

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Lost Tomorrows

This is a thing that growing older causes us to do. To those of us that are ageing the past is still relevant and real, a safer place than the present reality. Just as our parents before us saw the days of their youth as safe and simpler we find ourselves doing the same thing, living in the past. In reality, the present is where we are and where we need to be and participate. The past is good for lessons learned and remembering mistakes made to prevent them from being repeated. There are good memories to be tucked away but today is the time to create those new memories. They do not exist in future times because the future is not the present. We create the future in the here and now. It is good to remember that our travels through the present are where our footprints are left according to what we do in the present. Our actions and even our words mold the future not only for ourselves but for those around us. No-one passes through life without affecting the world around them. Every breath we take, every word we utter, everything we do causes the world to change in some way. Is it any wonder that God spoke, and it came to be? Greater things are accomplished when Jesus is part of the present than just me alone. We cannot change what has passed, but we can move forward with positivity. 

(This will be the last post for some time. I am taking a sabbatical due to other demands in my life.) 

Today I am sharing another of the Highlander Men images. 


The Copics used are;

The pen is a Copic multiliner brown.

That's it for now. Thank you for your support and may the good Lord bless and keep you safe. Remember to "Always Love The Details."


  1. Happy belated birthday! Beautiful and thought provoking post, as always. I pray all is or at least goes well for you and Jill during your break. You know where I am if you need or want a chat.
    Love and hugs xoxo

  2. To live fully means to embrace the present moment and meet the challenges we find there. Jim, enjoy your sabbatical, but know you will be missed here. Blessings always, and Happy Birthday!

  3. A very happy belated birthday - I hope it was a special one, just like this image of the young man you brought to life with your coloring skills. I'm going to miss seeing your artistic skills as you take a break, but hopefully after some time to catch your breath and focus on other things, you'll be back again. Until next time, take good care and keep smiling. God Bless!

  4. First of all: Happy belated birthday! Hope it was a good one.
    Once again, I'm out of words! Your coloring is wonderful as always! I'm not able to understand how it's possible!
    You are a real artist! You'll take a break, but I do hope you'll be back again! You will be missed!
    Wish you and Jill a great time. Take care.

  5. Querido amigo, disfruta de tu año sabático y mientras descansas acá te estamos esperando, siempre nos dejas algo para la reflexión.
    Llegué tarde pero igual te deseo con todo mi corazón UN FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS.
    Abrazos y besitos

  6. La imagen preciosa, esta bellísima
    Abrazos y besos


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