, January 10, 2024


I am not sure what my purpose in life is but I try to follow what my heart tells me. I am not rich nor am I famous. I don't see either of them as being important in my life. I have had a decent life and have not wanted for much but neither have I had an abundance of things. My needs are filled with little left over if anything. I love astronomy and have built several telescopes over the years but, alas, the night sky is so bright that it is difficult to see the splendor of a dark sky filled with the stars of this galaxy we live in. I grew up during the second world war, the Korean war, the Vietnam war and chased Cuban gun boats when Russia put missiles in cuba. I was there when President Kennedy almost started a nuclear war while serving on a destroyer in Cuban waters. The times were good and bad during my lifetime. I never thought I would live as long as I have. God has been good, His Spirit watching over me and my family. Much of what I have shared in the book that never was were thoughts during those times. I thought it was time to share it on my blog. I feel more people will see and read it this way rather than try to have it published or even formally self publish it. I am not interested in a monetary compensation. It is more important that it shows that there are many possibilities in life and that God in ones life helps when it seems overwhelming. I am going to give the book a rest for the time being. 

I have always loved art and participated in several art contests in my youth. I have won a few of them but always did my best. I have been coloring mostly female images to display on this blog. I have been searching for male or young boy images to do but until recently have had little success in finding any. Finally I have a few images of boys to color. There are many more young ladies in the set but I have singled out the boys. They are from Etsy. This site on Etsy is "Dreams Coloring Art." I hope you like them as much as I enjoy doing them. They are more difficult in some ways than the female images. Enjoy!

The copic colors are:
The coat in this image was left "as is". The only thing I could have done would have been to highlight the shadows but that is not necessary. 
That is it for this week. May the good Lord Bless and keep you safe. Remember to "Always Love The Details."

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

The Impossible

The holiday season is past and we have celebrated what many in this world cite as impossible, a God who gave His only son so that those who believe might be forgiven their sins and have everlasting life. I know of many that say there is no God and just as many that say there is no life after death. They are the ones that the bible says are lost. Some of these lost souls will turn to God before they pass and be saved but many will not. The impossible is possible with the Lord.

More from the book that never was. 


                      Solitude, "the desert experience," is life giving. It is the freshness of touching new life within myself. It is the peace in dedication to loving union between God, Spirit, nature, man and self. It is the flowing conversion into song of simple beauty beyond word or expression. It is the stripping of self into the naked real me.


                      I am not sent to be remembered when I die. When I die few shall mourn but those who mourn shall themselves be mourned by many upon their death. I am sent for those that shall be remembered and therein shall I be  remembered. My honor falls not in life but in death that brings life.


                   I seek in death what my body can  answer and understand now the answer to  what I seek. That answer is a question that is  short and definite. My life will be spent when I  finish hearing it. My death is my birth and my conception was but a thought of my coming to  be. I left a womb to enter a womb in  preparation for death to prepare for life. I seek  what cannot be found until I am still and when  I am still I find all the answers I seek.


That is it for this week. I am working on some new images and will share one of them next week. I am sure you are tired of the Moontear images by now. There are more that are not shared by I need a change. Until then, May the good Lord Bless and Keep you safe. Remember to "Always Love The Details."