

Sunday, March 13, 2016

The Challenge

Life waits for no-one. Cherish it!

This has been a trying few weeks since the last post. Life is full of surprises. Not everything is pleasant or controllable. Several weeks ago my sister-in-law lost her son to a massive heart attack. His 16 year old daughter found him a day or so after he passed. They were very close. She took it very hard. Jill and I were not informed of his passing for several days after. It was a family friend that told us what happened. We both liked Mike. He was friendly and never failed to say "hi" or to stop and talk to us.

About a week and a half ago a long time friend passed away from lung cancer. She was a heavy smoker and had been going through heavy Chemo and radiation treatments. She lived with a friend so they could share the costs of living expenses. She was a gentle and caring soul who worked at a county nursing home until it was sold to a private provider. At that point she retired. 

A week ago my circulator for the upstairs zone on my heater began to fail. I decided to take things into my own hands and repair it rather than put one of the new throw away circulators in. This requires the complete heating system to be drained. I waited until the night time temps were suitable and drained the system. To prevent having to drain the system every time, I put shut-off valves before and after each circulator. I repaired the circulator, reinstalled it, filled up and tested the system. Works fine now.

I have been working to set up my new computer to to handle the peripherals my old computer had attached to it. Needless to say there are more wires to clutter up things but it is working faster than the old setup. 

Yesterday I had to purchase, replace and set up a new printer for Jill since her old one died. Fun?!?!?!?!?!

What does all of this have to do with the title of this post? No matter how many things happen in the course of living your life the challenge is to accept all of it. What seems insignificant is in fact not something that you can cancel out and ignore. From the smallest to the largest, from the most devastating to the joyous, all things are important. We pass through life but once. All things matter in our lives. If you ignore something trivial does that mean it never happened? Just because you were not in the woods to hear the noise a falling tree makes does that mean it didn't happen? If we do not hear the babbling sound a brook makes does that mean the water stopped flowing. All things are important and affect who we are and who we become, noticed or not. Our Lord is aware of everything. Are we not called to be like Him in every way? Life is what molds all of us. Christ, God and the Holy Spirit guide us and teach us as we continue our journey. 

Introduction The Inheritance of Christians
Blessed be God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who in his great mercy has given us a new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead and into a heritage that can never be spoilt or soiled and never fade away. It is reserved in heaven for you who are being kept safe by God’s power through faith until the salvation which has been prepared is revealed at the final point of time. 

The New Jerusalem Bible. (1985). (1 Pe 1:3–5). New York: Doubleday.

I am going to share a portion of a 8.5 X 11 image I started some weeks ago and have been interrupted in its completion more times than I care to count. I did a card that was downsized from this stencil some weeks ago. This is the full stencil. I will show the completed image when it is done. For now here is a portion of the image that is complete. 


  The photo is not the best but it gives an idea of the detail that has been done to this point. The flowers are not yet finished and a lot of detail in the hair must be added as well as finishing the hair. Hope you like what is done so far. Don't know when it will be finished. It is a work in progress.

That is it for this time around. I hope all of you are in good health and prospering. Remember to Love The Details.


  1. As always great post! You have such a gift with your writing. (which you know I do NOT!)
    I wish that the people viewing your image could see it in real life, your coloring is also a gift.
    Wasn't it a fun week? NOT! But as you say, it's part of life and it's what makes us grow.
    Love you much...

  2. Your colouring on the image is wonderful. Sorry you have had problems, and hope life will soon be running more smoothly for you. Hugs, Valerie

  3. Oh Jim you and Jill really have had a character building week or so!! I know what you are saying, and truly it is so wonderful to know that God knows the beginning from the end, and every little thing that happens to us, and those around us, He knows about!

  4. How fabulous is this gorgeous show, love it ...xx {aNNie}

  5. I am so incredibly sorry for the losses you've both faced. Jill is of course right. You truly do have a gift for both writing and art. Both are amazing art forms that are a blessing. As much a blessing as you are to all who know you. I am more fortunate than others in how well I know you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your inspiration.

    Love, hugs and blessings,
    Em xxx

  6. I'm so sorry for your losses. Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving nice comments. You're image is beautiful. The coloring is fantastic! :)

  7. Sorry for the burdens of the past months But the Lord never gives us more then we can handle , he is very gentle with me .. The art work even not finished is beautiful thanks for sharing them You and Jill are always on my prayer list Have a great week Lis

  8. I so very sorry for your loses. We are struggling here too with a few things. Our neighbor recently had a massive stroke and if she makes it will probably not be able to live on her own ever again. She had dementia issues but was a sweet lady. We're busy, busy here trying to get our house organized, decluttered and painted so my crafty time has been cut in half. Your art piece is really striking.

  9. I am so sorry for what you have been through. I would like to thank you so much for your kind comment on my blog when I went through my depression, I want you to know how much it means to me.

  10. Good to see you back in Blogland, Jim, and thank you for the update! You are a man to take matters into your own hands when it comes to repairs and that's a dying art. I'm so glad you were successful! On the other hand, I'm terribly sorry for all the losses that have happened. I will say a special prayer for the 16-year-old young woman who had such a devastating shock and loss.

    It's also good to see what you've been up to artistically! I do like it very much! Keep up the great work and take care! Hugs, Darnell

  11. So lovely to hear from you again, Jim (thanks for the visit to my blog and the sweet comment, too!!!) So sorry to hear that you've been going through tough times, but somewhere in future you will be able to look back at these difficult times and know that you have grown a lot along the way!!!! We may not understand all that is happening at times, but we know Who is in control, hey!!!!!
    Your painting is simply wonderful!!! You are such a patient artist - I wish I was like that - I think you must be such a kind, calm, loving and kindhearted person - and you are a handyman, too - hope you wife realize how lucky she is!!!
    Have a wonderful week, Jim!!!

  12. I think being able to keep your faith (and your sense of humor) is very important in trying times. I'm sorry that life has been beating you up lately. I'm sorry to for all the loss you've suffered recently. You still have you and your talent though so keep on keeping on!

  13. Such an uplifting and wonderfully inspiring post as always, Jim. I parrot the words that sometimes life is on overdrive when we (mind, body, soul) are not! But I love your faith (and fight) and determination and your vision, your kind words, your prose! You speak volumns in your posts. And the drawing - oh my. It's stuning, even as is. Just as He always reminds us that we are sometimes unfinished, still being modeled :) It actually looks like the spotlight technique now that I look at it again - a beautiful work in progress. Blessings to you and Jill and sending you good thoughts!

  14. Oh, dear Jim, Jill is absolutely right - you have a gift with words, and I praise God for that, among other things about you. You are a great blessing to me and many, many people -- especially in your prayer ministry. Well, what a week you had, and I'm so sorry. (Obviously, you can tell I am very late too, having gotten far behind in my emails.) Yes, we are a compilation of everything that happens to us and that we experience, and I praise God that He and He alone is in charge of it all. And thankfully, He guided you through all that you had to deal with. I am amazed that your artwork is from a stencil - it's beautiful, and I look forward to seeing the finished piece. And another thing that is sure, we are all works in process, aren't we? Hugs and love to you and Jill, Jim! It's always a joy to visit with you!

  15. great painting! you are totally right, thanks for sharing your experiences and thoughts with us, I hope you are doing OK though...big hugs from california for you and jill


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