

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Hang In There


Last post was what real love is about. The above statement is often true of their beliefs as well. Real love is not governed by men or their laws but by the Holy Spirit being bound to the human spirit within. The current world we live in is rife with uncertainties and deceptions. All I read about with this election year is the hate and animosity being shown to one another. This is one of the worst elections I have ever lived through. The violence and mistrust are disheartening, with each side blaming the other for the situation. In reality both are to blame. There are no winners here only casualties, many of whom are innocent bystanders. It is one thing to express your beliefs or demonstrate and quite another to riot and destroy. Demonstrating is acceptable. Rioting and destruction is not. There is no argument that can justify willful destruction or theft of what is not yours. Injustice is real but the act of performing another injustice does not solve anything. It does cause more hatred, intimidation and, even worse, retaliation. We do not need armed camps or armed battle lines. We need compassion and a return to Godliness, love for our fellow human beings. Differences are normal. Harming others because of it is wrong. Compromise is a better solution. To continue on the road we are on will end everything this nation has held sacred and dear not to mention our freedom. The erosion of those freedoms are a result of the vicious hate factions we see today. Power is not control of but service to the people. That is sorely lacking in governments around the world including this one. I can only pray this will not continue in the direction is has been going. It saddens my heart to see it.

It will be a sigh of relief when these elections are over. The expectation is not peace and quiet when all is said and done  but the fliers, television ads and such will finally end. 

On a more happy note, I have one more card to share. It is from Em from Creative Em. 

 This is a birthday card and a dazzler at that. In case you were wondering, it is my 7?th birthday. That question mark is not a mistake. 😁 

Be safe. Be well. Love to all. Remember to always "Love The Details."


  1. The world around us has got scary. Not only because of the virus, but because of the hateful political misuse of power. We really need a return to a better world. Hugs, Valerie

  2. Even better than compromise, Jim, is mutual respect and understanding of our differences. There are so many today who choose to be all about self, forgetting about the greater common good, never mind denying God!
    We have had elections recently, and I too was pleased when all the hoopla and self promotion was over!
    Stay safe

  3. Happy 7? Day. The card is blingtiful. I too will sigh with relief when election is behind us. Stay Safe....,Lis

  4. As always, you speak the truth, my friend. So happy you liked the card!
    Love, hugs, and blessings,
    Em xoxo

  5. Hi Jim! What a lovely surprise when I saw your name in my comment section of my blog and Jill's too on another card! After my son's graduation, he change our internet/tv service and so I got a new email. So your notifications didn't come in anymore when you posted. But I am all signed back up with my new email so should be good to go. OMGoodness, I so agree with this post! I'm sick of the destruction, political ads, and mail. Protesting peacefully I'm all for, but this other stuff, well that isn't protesting your cause, that is just plain lack of respect for other people's property. I will never get it. Didn't get it when they did that with Rodney King in LA and still don't get it. I will be glad when this election is over too, I have had to turn the tv off or to a channel that doesn't have the political ads. If things don't change, we are in for a world of hurt here in the USA. A little common sense could go a long way, but I swear very few have any. I guess we will just have to try and do what is right and hope and pray for the best! Em's card is beautiful! Happy Belated 7? th birthday! lol Hope it was a cozy one for you! Good to hear from you and thank you for your sweet comment! Stay well, stay healthy! Hugs, Brenda


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