Humankind was originally created to be the representative image of God on earth.(Gen 1:27) The fall from grace ended that. Eden was closed and mankind was banned from entering Eden.(Gen 3:23,24) God took pity and gave us laws to follow. Mankind either twisted them to suite his own wants and needs or ignored them altogether. How is this important? Look back through history, especially bible history and you will see something amazing. How often did God use the multitude to change things with His people? The soul shaking changes came with single leaders not the multitudes. Walking with/in the Spirit of God was never rescinded. With the birth of John the baptist also came the birth of Jesus. Jesus began His ministry but it needed the services of John to be fully realized. When John baptized Jesus, the Holy Spirit was seen descending upon Jesus in the form of a dove.(Mk 1:9-11) Jesus walked IN and WITH the Spirit of God. He became the representative of God on earth. After He was crucified buried and rose from the dead, He visited His disciples on several occasions but on one of those occasions the Spirit of God came upon them and they began Speaking in other languages to the amazement of the crowd of onlookers near by.(Acts 10:37-39 & 44-48) This was all long ago you say and has no base in reality for today you say! Really????? Were you baptized when you were little? Baptism in the Spirit of God is not dead, just unrealized or unaccepted. The Spirit is alive and well for all that will accept it. All that is needed is to ask for it. It matters not that someone is of high birth or lowly pauper, highly educated or of simple mind. The spirit of God makes no distinction for those who truly seek Him. Walking in the Spirit changes lives, perspectives and vision. It does not promise safety in this world but it does assure a safe place in the next.
Today I would like to share a Christmas card from our dear friend Darnell. Thank you Darnell.
God Bless