

Friday, December 20, 2019

A Child Is Born

The excellence of a gift lies in its appropriateness rather than in its value. - Charles Dudley Warner

This will be short Post. Think about the quote above. Apply it to the birth of Christ. It is the perfect gift, given with the purest of hearts and love. 

There would be no Christmas if there was no Easter. - Gordon B. Hinckley

It was appropriate that Christ was born to the Virgin Mary. It was a pure birth, untainted and profound. The value of that gift is realized at Easter. The life we live is a time of learning, of testing and of grace. It is how much we value that grace that determines our path through this life. That Grace is the purest form of love we can ever hope to know. 

Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year to all. 

God bless you and may the blessings of the Lord grace you through the year. Remember to always Love The Details. 

Monday, December 16, 2019

Tis The Season

Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe. - Saint Augustine

Life is a pilgrimage that seems long but in fact is but a second. The quote  above says much about what my posts are about. This is indeed a pilgrimage. The unseen world is where Eden is, where the heavenly beings reside, where Christ, the Holy Spirit and God live.  All too often what we think we see is but a mirage, a lie. (Matthew 8:26 & Matthew 13:13) With Christ, the here and now is not hidden. The Father is in Him and He in the Father, He in us through the Holy Spirit that gives us sight. (Romans 12:2) It is unfortunate that we go through our lives blind to the unseen world. It is veiled with lies, hate, deception and all of the things that take us from a path of love and grace. Love of God and His love for us has no record of wrong. Through Christ we are forgiven. If we fear God our love cannot become perfect for Him. Fear implies punishment. How can we love if we live in fear? Fear and sin is what blinds us, keeping us from the Grace of God through Christ. Repentance and surrendering self to Christ under the guidance of the Holy Spirit leads to the forgiveness. Unconditional spiritual love, not the physical worldly concept of love,  removes the veil from our eyes. We were created to love not hate. There is enough fear and hate in this existence without our adding to it. Amazing things happen when we surrender to Christ. We are on a journey in this life to be born in the life to come. This is the womb for the growth and awakening of the spirit to life everlasting, to light and the hidden world of Christ, the Holy Spirit and Yahweh. We will be truly born into the hidden world, Eden. 

I would like to share an image that is new. I am not sure where it was acquired Since I have had it for some time. It was a challenge to color. I have several others that I want to do but this is my first attempt at such an image. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. This is a beautiful face.

This is in fact the second of two tries at coloring this image. The first was too jaundiced in appearance. This is a much better rendition. Shading on this kind of image is a definite challenge. The image was done with Copics as usual. The colors are :
Cloth - R11
Eyes - E31, E77, E27
Skin - RV0000, RV000, E31, E70
Hair - T3, T1

Note the eyes. The eyes have been a problem area in images. To me they are the windows to the life within. Friends that I share the images with have stopped and said "those eyes seem to follow my movements." An image is dead if the eyes are not alive. That is what I strive for. The Details.

If I do not manage to post again before the end of the year, have a Very Merry Christmas and the Best New Year. Remember to always Love The Details. God Bless. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Some Personal Thoughts

God is the tangential point between zero and infinity. - Alfred Jarry

The point of this quote is all that can be said of God. God is Infinite. There is nothing negative about God. 1 John 4:16 says "God is Love". Every day that love is felt. Every day it is the strength of life. There is no failure when love is there to pick us up. All things are possible in that love. It is the cloak around my shoulders that sustains me. In that love there is no fear. Psalm 23:4 "though I walk through the valley of death, I shall fear no evil for you are at my side". It is often said of God that He is to be feared. If you fear god it is not possible to love Him at the same time. He loves us at all times and His corrections are not to be feared if we love Him in return. There was a woman outside a grocery store that was waiting for a bus. She was suffering from Proteus syndrome.
She was very self conscious of her appearance as I passed. I looked into her eyes and saw someone that God loved. I smiled at her and nodded. The beauty inside was a light that out-shown the physical appearance. God is love. Jesus was born to let all know the infinite love of God for His children. Infinite love from God sees no ugliness, only beauty. It is our choice to be blind to love as God loves. Look around you and tell me what you see. 

I trust in Jesus to be the love and guide to my journey through this life. I have learned that I am incapable of the journey on my own. Trust in His love is first. Lose sight of that love and you will soon be off the path. That path is unique to each person traveling hand in hand with the Lord. If we compiled each journey for each person it would not be possible to finish reading the finished journal. That is how it is  with God. When we are called home an eternity is not enough to learn all there is to know about Him. That is why He is infinite. This blog can never be kept long enough to list all there is to know about experiencing Jesus and God the father. With that, I will shift to the image for this post.

This image is nowhere near what the in person image is like. That does it for this post. I will try to post one more time before the end of the month. Until then, Remember to always Love The Details and God bless.