

Sunday, October 4, 2020

A New Day


This world can be a strange and challenging place. The events that have transpired over the past months have been a dizzying whirlwind of confusing and frustrating contrasts. The quote todays seems to fit this time of trials. It certainly feels like everything is down and not getting up. It is better that we see the possibilities and not focus on the seeming impossibility of the life we are in. With or without us, life will continue. When all seems impossible, the reality is it may be impossible only because we believe it is impossible. Christ was crucified because of disbelief in the reality of His coming. It was foretold but not accepted. I look around and see the fighting, the out right hate that is shown in this world and wonder what is to become of the human race. Then I look again and see the kindness and love that is shared with others who are struggling. Which one will survive? I suspect the ones that are helping one another in love and compassion will be the survivors, not the hate mongers and divisive. The divisiveness eventually destroys those practicing it. Love unites. My favorite verses in the the bible can be found in 1 John 4:7-19. This is not practiced much in this political age. My advise is to just hang in there and you will be able to rise when you think you cannot.

I have several cards that I would like to share from several different events. Instead of all at once they will be shared over several posts.

This first card was sent for father's Day. It was created by Em from Creative EM. It is a special card from a special lady. 

(Please excuse the image shading. The light used did not eliminate shadowing. I am working on that. )
 Beautiful card. Not something I would necessarily try. 

The next card was from my wife. It is an anniversary card. She creates such special cards. It is a favorite.

Thank you for stopping by. Come again and visit. If you leave a comment I will come visit your blog. Have a Blessed day. Remember to always Love The Details.


  1. You are so right Jim, those who love will trump those who hate every time - hate will consume the 'hater' whereas love will preserve not only the 'lover' but also those who they touch - Christ being the ultimate example of that.
    Exquisite cards - both of them.
    Stay safe

  2. Jim, you know more than ever that I needed to hear this now. I truly can't thank you enough for yours and Jill's love and support, not only at this time, but always. And thank you for sharing the card I created for you... a special card for a very special guy.

    Love, hugs, and blessings xoxo


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