

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Predestination? Fate?

Wisdom is oftentimes nearer when we stoop than when we soar. - William Wordsworth

Predestination is not something I believe in. It is true that God knows the whole of our lives including how it will end. That does not make it predestined. It is more the fate that we ourselves create with our actions than something God has created us to do. He has created all of us in His own image. We were to be like Him. We were the ones causing the events and paths that brought us to where we are. This was not predestined by God but cause and effect of our choices. Today it is we who control our destinations through our choices. The Lord guides us and tries to teach us the way to heaven and the way back to Eden. Our fate is the result of what we do or do not do as we travel the road through life. If it was predestination repentance would not be a part of our language. It would be moot for us. We could argue that there is no purpose to asking forgiveness and changing the way we behave or think if it had no effect on the outcome of our actions. Lives do change and forgiveness does happen. We are able to avoid a fate worse than death with repentance and humility. 

In this day and age there are those that would would twist what is fact to suit there own desires or to justify an action that is unjustified. What of predestination if our truths are taken to places they were never meant to go. It is a struggle to justify the actions that are outside of the realm of not just legal but common sense. There is great injustice in this world. The quest for equality is much like a marriage, both give and take, equally. The problem is it is often lopsided. Why? It is inevitable that once we have what we want we want more until we have it all. At that point the pendulum has swung to the far side of the scale causing the same needs as there were when it was on the opposite side of the current swing. It never seems to settle in the center but continually swings from side to side. Christ said to the rich man, "Sell all you own and give it to the poor then come follow me." (Luke 18:22) This caused the rich man to walk away. The man had followed all of the commandments but one. "Do not covet". Justice is proper but not if lawlessness is brandished in the process. What we strive for is never found when our vision is always turned toward ourselves. I truly worry at what I see in the world. Is this predestination or is this fate as we have created it for not just ourselves but for all?

This is how it feels at times to see the world we live in.

Really? That doesn't seem right! Maybe a different perspective will help.

I have had these images for some time but do not remember where where they came from. 

God Bless and
Remember, Always Love The Details.


  1. Vexing questions Jim - the question of free will vs predestination, and the role sin and rebellion have in this mess we are in... Praise God for his Son, who gives us the way back to Him through repentance and forgiveness, restoration and healing, and guides us through the rest of life (when we choose to listen!) through the quiet promptings of the Holy spirit.
    Stay safe

  2. As always, your heartfelt words are thought provoking, my sweet friend.
    Love, hugs, and blessings,
    Em xoxo


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