

Tuesday, September 7, 2021



It is human nature to complain about everything whether true or not. I will rejoice in the day the Lord has made for it is good. I have little but what I have is a blessing from Him who made all things. That which is a burden to me is of my own making for God does not burden His creation but strengthens us to go through life joyfully. Praise for Him is ever my purpose in life. (Psalm 146:1-2, 6-10) It is easy to allow depression to take over and rule our lives but praise and love rejects it and provides a path through our troubles to a better outlook for our soul. Life may be trial after trial, pitfall after pitfall, sorrow after sorrow but love and joyful praise lead to a better outlook on what we have and what is to come. We were created to mirror the creator, to praise Him with our actions and our voices. Read psalms and you will find that they all praise and exalt our heavenly father. It does not mean much when someone is praised other than to confirm that we see the Lord through them, that He is working through them and in them. Praise Jesus, the Holy Spirit and Yahweh. May they be blessed forever and ever. Amen.

Today I am sharing a variation on the elephant done on June, 29th. It is darker in color. Not sure I like the total result but it is what it is.

The first color on the left bottom row got washed out. I am not sure what color it is. Sorry about that. 

That is it for this week. Remember to always "Love The Details." God bless and keep everyone safe and healthy.


  1. Yes, to praise God is the 'cure' for a lot of things - it truly puts these momentary woes, pains and burdens in perspective - and also invites God's intervention in them.
    Lo e your fabulous colouring Jim
    Stay safe

  2. It is so easy to complain and we all fall down that rabbit hole from time to time. I have learned, since Dwayne's passing (although it took me a while to get to this point!), to find joy and blessings in everyday. To thank the Lord for the day whether it is a good one or not. We can always find blessings, be it small one, blessings all the same. Your elephant is so cheery and full of color. I am loving it!!! Hugs & blessings, Brenda

  3. So true, my friend. As always, your coloring is stunning xoxo


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