

Tuesday, October 5, 2021


Witnessing is not something we do; it is something we are.


In life it is the way we live that bears witness to whom we are. Knowledge is what we seek and upon acquiring it we think we are wise. The problem is there is a large supply of knowledgeable people but few that are wise. Common sense among the knowledgeable is not wisdom but knowledge. The ability to apply that knowledge in a useful way is seen as common sense. Wisdom in the biblical sense , as Solomon asked for it, is the ability to apply the principles of God to the needs of His people for their benefit according to the word of God. Wisdom is the Christian way of living and is the witness of the Christian walk with Christ. For this reason knowledge is desirable but wisdom is critical. True wisdom is the product of selfless living in the guidance of the Holly Spirit of Yahweh. It is not acquired through purchase or knowledge but through grace from Yahweh. Solomon asked for wisdom to guide God's people during his reign as king. (1 Kings 3:6,28 - 10:24) This did not make him perfect but it did bring Yahweh's name to be greatly admired. It was witness to the gift of wisdom and the power of God. Witnessing is more than our words proclaiming Jesus, it is our lives changed to bear the truth of our words. We are not perfect but Jesus thought we are worth it so He hung on a cross for us to prove it. That is witness.

Today I am sharing the last of the images from our image swap. 

That is it for this week. Remember to "Alway Love The Details." God Bless and keep you safe always.


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