

Sunday, April 12, 2020

My Neighborhood

Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?' - Martin Luther King, Jr.

When my wife and I first moved into this neighborhood few of the people talked or shared time with one another. We were viewed as outsiders. Some of the neighbors were friendly and others were downright hostile. As the years pasted and new people came and went things began to change. We gradually became the oldest family in a two block area. Some of those that were on our street were older and a few were middle aged but there were few younger people as time went on. We got to know many of those that were neighbors and gradually became friends with several. The trend toward younger couples in the past year or two has increased and they are less friendly but that is the way of the world. Even with this trend things are still friendly.

There are several elderly people on our block that stick together and help one another whenever possible. When heavy snows come many of us get together and shovel sidewalks of those who are unable to do their own. We even mow their lawns when possible and clear the leaves in the fall, get groceries and even make a meal for them. One neighbor in particular is quick to tell you they don't believe in God but will just as quickly join in when we help others. When I was unable to shovel snow several years ago I came down to find them doing my sidewalk before going to work. When asked what I could do for them they just said "You are good people and I want nothing. Your thanks means a lot to me." I realized  then that the fact that I was always the first to be out doing things for others was being noticed by others. In talking to this person I was told they had been treated badly by "Christians" to the point they didn't think Christians were real and for that reason God didn't exist. I know how that feels because I have been there too.

Judgement by others can be hurtful. Christ didn't come to save the those who not sinners but the sinners of the world. This person is course in many ways but if  time is taken to see the inner person that is not easily seen there is a kind and needing soul there. I took the time to go up and talk for a bit when I noticed them out front, keeping my distance because of the COVID-19. They were about stir crazy because of the current virus situation. We talked for about an hour and they came down to visit with the wife and I on the front steps.

There are no art pieces to share today just a reflection of what the calling that we have received. To be examples of our God is the reason we were created. Sometime we are so taken up in our beliefs we forget that Jesus was our example of the life we should be living on earth. We may not be able to do all of the miracles He did but that does not mean we cannot be gracious, understanding or giving. This is the time of year, and in this pandemic, that it is important to be aware of the plight of life on this planet. Be safe, be giving and may the Lord Bless and keep us all.

Remember to ALWAYS Love The Details.


  1. It's good that you stick together and help each other in the neighbourhood. Love your neighbour as yourself. I have good neighbours here, too, and a young friend who has been going shopping for me in the past weeks so I don't have to go into the shops. Hope you are feeling well now, and wish you and your wife a happy Easter and all the best. Hugs, Valerie

  2. So true Jim - I live in a wonderful neighbourhood where help is readily given, but it is also transitory as there are several rentals in the street. That does not stop me from being friendly and welcoming, even if it is not reciprocated. I live by a right of way drive , and often one of the neighbours from the back, and the neighbour from the other side, and myself have long chats, with one part way up the drive, and us leaning on our respective fences!
    Stay safe

  3. Another beautifully put together piece, my friend.
    Love, hugs, and blessings,
    Em xoxo

  4. Sounds like a great neighborhood. I moved four years ago and miss my old neighborhood of 25 years. I have been using the stay home time to make cards. I then send them out to family and friends. I know that I am cheered by a card in the mail and think others are too. Hope you have a lovely day.


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