

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Walk With Me

Stress is standing at an unfamiliar 5 way cross road trying to decide which turn is the right one and which turn will get you lost when you only have enough gas to choose the correct turn. Should have brought that road map.

     Last post we dealt with stress. It would seem little can be done to come to grips with stress. Much has been written about it. Doctors have loads of patients trying to deal with it. Much research, many studies and many drugs are being produced to combat it. The research and studies may find ample causes for stress, most of which the person experiencing it already knows. The drugs prescribed for a cure are a lifetime thing that only push the problem aside without curing it.
     “Come! Take my hand. Walk with me and I will give you peace. Come walk with me. Rest in my presence and I will deliver you from your worry.” says the Lord our God. (Matthew 11:28-30) (Luke 1:79)(Romans 5:1)(Eph 2:14) The darkness is a curtain drawn before us to hide the truth of the Lord. Stress is the vehicle used to prevent us from opening the curtain. Jesus called His disciples to ‘come follow me’ and they dropped what they were doing and followed. They were blessed for having the Lord in the flesh to hear, see and touch. We are asked to do the same without that obvious advantage. It is a step of faith I know but, once made, not as big as one would expect. Taking the hand of Jesus is our choice to make. From there it is a Spiritual walk. Talking to the Lord and resting in His presence brings a peace like no other. Many of the worries and fears begin to dissipate and in many cases begin to have less meaning. Through walking in His presence the Word, the Bible, takes on a whole new meaning as you read it. It becomes the living word because now the Holy Spirit is opening your eyes in ways your soul can drink in, understand, grow. Where the Spirit of God dwells no negative can dwell. Walking hand in hand with Jesus has a calming effect through healing of the whole person. It is not necessarily a quick answer but rest assured, as you walk and trust in Him you will find peace. It is a far more complete peace than any other can provide.

My dear wife gave me a father’s day card that is special to me. She created a collie on the front. My first pet was a border collie. He was with us for several years before he contracted distemper and had to be put to sleep. He was and is special even today, even though that was back in the 50’s. 

     The next image is one gotten from the internet strictly for the purpose of coloring. I know it is a coloring for adults image but I don't remember where it is from.

     That is pretty much it for today. Thank you for stopping by and commenting. Your visits and comments a much appreciated. Remember to always Love The Details.


  1. That is a lovely card! And the image is very pretty, too. Although I don't struggle with stress as some do (such as panic attacks, etc.), I do deal with it, as life is sometimes pretty tough and stressful. One of the things that helps me a lot is being in nature. I love to take long walks in nature and just appreciate all that God created...trees, flowers, ocean, sky, animals, birds. When I watch the birds and other animals, I realize that stress is mostly experienced by humans. Running to work, rushing to do this, that and the other, and often the stress is caused by ourselves. Our outlook on life, waiting until the last second to do things, etc. Take the birds, for example. They go about their daily life, looking for, and finding, food and water, and bring it to their young. They build their nests with anything that they can find that they consider suitable for it, and we don't see them rushing around. Yet, even though they don't rush, everything gets done! In its time. Thank you so much for sharing, I enjoy your posts.

  2. We all should strive to live positive lives. Wonderful thoughts indeed, and that is a lovely card. Warm greetings to you!

  3. Love the collie card you got. Dogs are faithful companions, and do a lot to reduce stress for their humans. The little girl image is fantastic, you have coloured it beautifully. Look after yourself! Hugs, Valerie

  4. Wise words Cherokee - make sure the Irishman knows them too ;-).
    What a lovely card Jill made for you - and so meaningful for you too.
    Love your colouring Jim - it is amazing!!

  5. Nice post! Thank you for posting my card! Stress? What's stress? (Big smile here from the one that you know does NOT handle stress very well!

  6. Oh, that we all would rest more in the arms of the Lord during stressful times! Jim, as always, your words are beautiful, and thanks for sharing His Word as well. What a beautiful card that Jill made. I know you cherish that beautiful collie in your heart, and I absolutely love the image of the beautiful've colored her so beautifully...and her eyes!! Hugs!

  7. Oh Look at Jill's card - a shining gem amidst all the treasures here that you post! What a lovely pup, one that was as special to you then and now - aren't animals good that way? Good for our hearts and souls!
    Now your coloring of the page - WOW! Just so much emotion captured - i am in awe ♥

  8. Beautiful words, card and image, Jim. You're both such blessings.
    Love and hugs,
    Em xoxox

  9. The reminder for a loved pet is very touching That childs face is EPIC TFS................Lis

  10. Hello Jim, Long time no see xx I had a long break! but noticed you had called and left blessings Thank You so much!
    I attempted to get back to my blog at one point, hubby had a few health issues starting in January and going on till May! so again I took time out and got him built up and spent some quality time recovering. I have been looking back and reading your inspirational posts, thank you as always they are wonderful soul soothers. Catch up soon, Hope you and your beautiful wife are well xx Mau

  11. I am way behind on my comments because I was helping my neighbor to see his wife had a quiet peaceful end She passed on Friday She will be missed
    Your images are stunning well done to you ..Lis


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