

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Who is better?

(Luke 18:9-14) I often hear the phrase "thank God I am not like that" or see someone criticised for not being like someone else. I have endured criticism most of my life because I did not conform to someone else's idea of whom I should be. The person I should be like is usually the one doing the criticizing. I have heard prayer like the one Jesus speaks of in Luke 18. Self righteous Pharisees are what they are. Read the passage above. Be sure you are not counted among them. Pray for them in humility. Remember the Jesus Prayer, " Lord Jesus, Only son of our father, Have mercy on me, a sinner." I once read that each of us is everything that everyone else is. On a personal rendition, "all that you are I am." It is a good thing to remember. Under the right circumstances it is not impossible that we could be that person we do not like. Do not judge another lest you be judged as you have judged. (Ezekiel 7:27) As for who is better, scripture is full of verses to answer that question. Jesus had the answer that pretty much says it all. (Matthew 20:21-23) 
Today I am sharing a classic puzzle from the 1920/30 era. It is a well loved puzzle with some damage and two pieces missing but still in rather decent shape. It is called "Spanish Dancer." I tried to find it on the net but all I could find is a smaller version of the same puzzle from a different company. 

The one offered on the net is at least an inch smaller in all dimensions.

As you can see the box is showing wear but is still in good shape.

For the most part this is in good shape. It was not easy with two pieces missing and one piece damaged but well worth it. Love the image. I guess I am old fashioned in many ways but that is OK.

That is it for this week. May the good Lord bless and keep you well and safe. Remember to always "Love The Details."


  1. A great post Jim - how often we are too quick to judge, and try to take the splinter out of our neighbours eye and forget that we have a log in our own!!
    We only need to look at the Lord for our role model, and how short we fall of that goal.
    What a fabulous puzzle Jim, and the pieces are an unusual shape also - quite a challenge

  2. What a fun jigsaw puzzle, well done. I have no patience for jigsaws! So many people are self righteous, I try to stay clear of them- I am blessed with wonderful neighbours and friends here. Hugs, Valerie

  3. Another thought provoking post, my friend. The puzzle image is beautiful xoxo

  4. I think it's absolutely amazing that there are only two pieces missing from the puzzle! WoW! I love the picture too. "Back in the day" I'm sure this was put together many times because of it's beauty.

  5. What a great post Jim! It is true, there is a lot of criticism and we can look no farther than our own backdoor. We are all guilty of it from time to time. I hate admitting that, but I have to. I have endured criticism as well, so why do I criticize? Is it a habit that we pick up? Or is it hardening of the heart because it has been done to us so often? Hard to say, I only know that it needs to stop as we need to look to our Lord and shape ourselves the way he does. So while I have gotten better....I still have criticism in my heart...might not speak it...but think it and that isn't any better is it?!! So I am working on that! Wow, I've never seen a puzzle for the 20/30's! I love the shapes of the puzzle pieces, so different from todays puzzle shapes. I also love the colors and the image in this one. Love that you have kept it even though there are some missing pieces and a damaged piece. Yes, I am old fashion in many ways too and I am proud being old fashion. Hugs and blessings, Brenda

  6. As someone said in a comment above me, "What a thought provoking post!"
    Yes! Amazed me with this puzzle. You put it together so quickly, and may look in the picture like an easy one. I know for a fact that it wasn't!


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