

Wednesday, November 27, 2024


  These have turned the world upside down.… None of these things move me

        Acts 17:6; Acts 20:24

The men that move the world are the ones who do not let the world move them.


Samuel G. Hardman and Dwight Lyman Moody, Thoughts for the Quiet Hour (Willow Grove, PA: Woodlawn Electronic Publishing, 1997).

No matter the circumstances, the Saints always held fast to the fact that they were fully devoted to Christ and God our father. They knew the possibilities they faced and held fast to their beliefs and trusted in God for their safety. They regarded their safety not in terms of their physical safety but their spiritual safety. They considered their physical worth as nothing compared to their spiritual worth. This is how we should see life and the path before us. The world before us will pass away but the souls inhabiting it with us are precious and of value to our savior. He wishes none of them to be lost. Hope is something we can give by being the image of the God who cared enough to come down, live among us and die for us for the forgiveness of our sins. He also demonstrated that death is not the end but the beginning when He rose on the third day. This life is but a temporary stopover where we are tested and given our strength, our guidance for what is to come. It is hard to be joyous and jubilant at all times, but we should view it as a special time and worthy of being joyful. It is prelude to the life to come.

May the good Lord bless and keep you safe. Remember to "Always Love The Details."

Wednesday, November 20, 2024


  A daily rate for every day

        2 Kings 25:30

The acts of breathing which I performed yesterday will not keep me alive today; I must continue to breathe afresh every moment, or animal life ceases. In like manner yesterday’s grace and spiritual strength must be renewed, and the Holy Spirit must continue to breathe on my soul from moment to moment in order to my enjoying the consolations, and to my working the works of God.


Samuel G. Hardman and Dwight Lyman Moody, Thoughts for the Quiet Hour (Willow Grove, PA: Woodlawn Electronic Publishing, 1997).

Each day we are confronted with new, never-ending challenges. It is not enough to assume because today was lived that tomorrow will be the same. Every day is different. Every day requires us to be vigilant. Yesterday's pain does not dissipate with the setting sun or it's rising in the morning. What we experience and endure in the course of our life is like breathing. Life does not go on without that next breath and the experiences within that life do not go away on their own while we live. As Christians we have accepted the Holy Spirit as our gift of grace from Christ. That grace is to live as Christ lived and be images of Him. That means repent of our sins, be examples of peace, unity and forgiveness. The life you live and what the world at large sees of you when you are in this condition is the light that will change lives and the world.

May the good Lord bless and keep you safe.
Remember to "Always Love The Details."

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

A New Day, New Form

 Exodus 14:19 - Then the angel of God, who preceded the army of Israel, changed station and followed behind them.

The New Jerusalem Bible (New York: Doubleday, 1985), Ex 14:19.

It is not always guidance that we most need. Many of our dangers come upon us from behind. They are stealthy, insidious, assaulting us when we are unaware of their nearness. The tempter is cunning and shrewd. He does not meet us full front. It is a comfort to know that Christ comes behind us when it is there we need the protection.

J. R. Miller
Samuel G. Hardman and Dwight Lyman Moody, Thoughts for the Quiet Hour (Willow Grove, PA: Woodlawn Electronic Publishing, 1997).

The "Thought for the quiet Hour" and "Brainy Quote" may not seem to be along the same line of thought but in reality, they fit perfectly. It is not always the place of leadership to go before the assembly but to follow it and protect it from the rear. The Lord provided protection for Israel while fleeing Pharoah and the Egyptian army by moving to the rear of His people and in front of the Pharoah's army. Leading is not always done from the front but by example. Perfect timing and leadership is what Jesus provides for us. 

May the good Lord bless and keep you safe.
Remeber to "Always Love The Details."

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

In the Fog


The world around us is a place of diverse swirling confusion and misinformation. It is getting harder to discern the truth in anything. I am constantly told things that are near truths or fabrications of anything imaginable. Apparently, people are willing to believe almost anything they are told. The world is a mishmash of misleading information partial truths, mirages and total lies. We must remember that we live in a world overflowing with lies and diversions. We are expected to believe what we are told without question. Wisdom would dictate that we stop and weigh everything against what the word of God says. When we do that the realization soon dawns on us that much of what we are told is anything but the full truth. The word of God is something we can go to and discern what is real and biblical. The word of God is what matters. There have been many failures in life and many victories as well. The Lord has been there through all of them. The blessings in life have all come through the Lord. They happen when we seek God and allow Him to provide the blessings. Seeking the blessings rarely makes them happen. It is in His graces that we realize His blessings. The only way that can happen is if we seek Him. It is in prayer and praise that He can be found. 

Have a great week and pray often with praise in the knowledge that He is always there. May the good Lord bless and keep you safe.

Remeber to "Always Love The Details."