

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Psalm 90:10-13


The subject today is from The Wisdom of Solomon. It struck a chord with me two days before my birthday as did the quote from Socrates. The reading stopped me in thought for a few seconds. This is what it says (from the New Jerusalem Bible); 10 The span of our life is seventy years— eighty for those who are strong— but their whole extent is anxiety and trouble, they are over in a moment and we are gone. 11 Who feels the power of your anger, or who that fears you, your wrath? 12 Teach us to count up the days that are ours,   and we shall come to the heart of wisdom." I soon turn eighty! I never expected to live past 50. The power of the word of God through the Holy Spirit is in truth a wondrous thing. How many of you count up the days that are yours? In a recent post I wrote about seeing each day as a miracle, in another about praying for wisdom and still another about how those who think themselves wise are fooling themselves. Socrates has it right. We have it wrong. Verse 11 is speaking of God. By taking note of each moment of our lives, counting up the days, we give homage to the Lord our God for the gift of life we are blessed with. All things are turned to good for the glory of the Lord for those who love Him.
The card I am sharing was posted on the 30th of August by my DW for our wedding anniversary of 59 years. It is a really neat card.

She picked what seems the right era for our ages. 😁 She is definitely the love of my life. 😍 
This is a short post by design. May the good Lord bless and keep you safe. Remember to always "Love The Details."


  1. The card is perfect. You are both utterly incredible... and I'm looking forward to spending some time with you tomorrow.
    Love, hugs and blessings xoxo

  2. Happy birthday - and anniversary too!
    Love this pretty, pretty card.

  3. Lovely compliment for your wife - happy anniversary. The Socrates quote was written on the wall in our philosophy room at university. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  4. A wise post Jim. I so enjoy your perspective, and the older I get, the mire I realize life is but a fleeting breath in the 'big' scheme of things...
    Congratulations on attaining such a good age and sustaining a great marriage too.
    Thanks for upholding us in is challenging at the moment

  5. Congrats on your amazing anniversary and a very happy birthday to another who was born in September! You've definitely reached some milestones in your lifetime and congratulations on both special occasions!


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