

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

It is what it is

As life proceeds it appears to pick up its pace in an apparent need to get to its end.  

I would like to apologize for not getting back to those that have visited and personally thank you for stopping by to comment. All of the changes that Google is making have really messed up the way it works. I am still trying to get things working somewhat as they used to. It used to be that when I posted your comments, a notice was sent to my inbox in Google Mail. That no longer works. I have been trying to get it to do that again but nothing seems to work. Thank you again for your comments. They are what keep me motivated to continue. With all that is going on it is hard to create a post that is meaningful.

My thought on life at the top of the post is much the way it appears these days. Funny how when we are young we can't wait to get older to do all of the adult things. Then we become adults and are so busy with jobs, spouses and family we don't notice time passing by. Then we get older only to notice that time is speeding by so quickly that hours and days are a blur, making it hard to remember what day you  are in. The only thing that seems to slow things down somewhat is making ourselves still. It is at these times we can remember the cherished moments, the love, all that is important, all that has become who we are. All else is part of the blur we hardly remember or took notice of for that matter. It would be easy to discard all those blurred, hardly noticed things but they make up the majority of what made us who we are. Life may be a hectic blur, hard to get a clear picture of in our minds. If it has so much as touched the most insignificant part of our life, a port we never even noticed, it is a something that is also a part of the path we are currently on. It cannot be denied or ignored since it is a part of us. Christ is a part of this "hardly noticed" part of our lives. He is always there gently guiding our every action, our every move. (Colossians 3:12)(Psalm 25:4-5)

Today I would like to share some of my favorite images. These images are gorgeous even when they are not Colored, which makes them a challenge and a work of love.


The image above is my favorite

They are all from the first few weeks of this blog. They are special to me in many ways. The first two images are from an artist friend in Finland. Her talent is extraordinary as you can see. The last four are from Sugar Nelly. This kind of image is no longer being offered the last time I visited them.

That about wraps up this post. May God bless those of you who visit and comment. You are truly a blessing to me. I am still trying to get the comments to post to my gmail when I approve them but to no avail. I will still pop over to anyone's blog that comments to view you wonderful creations and comment. Remember to Love The Details.


  1. The images are all so beautifully coloured. Google made a lot of changes because of (stupid) new regulations in the European Union. Hope you soon get the problems sorted. Take care of yourself, hugs, Valerie

  2. A beautiful selection of images, your fabulous colouring brings them to life.
    I think everyone has had a similar problem with the comments and email notifications...try this.
    Sign into your blog, go to settings the email. There should be box next to 'Comment email notification'
    add your email address into the box. Save. You should get an email asking if you want notifications. Accept.
    Hope this makes worked for me!

  3. No wonder these are some of your favourites, they are absolutely beautiful!! I especially love the young woman (second from the top). She is not only gorgeous but you have really brought her to life with your colouring skills. With your comments, I was having trouble too but I did this: I went into settings (I think) where you put your email address for where the comments are to go to. Delete your email, and save. Close out of Blogger, go back in and put your email address in again in the same spot and save. It didn't work the first time for me (does for most people), so I did it again and now I get ALL my comments in my Inbox. I hope this helps!!

  4. As always, your words speak to my heart, and the pictures are absolutely stunning. You are such a blessing xoxo

  5. Jim these are glorious and I see many images I love to colour too. Love your delightful words, art and sincereness....big hugs, [aussie aNNie blog] ♥ ♥

  6. Yep, the older one gets, it seems the faster time speeds by! (at least IMHO). I try to take each day as it comes, and be thankful I woke up to enjoy the day (some are more enjoyable than others though!) We're finding that a day when neither of us has medical appointments is a day to treasure..just to do nothing if we choose, or go out to lunch, whatever. And at night, reflect on the good things we were blessed to share that day. You might check out Darnell's instructions for getting the comments to come into your email as they used to do. The instructions have worked well for a lot of us, and hope it will help you as well. Enjoyed seeing the lovely images with the awesome coloring effects. Take care. Hope you folks are not getting all the rain & bad weather I'm hearing about. Have a great weekend. TFS

  7. Hi Jim, first let me thank you for calling by and leaving your hugs and kind thoughts. I agree with you how fast life seems to go as we get older! The only thing in our lives that remain constant is The Lord.
    Your images and colouring are beautiful!
    Rich Blessing to you both xx


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