

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Psalm 19:8-11


The average person seeks what he does not have and prays only when they feel there is a need in their lives or something they cannot control or fix. That is all well and good but it falls short of what we should be doing. In reading scripture it becomes clear that our God, Yahweh, Christ, the Holy Spirit, is praised and glorified with words spoken from our lips. It is woefully left out of the thoughts and prayers we offer up as part of our daily prayer, if a daily prayer is even offered up. I often hear praise offered about people, places and things in this world that are material but seldom do I hear prayer that is for the one who created us. Going back to scripture, especially Psalms, the praise of our Lord and God is as important and making requests. (Psalms 18:1-24, 24:1-10, 29:1-11, 48:1-14, 71:1-24, 93:1-5 and many more) It doesn't matter if we repeat that praise ten times in a day, it is music to Him . It glorifies His name and Him. It matters little if it is poetic as long as it is from the heart. When I take my walks I praise His name and talk with Him. Those walks seem short, an hour will seem but a minute. His presence is ever closer  when He is praised, His name is glorified and He walks with me and talks with me in those moments. These are the times I know He already knows my needs and desires. It is these times I know I am taken care of and watched over by Him. Praise Him at leased as much as you lift up your requests. In fact the more you praise Him the more you will know he is listening.

More Precious Moments

The Copic Colors Are: YR000, YR00, YR65, YG21, E29, YR82, E07, YG13, E08, E49, R81, BG34, G07, E42, RV95, V000, E81

Note: If there is a subject you would like to have me write about please let me know. These posts are prepared at least a few weeks in advance to allow for research as needed. 

That is it for this week. Thanks for stopping by and, hopefully, commenting. Remember to always "Love The Details." God Bless and keep you safe.


  1. So so true Jim - and I love to praise my Lord and Saviour. A wonderful way to start and finish my day, as well as in between times.
    Loving your sweet image, so beautifully coloured
    Stay safe

  2. I start and finish the day in prayer and hope my actions through the day shed blessings onany I cross paths with . This image is a delight ....Lis

  3. This is a great post Jim. So many go to the Lord when they need Him, but rarely praise Him in good times. I also agree the more your praise the Lord, the more you feel the Lord, closer to Him you will be. Sometimes I wonder if the Lord gets tired of me talking to Him as I am always talking to Him. Thanking him for many things-like the beautiful day, for watching over me and my loved ones, for providing for me, for whispering to me, and of course praying for things as well, but mostly just talking just as I would with anyone. And I can really feel the Lord in my life. I hope one day, many more people will praise our Lord and get a closeness with him that everyone should have. Love this! Oh this image has to be my favorite thus far! This is so cute and I love the way you have colored these two bathing cuties Jim! Hugs and blessings, Brenda

  4. Perfect, praiseful post, my friend xoxo


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