

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Is It Real

True religion is real living: living with one's soul, with all one's goodness and righteousness.

An Einstein Quote From

I love astronomy as many of you already know. The inconceivable vastness our environment is a sobering realization. There are things that will never be known to us. Science may try to unravel the mysteries of "why" and "how" but for every answer there are many more questions that come to the fore. The farthest regions of space can never be seen and every time the smallest of the small is realized something smaller is found. The complete answers will never be known. THAT is the beauty of our Lord. Religion is not something exclusive to any sect or teaching but life itself. The whole of the word of God is a teaching on how to live and the rewards of that journey when we acknowledge the truth found in them. It brings pure humility to know some one so great can create on scales we will never comprehend. The season coming up, Christmas, has many things that defy explanation. Angels, and the Holy Spirit are some things that vex science to this day. Immaculate conception? How is that possible? Hearing voices and no one physically there? Mary must have eaten something that did not agree with her or she was inebriated when those voices came to her to tell her of the Christ child to come! It must have been a coincidence when Joseph was told about Mary, right? Angels and the Holy spirit are VERY real for me and many like me. My doubts were wiped away many years ago. What about you? Do you celebrate Christmas as a holy time or is your Christmas just for the presents? If you are going to celebrate the season then celebrate the only gifts that matter, the birth of Christ and the gift of the Holy Spirit. They bring the gift of forgiveness for all who believe. With them come the healing of mind body and spirit. I assure you these gifts are real.

I have been without a computer for awhile as my old workhorse died. It has been giving me fits for some time. I am now back on line and have come to discover that several of those that I was following have stopped posting and some have even left the blogging scene. Until I figure out how is still around I will not be doing shout outs.

Today I would like to share two "House Mouse" images that I colored.  The first is called "Mice Leaf Riding.

The Copic colors used are:
The second image is called "Mice Warm Dreams"

The Copic colors used are:

E41,RV00, E45, E41, E44, C2, C1, C0, C00, C4, B06, B05, B32, B00, Y00, R05

For now, that is my offering. As I get caught up I will post more. I will also visit those of you who are still posting. Thank you one and all who have been so patient with me.
Remember to always Love The Details. 

I almost forgot!!! My internet connection has been very spotty lately. One more thing to slow things down. Fun isn't it? 


  1. Love your house mouse pics, they are always my faves. Have wonderful and blessed Christmas, hugs, Valerie

  2. So glad to see you back around - and with cute mice images and wonderful coloring! Hope things get sorted out with the internet for you and all that.

  3. Oh, Jim, it's wonderful to see you back again, and I am so sorry about your computer issues - definitely not fun! But what a wonderful post today about the inconceivable vastness that God has created...with just a word/breath. And I loved how you shared that we find the "smallest" thing and yet there is something "smaller." So true! I believe the complexity of our bodies alone could keep scientists and researchers busy for millennia. I absolutely LOVE your House Mouse mice with the leaves! they are so beautifully colored, and what a delight! And the darling mouse nestled in the candleholder sleeping in the warmth of the candle is precious! Beautifully done, and - as always, my friend - so poignant and moving! Hugs to you and Jill!

  4. I don't know how anyone can look at this world of ours and say God doesn't exist Jim! There are so many things that are unexplained and unexplained for a reason...God is the answer! How can a woman feel a baby moving in her womb and not know there is a God?? How can one look at the universe and not know there is a God? I know I can't, it can only be God. Yes, I celebrate the birth of Jesus, our Savior for Christmas, love going to midnight mass, but if I don't make it to midnight mass, then early mass on Christmas morning will be fabulous as well. I love soaking in the word of the Lord and what better time than Christmas?! I love your beautiful mice cards, they are oh so cute and colored so beautifully!! I have been away from blogland too, with just some scheduled posts, but hoping after the holidays to get on with some card making and scrapbooking. I hope you and Jill have a blessed Christmas Jim and a very happy and healthy New Year. Hugs, Brenda

  5. It is good to see you tonight
    Your message as always is worth reading more than once
    The House Mouse coloring is inspiring I need to slow down and do more detail both in craft and life
    MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and Jill May you be blessed .....Lis

  6. Greetings Jim, For me Christmas is a spirit of giving...sometimes it's just a smile, offering a kind word or support. Sharing food with family and friends and giving to the local pantry and senior center. I create my Christmas list and send as many cards as possible, including blessings and prayers of good will.Celebrating the spirit within and rejoicing... after all my name is Carole (a joyful noise) Thanks for the visit and good luck with the computer.

  7. Saw your comment at Brenda's and was able to quick hop over to see what you were up to. Sorry to hear about the pc, but happy you have a new one! Enjoyed the post, and for me personally, I and my house, celebrate the "Why" we have Christmas. I've never had problems accepting the Beings or events in the 1st Christmas...I don't try to understand or rationalize. It just IS...that's all. And I have had ample proof my whole life of Someone greater than I, who has blessed my family & me. He doesn't need me to understand the concepts of the universe, just accept the gift He sent & still sends! Only He truly knows my heart, and that's all that need be said. Now, on to these cute cards. Love each of the HM, and I have #1. Don't think I've ever colored up so well, and you are amazing that you keep such explicit track of all your colors used - never happen with me! Good job, and good to see you posting again. Best to you & DW, and so pleased to hear from DW that ya'll had a happy Thanksgiving. Blessings.

  8. Oh Jim, yes living with the internet can be 'fun'. We are about to go onto a fibre connection, so hopefully things will go smoothly.
    Christmas is truly a miracle - the more I think about it the more I see to wonder about.

  9. I recently read on facebook [which I really only go on for the design teams I am on], this caught me eye which stated there is not God as people suffer from Terrorism, aids, etc etc.....I did not respond But to me these are self inflicted and God has nothing to do with how we choose to live the wonderful life He has given to dad is living proof that God exists in our life and we must respect it. My son, an ex drug user of ICE has now disowned us, his parents, and chooses to life his life with his wife without us in his life....His choice, God did not make that for him but we suffer with the question of WHY. Does this make me not love my God, makes me a stronger and better person...power in prayer...

    oh Gosh Jim I am ranting your HM images....hugs to you and your dear wife.xx
    Delightful creation and lovely image and colours used...x

     { aNNie}

  10. Thank for another post with food for thought. Totally agree, lets celebrate the season for the reason and not for material things. Those cute little critters has been coloured delightfully.
    Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}

  11. You have coloured these two little mice images beautifully Jim. Hope internet gets sorted for you quickly. Hugz from across the pond.

  12. Hi Jim, ....Who is this stranger you
    I am still not able to blog due to lack of time. My sister needs daily help and I feel like all I do is run around in circles these days. Hopefully I will get back to organising my time better after the new year...who knows!
    Your colouring is superb as always and your Word for us as inspiring as always. Thank you my friend xxx Hope Jill is keeping well please give her my love. I will try to call around more often as I do miss your beautiful posts xxx

  13. I must apologize for how long it's taken me to get here. As always, your post leaves me lost for words. Your words resonate so much and your coloring is absolutely stunning too!
    Love, hugs and blessings

  14. Wow Jim - your colouring is as fabulous as ever, and it's good to see you in blogland again. Thank you for yet another uplifting Post, and I'm so pleased your computer is working again.It's almost like losing your best friend when it crashes! (how sad am I)!
    Christmas for me is a wonderful time when all the family get together, which we don't have the chance to do very often throughout the rest of the year.
    Whatever you are doing this Christmastime, may you and yours have a very happy time.
    Hugs, Sylvia x


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