

Friday, October 27, 2017

Ask and You Shall Receive

Out of difficulties grow miracles. - Jean de la Bruyere

     It sometimes seems a long lonely path we travel. The way is not always as we envision it. Though we pray often, asking for this or that, there is no change or answer that is obvious. The tendency is to say it is not being heard or we are not worthy to receive our request so we stop praying or asking. The scriptures say “knock and you shall receive” (Matthew 7:7-12). Some knock their whole lives and never see the door opened. It may have in fact opened and been granted but not in the manner in which you wanted it. In fact you may not have even recognized it. The way of God is not the way of man. Gifts from God are almost always given in such a way that what we need is provided in accordance with what He knows is good for us. God will not be manipulated by us. What we think is best for us is often not in consideration nor a part of His will for us. We often think of ourselves in full control of our own destiny through planning and hard work. What is not seen or considered is that our path almost always goes against His direction in our lives. If you stop and look at where you began and where you are now it is entirely possible you did not plan on being in the position in life you are currently in. Money, power, fame, fortune, top job, extreme intelligence are all things granted according to God’s Graces. No amount of manipulation will sway Him to provide what is not good for us. The good things in life, the things that will make us happiest without corrupting our souls is what is provided to us. There are other gifts provided and available the more closely we follow His leading.

     If this seems a departure from last month’s post it isn’t. If mankind accepted the life offered in believing in the God that brought us life in the sacrifice of His son this would be an altogether different world we live in. Unfortunately there are those that want to be in control no matter what the cost. That control is manifested in many ways. Even the Christian is subject to the blind control of others, that includes other Christians. Yes there is an insanity in much of it that is out of control, at least one that we can relate to. The answer? I can’t answer that for anyone but myself. Everyone is used differently by the Lord. For me it is to ask the Lord for all of the tools needed to be the example of the life He would have others see and recognize. Wisdom, knowledge, and all of the gifts of the Spirit that would be used to glorify Him. How much of that is being granted is not always obvious to me. Only those around me can answer that. It is better to be an example naturally, without premeditation. Only then can we be seen as Christians, not just followers but believers.

Today I would like to share a card sent to us from Darnell. Jill told me I should post it since I am the wine connoisseur in the family.

     I have several labels, wine and etc, and this is a class act to follow. Love the card. Being that it is a card wishing a happy anniversary and that the label is for an aged wine it is a very appropriate for the occasion. Thank you Darnell. We are honored.

I almost missed a very special card Jill gave to me. It was for our anniversary. 

     With all that has gone on in the past few months, all of the world and personal happenings, it is our closeness, love and compassion that has persevered. Time has tempered what we have and the dross has been removed until what is left is pure and eternal. Thank you for being you.
     That is all for this time around. God Bless and keep you all and remember to always Love The Details.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Hope In The Darkness

The soul that is within me no man can degrade. - Frederick Douglass

     I am sitting outside with my laptop trying to write about the life we try to live in the Lord our God. Given that since my last post we have experienced two destructive hurricanes and one of the worst terrorist tragedies in recent history, it would seem a difficult task. Add to that the many individuals we know and cherish who were affected by these events and the messege becomes difficult to come to grips with. The suffering and in some cases, the loss, creates a heaviness in our hearts that is hard to overcome. The natural disasters are hard enough to take but the recent event in Las Vegas is another matter. I find myself grieving for the loss of so many innocent lives. There is a disbelief of the total lack of compassion or restraint on the part of the shooter or total lack of conscience for the hundreds that have had their lives altered or destroyed. Even in the face of all of this there is a powerful example of what life is all about. Through each and every disaster and tragedy there come multitudes of tales of courage and selflessness. Stories of strangers helping stranger and some cases giving their life for another. In many cases there was no thought of what they were doing other than providing a need for another that was helpless. In some cases it was the selfless protection of another that cost them their lives. We are not talking about military people. These are ordinary citizens in most cases that were in the same danger as those they were helping. They ignored the danger to themselves and helped others. In the face of the evil of this world there are those that our Lord will touch, unbeknownst to the “heroes” being called forth, to react and step forward to be counted, not necessarily noticed. For every fenatic out there, if we look hard enough there will be many more that will be selfless when the need arises. It will never take away the pain or the horror but at least it gives hope that tomorrow can and will be better.
     In this broken world the only thing that can fix it is faith in Christ Jesus. To hope that man will find the morals, the sanity to overcome what has become a world of hate and irresponsibility is fantasy without God in the mix. Rhetoric is so much lip service in this day and age. Without Christ and God there is nothing but chaos and death. I pray that the Lord return to our lives and bring sanity and peace to this country and the world. Unity, understanding, forgiveness, compassion, love and an eye to someone other than ourselves are His way. It should be our way as well. May the good Lord bless and keep you all safe. May He bless you, forever holding you in His loving hands. Amen, Amen and Amen.
      Hopefully the next post will be more joyous. Until then here are two more cards. Both are from Em Fairley. They are late in being acknowledged. I hope You like both of these cards as much as I do. 

They are Gorgeous. The first is a birthday card. You know me well Em. Fabulous design. Can't express how much I love is card. Thank you.

This was for Jill and my 54th wedding anniversary. Jill and I love this card. I must be strange because I love lacy cards. These are special cards from a very special lady in our lives. Thank you.
     The Lord be with you all and keep you safe. Never forget to Love The Details. Until next post, God Bless.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

The Human State

I can have peace of mind only when I forgive rather than judge. - Gerald Jampolsky

      Have you ever given any thought to what it means to be human? What is that really? Being human has been described in many ways some of which are good and some not so good. The full range of the human state is far too great to begin to explain in the space of this blog. It is questionable if a book or a library full of books could accomplish that feat. There are many libraries on this planet full of books explaining or trying to explain the human state and what it is to be human. If you could see my smile you would understand that there is another explanation coming.
     It is important to understand that what most people think of as our purpose on this planet is to live life to it's fullest, acquire all they can, love, procreate and be as happy as they can. That is the human vision of it all. To some degree that is part of the human condition and vision but it is only partly correct. First of all, it is not what we were created for. We were originally created as children of God and placed in a garden that provided all we could possibly want. Why? So God could have children to love and love Him back. What proof do I have of that? God so loves us He gave His only begotten Son that we may be forgiven our iniquities for all time. We have nothing God wants since all things are His to begin with. The human state is that we are born in darkness. The choice is ours to travel to the light of His love or remain in the darkness.
      A major portion of the travel toward the light is littered with dark spots impeding our progress. The dark spots are often the people who have chosen the material things they see as what makes them human. The original sin. Those material things are very tempting. That is not what we were created to pursue. The pleasure of what is finite is not the true human state. We were created to be an infinite creation but it is our choice to travel that path toward God. Our hearts are drawn to the light and the promise of eternal life. 

I would like to take a few moments to pray for all those who are affected by the hurricanes and earth quakes in the past weeks. May the good Lord be merciful and provide what is needed to recover from the destruction and loss. May He comfort and wrap His loving arms around those who lost loved ones in these tragedies. May those who have passed be granted entrance into Your house for eternity. Bless those giving of their time and money in response to those in need. Thank you Lord for hearing this prayer. AMEN and AMEN.

I have one card to share with you today (75th). Two of Jill and my friends, Kathie and Cheri had an early birthday party for me. Kat was going to be away this month and they wanted to be sure they celebrated it with us. It was a surprise to say the least.

This card is one created by Cheri and knowing the ladies it was a collaboration project. It is a step card. 

Here is the inside.

Very clever and very appreciated. Thank you both. You are both very special to both of us.

There are other cards to share but they will be spread  out over the next two posts. Until then be sure to pray for those affected by the hurricanes and earth quakes and remember to always Love The Details.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Healing and The Spirit

It takes move than a good looking body. You've got to have the heart and soul to go with it.

     The above does not mean that what resides inside is not beautiful. What resides within is often far more beautiful that what is seen on the outside. 

     As many of you know, I am involved in a prayer ministry both on my own and with a prayer group. Prayers of all sorts go into my “One Day At A Time” prayer request book. It is a book acquired many years ago for the purpose of writing a journal. The title of it is apropos for the purpose it serves today. Once a name is entered into the book it is never canceled, erased, removed nor ignored. As long as I am able the book will be prayed over. As many of you have professed, problems never go away in this world. They are ever present and ongoing. This should tell you that being remembered in prayer should never be discarded. Prayer is lifted up each and every day for those in the book, It is rare that a day is missed or forgotten. The book even goes with me when we take a vacation. 
     Years ago someone said to me that if your body was not taken care of you could not go to heaven. Ridiculous! If that were the case then would heaven receive anyone? These bodies are conceived in a world that is passing away. They are part of it in every way. These bodies are also the place where the spirit that is us has come to reside. The spirit that is us will survive when the body returns to dust. I see it as a temporary dwelling much like an egg shell or cocoon where we can mature and grow to be what God intended us to be. The spirit should not be reliant on the container it is in but the container is reliant on the spirit within. We are spiritual beings in a mortal home to learn the will and ways of God in a way that will preserve that spirit eternally. (Psalm 42:1) Healing of the body is important for the mind but healing of the spirit is paramount to the life we live today and the life yet to come. Often when the spirit is healed the body is also healed. Sometimes it is the other way around but often both are involved. (Jn 7:37) We are passing through this dying world on our way to our spiritual eternal home. Growth of the spirit can bring peace in an embattled existence. Jesus is our example for that life. He has shown that the death of this body is not the end but the beginning. That does not mean taking your own life but living in the spirit until you are called home. This body can't go there but when the spirit arrives in the next life there will be a new, perfect body awaiting us. Do not let this world and this body discourage you from growing the spiritual person within. You are a spiritual being in a mortal body. 

The image I have chosen to share today is from Coloring for Adults. It was downloaded from Pinterest. I have searched for the image but cannot find it. Considering the shear volume of images on this site it is assumed to be there somewhere. At any rate, the face and hair are all I colored. A stunning image to say the least.             

Eyes: B0000  Skin: R0000  Hair: E42  Lips: R81

     The colors used were minimal but the results were anything but. I pray your days are bright, healthy and spirit filled. Remember to always Love The Details.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Walk With Me

Stress is standing at an unfamiliar 5 way cross road trying to decide which turn is the right one and which turn will get you lost when you only have enough gas to choose the correct turn. Should have brought that road map.

     Last post we dealt with stress. It would seem little can be done to come to grips with stress. Much has been written about it. Doctors have loads of patients trying to deal with it. Much research, many studies and many drugs are being produced to combat it. The research and studies may find ample causes for stress, most of which the person experiencing it already knows. The drugs prescribed for a cure are a lifetime thing that only push the problem aside without curing it.
     “Come! Take my hand. Walk with me and I will give you peace. Come walk with me. Rest in my presence and I will deliver you from your worry.” says the Lord our God. (Matthew 11:28-30) (Luke 1:79)(Romans 5:1)(Eph 2:14) The darkness is a curtain drawn before us to hide the truth of the Lord. Stress is the vehicle used to prevent us from opening the curtain. Jesus called His disciples to ‘come follow me’ and they dropped what they were doing and followed. They were blessed for having the Lord in the flesh to hear, see and touch. We are asked to do the same without that obvious advantage. It is a step of faith I know but, once made, not as big as one would expect. Taking the hand of Jesus is our choice to make. From there it is a Spiritual walk. Talking to the Lord and resting in His presence brings a peace like no other. Many of the worries and fears begin to dissipate and in many cases begin to have less meaning. Through walking in His presence the Word, the Bible, takes on a whole new meaning as you read it. It becomes the living word because now the Holy Spirit is opening your eyes in ways your soul can drink in, understand, grow. Where the Spirit of God dwells no negative can dwell. Walking hand in hand with Jesus has a calming effect through healing of the whole person. It is not necessarily a quick answer but rest assured, as you walk and trust in Him you will find peace. It is a far more complete peace than any other can provide.

My dear wife gave me a father’s day card that is special to me. She created a collie on the front. My first pet was a border collie. He was with us for several years before he contracted distemper and had to be put to sleep. He was and is special even today, even though that was back in the 50’s. 

     The next image is one gotten from the internet strictly for the purpose of coloring. I know it is a coloring for adults image but I don't remember where it is from.

     That is pretty much it for today. Thank you for stopping by and commenting. Your visits and comments a much appreciated. Remember to always Love The Details.

Sunday, July 9, 2017


Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe. - Saint Augustine

    Stress! It is an unwelcome part of our lives. It has the ability to dominate us. It can make us sick, bring on migraines, heart problems, distract us from our duties and generally be a health hazard. It can even cause death. For many years it was a factor in my life that caused many problems. The cause? Usually fear or uncertainty. Health, job security, family problems, death of loved ones or any number of things can cause stress. Everyone has faced stress at one time or other. Much of what we face in life is uncertain. Why is recognizing this so important? It always has to do with what we cannot see. It is not something we can pick up or touch, smell or see physically. It is the unknown.
    What does this have to do with faith? Let me ask you this? What is it in your life that causes stress for you. OK! How do you handle that part of your life? Does faith enter in as a solution? It should because we are told not to worry about our needs or concerns. (Matt 6:31) Christ is there with guidance and blessings to fill every need. (Mat 6:26) All too often we allow ourselves to be convinced that our freedom from these things is beyond a solution. That is exactly what our adversary would have you believe. The truth of the matter is we are free of such things through Christ, the Holy Spirit and YHWY, our father in heaven. Have faith in Christ and believe that His death has freed use from stress. Praise the Lord.
    I have some photos I would like to share with everyone. We had a storm roll through here several days ago. Shortly after the rain stopped, Jill came upstairs all excited and wanted me to check out back. I got up, went to our back window, came back to the office, grabbed my camera and went out back. This is what I captured.

    This and the next image are not as spectacular as the 'in person' double rainbow.

    It is only the second complete ground to ground double rainbow I have ever seen. It is the brightest by far. 

    It is also the only one that hinted at the existence above the red and below the violet bands that there were more bands. Actually there are that our eyes are unable to see. 

    This last image was taken as the rainbow faded. It serves to remind me of God's promises and that just because they seem not to be there, they are there forever. The faint second rainbow is a reminder that even greater things are promised. Faith is a powerful ally in our walk. Without it there is no hope. Believe and you shall be rewarded.

    It has been a blessing to have you stop by. Thank you for your comments and remember to always Love The Details.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Did You Know?

It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped. - Tony Robbins

    It seems life is always throwing surprises our way. Sometimes that means we must stop and take notice. It may not mean much at the time but all things in the path of life change our lives. Put enough of those happenings in our life and the path we take is altered forever, right? Actually, even the first and most insignificant of those happenings has that effect on life. How aware are you of what is going on around you? How do you greet the day when you wake up in the morning? Do you greet the day with a smile or a frown? Have you considered that every day is one The Lord has made? It is you know! Rejoice and be glad in it for these are days of wonder and learning. All things work to teach us His ways and strengthen us for what will come next, no matter what it may be. 
    It is a huge struggle to accomplish this when things are not bright and festive. It all seems as though it is pointless or against the current. It is as if you are seeing only the ways of the world. This life would have you think all is hopeless and futile. Depressing thought but the reality is that the Lord has made this day and we should be rejoicing in it no matter what we face. When your eyes open or when your feet hit the floor you should be handing your life over to Him and proclaiming "This is a day the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it." You might be surprised with the results in the rest of your day.
    It is something I try to do each and every day. I still struggle sometimes as my body heals from last June's accident. The challenges that come up each day can seem very overwhelming. The Lord will provide for everything we need when He is kept first in our lives. He has made provision for us by His sacrifice. All we need do is rejoice in the day He has granted us and place ourselves in His hands. He wants us to know Him. A life time, in fact, an eternity is not enough time to know Him completely. The more you know of His love the more you strive to know. For now it is for us to rejoice and be glad for each day that is given us. When we do this He will reveal more of Himself to us.
                                Psalm 95: 1-7

         1 Come, let us cry out with joy to Yahweh, 
         acclaim the rock of our salvation. 
         2 Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving, 
         acclaim him with music. 

         3 For Yahweh is a great God, 
         a king greater than all the gods. 
         4 In his power are the depths of the earth, 
         the peaks of the mountains are his; 
         5 the sea belongs to him, for he made it, 
         and the dry land, moulded by his hands. 

         6 Come, let us bow low and do reverence; 
         kneel before Yahweh who made us! 
         7 For he is our God, 
         and we the people of his sheepfold, 
         the flock of his hand. 
                 The New Jerusalem Bible. (1985). (Ps 95:1–7). New York: Doubleday.

    I recently received a card from Em. We share from time to time and she knew I was struggling physically and spiritually. I would like to say a very special Thank You for your support, kindness and understanding.     

    I would also like to share something that caught me very much off guard. While attending a local prayer meeting, a gentleman sitting in front of me turned, shook my hand and thanked me for my service. He then handed me a small plastic envelope explaining that he belonged to a group that recognizes veterans. (Sorry I do not remember the name of the group) The back of the envelope is shown below.

I sat dumbfounded but did remember to than k him several times. In the front of the envelope is a star from a flag that is embroidered, about 1.5 inches wide sitting on a backdrop of the stars and stripes. If I told you I felt honored it would be an understatement.

He told me they do this rather than burn the flags to honor those that serve. God Bless these folks. They will never know how much they touched me.

That is about it for now. Keep me in prayer. Thank you for stopping by and always remember to Love The Details.


Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Patience - In God's Will

We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us. - Joseph Campbell

It is a sad statement, seeing the hatred and self centered actions in the world today. There is much judgement and stony hearted behavior everywhere we look. There is more than enough the world over to make one wonder where we are headed. It certainly is anything but God's way. No wonder there is so much despair and stress in this world. What is the answer? Put the love of God back into everything we do. Hatred and all the things that come from it is not the way. The above statement is true in so many ways, there is not enough room to mention them all here. Sanity the world over appears to be absent. It is frightening to think of the consequences of a world gone mad. Friends against friends, brother against brother, allies against allies. Where will it all lead. To be honest, with the weapons available today, extinction comes to mind. Everyone wants their way no matter what the cost, no matter who is hurt, even at the cost of life whether innocent or not. Why? The lack of moral vision? A twisted sense of right and wrong? We all have needs and dreams that will be dashed at times. That is a fact of life. Nothing will be forever except for God's love for us.

So what is the solution? Given the fact that so many, both abroad and domestic, are so focused on hurting those that do not agree with them it is very evident that God is not their focus. Doing things outside of His will always lead to ultimate failure. That failure can be catastrophic. Letting go and letting God does not mean being silent or sitting still. It does mean being sure of what God wants then standing up and being heard. That does not include violence, terroristic or destructive actions. Those actions are born of other than love and are self destructive to any movement. It is born of hatred not love. Since God is love, it does not take a genius to realize where those actions originate. Following Jesus, surrendering to Him, allowing Him to set our direction, putting one foot in front of the other, living in peace and harmony with compassionate understanding is far more desirable than living in turmoil and strife created because others are not willing to live in His gentle shadow. The need to destroy is born of mankind and the need to control. That is not the way to happiness nor is it the way to peace and harmony. Where is your heart? Are you at peace? Think about where your heart is. 7 My dear friends, let us love one another, since love is from God and everyone who loves is a child of God and knows God. 8 Whoever fails to love does not know God, because God is love. 9 This is the revelation of God’s love for us, that God sent his only Son into the world that we might have life through him. 10 Love consists in this: it is not we who loved God, but God loved us and sent his Son to expiate our sins. 11 My dear friends, if God loved us so much, we too should love one another. 12 No one has ever seen God, but as long as we love one another God remains in us and his love comes to its perfection in us. 13 This is the proof that we remain in him and he in us, that he has given us a share in his Spirit.  The New Jerusalem Bible. (1985). (1 Jn 4:7–13). New York: Doubleday.

I have a card that my lovely wife made for me for Valentine's day. How appropriate for this post. Love you very much sweetheart. 

Sorry about the shadow in the image. It is the result of the layering of the image. This is a very special card. 

Thank you to those who have been supportive over the last few months. Jill and I have spent the better part of the beginning of this year sick with a flu that was pretty nasty. We were both down, me first and then Jill, for roughly three weeks each. That is about it for now. Remember to always Love The Details.