

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

What I am Not

 Galatians 3:28

(Acts 8:1-9) Saul (Later renamed Paul) was a good example of a man that was changed and lived through spiritual adversity. It also shows how much God loves us and wants to use us to show His love for all of us no matter who we were before we are called. Unlike most of those called to be disciples, Saul (Paul) was well educated. He had to be humbled so he understood who Christ was. (Acts 9) He was now brought to a place where Christ could affect his rebirth and cause him to be a new creature, an apostle to the gentiles. This is an extreme example of the Holy Spirit causing the conversion from non-believer to believer. Hard hearts sometimes need this to see the truth. For some it happens subtly, more gently. I felt the calling when very young, too young to understand the meaning of being Christian. By the tweens (pre-teens) it was becoming clear that something was different. I answered an alter call in my early teens but still had no true idea what it meant to be Christian. Still living in the ways of the world the Lord said enough is enough and caused me to break both major bones in my calf and the socket of my foot. For three months while healing I read the bible from beginning to end since I was not allowed to walk on the cast. Much has happened since that time including being guided to do this blog. There are many things in our lives that we can look at and say "I can relate to that" as we read the bible. I am not a Paul who travels the world, converting souls over to the Christian way nor a minister or priest. It is enough to share what I have been given to give hope to those who are feeling alone or forgotten. Christ forgets no one and leaves no one behind. I know that first hand. Hardships and broken bones may just be a wakeup call telling us to stop, be still and listen to the gentle voice of the Holy Spirit calling to you. God loves us and sometimes does miracles to cause us to listen to that whisper we are too busy to hear otherwise. Yes broken bones can be miracles when they cause us to return to the path and be still so we can become better Christians.

Today I would like to share a page from a coloring book, Creative Haven - Peacock Designs coloring book,  that I was given by a friend. I will be giving them this as a birthday present on their birthday. They are enamored with peacocks so this was done especially for them. 

The Copics used were:
The diamond in the upper left is Wink of Stella gold. That pretty much does it for this post. Thank you for stopping by and if you commented it is much appreciated. Remember to always "Love The Details." God Bless.


  1. Love how your blog has evolved Jim, and I enjoy reading your posts. What a testimony. God had to do some pretty radical work in my life in the early years to get my attention and then commitment. That despite being brought up in a home that was very active in, and committed to, the 'church' rather than to the Lord... although in retrospect, my parents were serving the Lord as best they knew how.
    Love your colouring, it's stunning.'
    Stay safe

  2. What an eye opening post! Yep, I do came to the Lord in my tweens, but didn't struggle with faith until the passing of my late husband. I believe, but sometimes I have what I call a "black heart" because of bitterness I feel in my heart towards some family members. I have been working really hard to hear the Lord and let go of this black heart. And I do hear Him! Yes, this is an excellent post Jim. I am sorry you had to go through so much suffering though. I can't even fully imagine how hard that was, I only have a small taste of what you went through. Your coloring page is lovely and will make a great birthday gift! Peacocks are beautiful and you have colored this one up beautifully. Hugs and blessings, Brenda

  3. Faith is such a personal journey and I'm honored to have shared mine with you privately and for your friendship. Stunning coloring, as always.

    Hugs xoxo

    1. I agree, faith is very personal. It is an honor and privilege to share with you. Your friendship is precious to me.


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