

Wednesday, March 27, 2024



From the book that never was;

I live! I am conceived into a life of endless quest for that which can never bring satisfaction nor answers to an inner need. It is a world gone mad with greed and  inconceivable lack of compassion. Possessions, whether physical, mental or religious, have brought no peace of mind or spirit but have only served to kindle the insatiable fires of greed and hate. The attempt at filling the inner void with finite entities is empty uselessness.

Build you busy hands so your work can crumble! Fall you that were built with  labor of mind and hand so that you may be rebuilt. What purpose is creation when none of it is destined to be forever? What sense is there in being born only to die? There isn't any  reason to live a whole life trying to fulfill a purpose that will either fall short or be fulfilled then pass away into nothingness. Still we  search generation upon generation to find  what is full and everlasting. All people of all the earth are constantly searching and being  disappointed. What were we created for? What is our purpose for being? Seek though you may, It will be as though you were blind for what you shall find is nothing. Spend your last ounce of energy and you may die without your answer or peace in your soul. But if you are still and listen, within you is a whisper which tells of your existence. It does not originate within you but in the house of eternity. It  originates in the Holy of Holies. He is called Creator of Creators. He is called Love. He is pure and total. There is not one thing He needs from us for all is His. He is pure love and that love must have a place to go. We were created as receptacles of His love. We were created to receive Him.


I could not resist this piece from the book that never was. It speaks from a place of frustration and loneliness but with the light of hope shining through. It speaks of a revelation of who we are and the end purpose of our being. God wanted a family, a place where love reigned supreme. He gave His son that we may understand that all He wants is our love and the kind of devotion he has given us. He knows our vision is short sighted in this world. He knew from the beginning how things would turn out for us. After all, He is the beginning and the end, The alpha and omega. What is your revelation of who we are? What do you believe God wants? Are you willing to be still long enough to hear His voice? Do you realize there is nothing more you need do but be still and know you are always in His presence, that you are family to Him?

Another image from Moontear.

The Copic colors used are;

The three colored pens are Multiliner Wine, Olive and sepia. The black pen was used to make lines that didn't print well discernable.

That is it for this week. May the good Lord bless and keep you safe. Remember to "Always Love The Details."

HAPPY EASTER everyone.


  1. - The day is nice for me when I have done something good... also for myself -
    A hug for you.
    Viola wishes you a happy Easter

  2. Beautiful thought provoking post and coloring. Happy Easter!
    Love and hugs xoxo

  3. A beautiful image and fabulous colouring, so lovely.

  4. Wow that sure did start off pretty depressing but thankfully he ended it with the hope we have in Christ and what his dying on the cross did for us. I know Jesus was our example on how we should live our life and that we strive to be like him and that is all that can fix our broken world.

  5. I completely agree with your thoughts of how greed and hatred have taken over what was once a peaceful existence for mankind. Nothing seems to satisfy anyone but material possessions, power, harsh criticism, and control. It's like a madness has been unleashed upon us and it's difficult to work through it. I remember to thank the good Lord every night because I'm grateful for all he gives me. Your coloring skills always amaze me and this image is another beautiful sample of your gift. The eyes always mesmerize me in the way you color them. Have a blessed Easter

  6. I'm sorry your book never got published. The image is fabulous! Hugs, Valerie

  7. What a deep thinking article on the futility of life without God being the centre of it - He who created us, drew us and died for us loves us beyond measure! Thank you Jim.
    Beautiful colouring of a sweet image.

  8. Dobra, co z serca do serca płynie
    I dużo pięknej wiosny wokół,
    Niechaj w radości czas ten minie,
    w miłości, która jak co roku
    nadzieję niesie, zieleń, kwiaty
    i słońce co wszystko rozjaśni!
    Niechaj w tym świętym, pięknym czasie,
    nie będzie smutków ani waśni,
    niech tylko dobro w nas rozkwita,
    jak wiosna, co Wielkanoc wita.

    Szczęśliwego, wspaniałego Czasu życzę Ci na te Święta i serdecznie pozdrawiam!

    Beautiful Post, happy Easter!!!

  9. Lovely.


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