

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Beam Me Up Scotty


This post is about being transported from one place to another instantaneously. Impossible you say? Not according to the bible! (Read Acts 26-40) Philip was instantly taken elsewhere. This is without question an extraordinary happening. He was transported to another place instantly where he began to preach the good news to others on his way to Caesarea. The scientists of today doubt that it is possible to accomplish this feat because it is so complex. Not only the body but the spirit and all memory not to mention other features of the person would need to remain intact for them to remain who they are. Yet the Lord did it with ease many times in the scriptures. ( 1 Kings 18:12; 1 Kings 2:16; 2 Corinthians 12:2, 4; 1 Thessalonians 4:17 ) The Lord Himself appeared in many different places instantly to instruct and prove His being risen from the dead. Even many of the Saints had the ability to appear and be seen in other places. These are things of science fiction that are documented to be true. There is much to be awed about in the scriptures that we cannot comprehend even today. I am left dumbfounded with what our Triune Lord can do. He is truly worthy of praise and worship. Scriptures are awe inspiring and humbling. Make it a habit of regular reading of scriptures taking note of the "impossible" things that happen. What was impossible is becoming possible In this day and age. 

Today I am going to share our resident nesting robin. Robins are members of the Thrush family of birds. Two years ago I put up a nesting platform under the eave of our back porch to prevent the robins from creating nests on our security flood lights. That would have been a fire hazard. I moved the partially constructed nest to the platform and the robins completed it where I put it. That was two years ago and the robins have used it every year since. She has gotten used to us coming and going and stays on the nest most of the time watching our every move. Of course she keeps an eye on us but never leaves her nest unless we get too close. Usually there is a male and female but this year she is alone. I think the male may have abandoned her but most likely he was killed.   

She is sitting on our neighbor's fence scolding me.

On my shed roof still telling me what she thinks just before she goes back to her nest.

Now that she is sitting again she is quiet but still making sure I am at a safe distance. The only time she scolds is when she is off the nest to feed, bathe in the birdbath or some other reason.

That is it for this week. May God bless and keep you safe. Remember to always "Love The Details."


  1. Oh, how I would love to instantly teleport. The robin is beautiful xoxo

  2. Yes, not only are there instances in scripture of 'instant transportation', but there are also testimonies of this in today's world. God is to be held in awe and fear and all reverence.
    Thanks for you commentary on the Robin - we don't have them here, but we certainly have thrushes, and they are singing loudly at the moment for some reason

  3. Nothing is impossible with the Lord that is for sure and it blows the mind of people even today. A great post Jim. I love hearing about your robins, how sweet of you to make a new platform for them and their nests. Love that it is used each year too. The cats (not my cats, don't have any) get my robins nests, or the wind will blow the nest out the trees. It's a shame and always breaks my heart when I see the broken eggs on the ground when mowing. They definitely can scold one when you get to close to the nest. lol Good little mamas for sure. Hugs and blessings, Brenda


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