

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

True Love

Age changes many things in life that were seen much differently when we were young. We were naïve enough to believe everything would be smooth sailing "if only". If only I were 21 there would be less rules and regulations. What a surprise to find you still had rules and regulations some of which had more severe consequences for not following them. That is one of a myriad of "if only" situations. One of the biggest and the most abused/ignored concerns "Love". All too often this is seen as physical attraction with little if any concern for the complete person. The physical is the "me" factor that is only interested in the experience rather than the total reality of living together, the give and take of bonding in harmony. Any preconceived ideas about love and marriage before the actual event are soon dismissed when living together as a couple. Refusal to be pliable and willing to change as a couple will make the the divorce stats rise. Blending of two souls into a true bond requires Agape love. Selfless love. It is not easy to say the least but it is more than worth the effort. The result? The sense of being one, of having the other's hand in yours even though you are not together. It is knowing that you are together even though you are not physically. It is a bond that is unseen but felt in ways not easily explained. It is supernatural in every aspect. Anyone that experiences this with a human partner will be delighted to know that this is what allowing Christ into their heart is like. Knowing Him in this way is unlike anything else. (1 Peter 4:8 - John 13:34) This should be what we all strive for.

The next two cards are birthday cards. The first is from family friends Mary and Al. Mary was a foster child of my parents and we consider a sister. She is a kind and sweet Christian sister.

This card is from my dear wife. A special lady to say the least.

That will be it for today. Remember to always Love The Details. God bless.


  1. You got some beautiful cards, happy belated birthday. Stay safe and well, hugs, Valerie

  2. You are so right Jim, true love takes loads of commitment and 'dying to self'... but it's worth it! As is our relationship with Jesus.
    I often say to others, that if we really knew what was ahead when we promised to love no matter the circumstances, we would never make the promise!
    Lovely, cheerful cards - I hope you had a great birthday
    Stay safe

  3. Another lovely poignant post Jim and I am happy to say this is how I feel for my loving husband people forget for better or worse and are not prepared to give and take or do without material things these days . My husband and I were proud to celebrate or Golden Wedding Anniversary together this year Hope you are well and keeping cheerful through this awful pandemic take care Carole

  4. Incredible, heartfelt words, as always. Wonderful cards, too xoxo


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