

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Did You Know?

It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped. - Tony Robbins

    It seems life is always throwing surprises our way. Sometimes that means we must stop and take notice. It may not mean much at the time but all things in the path of life change our lives. Put enough of those happenings in our life and the path we take is altered forever, right? Actually, even the first and most insignificant of those happenings has that effect on life. How aware are you of what is going on around you? How do you greet the day when you wake up in the morning? Do you greet the day with a smile or a frown? Have you considered that every day is one The Lord has made? It is you know! Rejoice and be glad in it for these are days of wonder and learning. All things work to teach us His ways and strengthen us for what will come next, no matter what it may be. 
    It is a huge struggle to accomplish this when things are not bright and festive. It all seems as though it is pointless or against the current. It is as if you are seeing only the ways of the world. This life would have you think all is hopeless and futile. Depressing thought but the reality is that the Lord has made this day and we should be rejoicing in it no matter what we face. When your eyes open or when your feet hit the floor you should be handing your life over to Him and proclaiming "This is a day the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it." You might be surprised with the results in the rest of your day.
    It is something I try to do each and every day. I still struggle sometimes as my body heals from last June's accident. The challenges that come up each day can seem very overwhelming. The Lord will provide for everything we need when He is kept first in our lives. He has made provision for us by His sacrifice. All we need do is rejoice in the day He has granted us and place ourselves in His hands. He wants us to know Him. A life time, in fact, an eternity is not enough time to know Him completely. The more you know of His love the more you strive to know. For now it is for us to rejoice and be glad for each day that is given us. When we do this He will reveal more of Himself to us.
                                Psalm 95: 1-7

         1 Come, let us cry out with joy to Yahweh, 
         acclaim the rock of our salvation. 
         2 Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving, 
         acclaim him with music. 

         3 For Yahweh is a great God, 
         a king greater than all the gods. 
         4 In his power are the depths of the earth, 
         the peaks of the mountains are his; 
         5 the sea belongs to him, for he made it, 
         and the dry land, moulded by his hands. 

         6 Come, let us bow low and do reverence; 
         kneel before Yahweh who made us! 
         7 For he is our God, 
         and we the people of his sheepfold, 
         the flock of his hand. 
                 The New Jerusalem Bible. (1985). (Ps 95:1–7). New York: Doubleday.

    I recently received a card from Em. We share from time to time and she knew I was struggling physically and spiritually. I would like to say a very special Thank You for your support, kindness and understanding.     

    I would also like to share something that caught me very much off guard. While attending a local prayer meeting, a gentleman sitting in front of me turned, shook my hand and thanked me for my service. He then handed me a small plastic envelope explaining that he belonged to a group that recognizes veterans. (Sorry I do not remember the name of the group) The back of the envelope is shown below.

I sat dumbfounded but did remember to than k him several times. In the front of the envelope is a star from a flag that is embroidered, about 1.5 inches wide sitting on a backdrop of the stars and stripes. If I told you I felt honored it would be an understatement.

He told me they do this rather than burn the flags to honor those that serve. God Bless these folks. They will never know how much they touched me.

That is about it for now. Keep me in prayer. Thank you for stopping by and always remember to Love The Details.



  1. What an inspiring and beautiful post and how lovely to receive a nice card as you did. Yes, today is the day the Lord has made, each and every day I wake, say a prayer or two for those in need, kiss a photo of my mum and dad, and thank God I am alive and happy. Thank you my friend, you are indeed a wonderful and inspiring person...hugs.xx ♥[aNNie]

  2. Wonderful post with good thoughts to see us through the days. Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  3. Oh, dear Jim, it's so good to receive an email for this post and to read your post. What a blessing it was to me, and I praise God that you continue to heal albeit slowly. I trust that He will continue to give you more strength and healing each day. And you are absolutely right about acknowledging that THIS is the day that the LORD has made and we shall rejoice and be glad in matter how we feel or think. He has given us this day for His purpose, our good, and ultimately for His glory. Praise God. I've had an interesting couple of years, and both my husband and I know that it all has been filtered through His hands. I love the card that dear Em sent you, and what an extra special joy to receive that embroidered star. Being more than curious, I found the site where this service/ministry is done. Here is the website, and they are in need of flags, help, and funds to continue. Sending hugs and love to you and Jill, and I continue to pray for you and appreciate your prayers for me. Blessings, my friend!

  4. My dear friend, I'm honored and humbled by your words. You do so much for me and mine. For all of us. You are treasured and of course kept in prayer and heart.
    Love, hugs and blessings,
    Em xoxox

  5. Oh my gosh, that piece of the American flag brought tears to my eyes. What a lovely way for the flag to "live" on and a nice thank you. I'm sorry you are still struggling but you have a winning attitude and know that every day you should go forth and enjoy what the Lord has put before you.

  6. Jim, I missed this post, but I see it is dated the day after my beloved went home to Glory.... What an encouragement that wee snippet of flag, so beautifully presented must have been. A beautiful card too - what a joy that must have been to receive.

  7. Jim I wanted to stop by and thank you for your visit to my blog and your heartfelt words! I am so sorry that I had not heard of your accident but I am adding you to my list of prayer needs... May He continue to heal you body and spirit. It is so good to know that He does love us, and He does heal, renew and use us even when we feel there's little left to give. It was so good to read your post... you always inspire me! and that rainbow in another post was just amazing!!! Great reminder too that even when we cannot see... through faith we KNOW and can be sure of those things unseen. Praying for your continued healing and refreshment!!!
    Hugs and blessings to both you and Jill,


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