

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Hang In There


Last post was what real love is about. The above statement is often true of their beliefs as well. Real love is not governed by men or their laws but by the Holy Spirit being bound to the human spirit within. The current world we live in is rife with uncertainties and deceptions. All I read about with this election year is the hate and animosity being shown to one another. This is one of the worst elections I have ever lived through. The violence and mistrust are disheartening, with each side blaming the other for the situation. In reality both are to blame. There are no winners here only casualties, many of whom are innocent bystanders. It is one thing to express your beliefs or demonstrate and quite another to riot and destroy. Demonstrating is acceptable. Rioting and destruction is not. There is no argument that can justify willful destruction or theft of what is not yours. Injustice is real but the act of performing another injustice does not solve anything. It does cause more hatred, intimidation and, even worse, retaliation. We do not need armed camps or armed battle lines. We need compassion and a return to Godliness, love for our fellow human beings. Differences are normal. Harming others because of it is wrong. Compromise is a better solution. To continue on the road we are on will end everything this nation has held sacred and dear not to mention our freedom. The erosion of those freedoms are a result of the vicious hate factions we see today. Power is not control of but service to the people. That is sorely lacking in governments around the world including this one. I can only pray this will not continue in the direction is has been going. It saddens my heart to see it.

It will be a sigh of relief when these elections are over. The expectation is not peace and quiet when all is said and done  but the fliers, television ads and such will finally end. 

On a more happy note, I have one more card to share. It is from Em from Creative Em. 

 This is a birthday card and a dazzler at that. In case you were wondering, it is my 7?th birthday. That question mark is not a mistake. 😁 

Be safe. Be well. Love to all. Remember to always "Love The Details."

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

True Love

Age changes many things in life that were seen much differently when we were young. We were naïve enough to believe everything would be smooth sailing "if only". If only I were 21 there would be less rules and regulations. What a surprise to find you still had rules and regulations some of which had more severe consequences for not following them. That is one of a myriad of "if only" situations. One of the biggest and the most abused/ignored concerns "Love". All too often this is seen as physical attraction with little if any concern for the complete person. The physical is the "me" factor that is only interested in the experience rather than the total reality of living together, the give and take of bonding in harmony. Any preconceived ideas about love and marriage before the actual event are soon dismissed when living together as a couple. Refusal to be pliable and willing to change as a couple will make the the divorce stats rise. Blending of two souls into a true bond requires Agape love. Selfless love. It is not easy to say the least but it is more than worth the effort. The result? The sense of being one, of having the other's hand in yours even though you are not together. It is knowing that you are together even though you are not physically. It is a bond that is unseen but felt in ways not easily explained. It is supernatural in every aspect. Anyone that experiences this with a human partner will be delighted to know that this is what allowing Christ into their heart is like. Knowing Him in this way is unlike anything else. (1 Peter 4:8 - John 13:34) This should be what we all strive for.

The next two cards are birthday cards. The first is from family friends Mary and Al. Mary was a foster child of my parents and we consider a sister. She is a kind and sweet Christian sister.

This card is from my dear wife. A special lady to say the least.

That will be it for today. Remember to always Love The Details. God bless.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

It Is A Circus Out There


Life is full distractions and detours. It often seems that the road we travel is peppered with ruts, pits and snares. If we allow ourselves to be drawn into them and allow ourselves to consumed by the problem, we often find ourselves diverted from the path of well being. The unexpected often leaves us dazed and unresponsive. Being blind sided tends to do that to the unsuspecting. Disbelief or confusion is often the result. Life is way too short to remain in this condition for long. Anger or frustration is not a very good solution to getting back on the path. Doing so only leads to sickness and health problems, feelings of hopelessness and drowning. This world is not our friend when it comes to our well being. It is better to remember that everything physically in this universe is based on chaos and decay. Nothing material is permanent.  In times such as these it is faith that is strengthened since there may not be anything else to hold onto. The reality of things may be such that we are not the ones in control. Prayer for both the people involved and/or the situations is the beginning. Faith is needed to carry us through all of this. With strong faith comes strength to carry on. Life throws bricks at us to distract us from what really matters. (1 Peter 1:21 ) Love has the power to defeat all distractions that would take us from our path.

Today I would like to share two more cards The first one is from Jill, my dear wife. It is an anniversary card.

Love you dearly. Thank You.

The next card is from my sister in law. 

This was not expected but it was very appreciated. Thank you Virginia. Hugs!

That will do it for today. Remember to always Love The Details.

Love, Hugs and Blessings

Sunday, October 4, 2020

A New Day


This world can be a strange and challenging place. The events that have transpired over the past months have been a dizzying whirlwind of confusing and frustrating contrasts. The quote todays seems to fit this time of trials. It certainly feels like everything is down and not getting up. It is better that we see the possibilities and not focus on the seeming impossibility of the life we are in. With or without us, life will continue. When all seems impossible, the reality is it may be impossible only because we believe it is impossible. Christ was crucified because of disbelief in the reality of His coming. It was foretold but not accepted. I look around and see the fighting, the out right hate that is shown in this world and wonder what is to become of the human race. Then I look again and see the kindness and love that is shared with others who are struggling. Which one will survive? I suspect the ones that are helping one another in love and compassion will be the survivors, not the hate mongers and divisive. The divisiveness eventually destroys those practicing it. Love unites. My favorite verses in the the bible can be found in 1 John 4:7-19. This is not practiced much in this political age. My advise is to just hang in there and you will be able to rise when you think you cannot.

I have several cards that I would like to share from several different events. Instead of all at once they will be shared over several posts.

This first card was sent for father's Day. It was created by Em from Creative EM. It is a special card from a special lady. 

(Please excuse the image shading. The light used did not eliminate shadowing. I am working on that. )
 Beautiful card. Not something I would necessarily try. 

The next card was from my wife. It is an anniversary card. She creates such special cards. It is a favorite.

Thank you for stopping by. Come again and visit. If you leave a comment I will come visit your blog. Have a Blessed day. Remember to always Love The Details.