

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

, Psalm 107:2-9 (YHWY's Guiding hand for a people)
Our savior is the guiding hand of those who believe in Him. He is the life and the resurrection for our nation. There is nothing but darkness and wandering for those who turn away from His guiding hand. The nations that followed His word and believed in Him were were strong and united. The Lord provided for them, fought for them, guided them in all they did. His people are those who know He is real and follow Him. He reveals Himself and through Him our father in heaven. We have not not been fortunate enough to have been there when He walked the earth with us but that does not mean we are unable to know HIm. Our walk with Him has not survived for over 2000 years because He is dead. Our Lord and savior has been providing for us, healing us (Yes, even with miracles), correcting us, guiding us, blessing us, calling us to His side for those 2000 years. Now as then the world is in turmoil, in disarray. We need to be aware and not silent about the state of things. It seems people want to do whatever they want whenever they want no matter if it is morally correct or not. A sad statement for the world view of things in this day and age. Self destruction is the path the world is on. 

This is a sheet from Imagine and Do. It was colored with Copic Pens.

Pray for the world and may the good Lord protect you and keep you safe. Remember to always "Love The Details."


  1. Yes, this world is in a sad state as every man goes his own way regardless, apart from God they know no better.
    What a privilege to know Jesus, and through Him the LORD, and be filled with the Holy Spirit dwelling within us.
    I have experienced miraculous healing - God is good!
    Beautiful colouring Jim

  2. The state of the world is a despairing one. Beautiful coloring as always xoxo


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