

Tuesday, April 20, 2021


 Follow by email will be going away in July of this year. The widget is no longer offered in Google. I am looking at and testing replacements. 

That miracle is Christ. The spirit of the haughty and proud  must be brought to a place of humility (broken) for the Lord to be able to use them. (Psalms 116:6, Isaiah 2:17) Our father in heaven delights in those that reverence Him and love Him. Being broken does not mean we are destroyed but brought into humility. This is where me, my and mine become you, they, him and her. It is where others become the focus not us. (Luke 15:11-32) "Once I was Lost and now I am found." Being counted among the least is greater than being found among the greatest. (Matthew 11:11, Luke 9:48) Why would I say this? To a believer the words of Christ are what we should be paying attention to. The lesson of the rich man (Luke 18:20-23, Mark 10:19-22, Matthew 10:19-22) serves as a reminder that the riches of this life are not the greatest of riches. In fact they are a detriment to being able to enter through the gates of heaven. It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into heaven. (Mark 10:25, Luke 18:25) Those who renounce everything in this life are those Christ seeks to follow Him. NOTHING of this life is more important than following Christ. Everything else is secondary. Not even self is important. That is also why being brought low is what Christ was looking looking for in His followers. It is interesting that He gathered from the lowest of the populace around Him for the most part for His followers. Most of the twelve were not learned or highly educated but fishermen and those who toiled for a living. Even they would be humbled before they began their ministry. (Acts 9) Paul was the greatest of these. It should be considered an honor to be humbled before the Lord. For it is a sign that He has chosen us to be a follower of His.

Today I am sharing a image that MBH gave me to color so she could make a card. It was a fun image that reminded her of the card making sessions she and her lady friends used to have. 

The Copic Colors are: 

R35, BV0000, BV000, YR61, E19, W2, W4, V20, E43, E84, T1, T2, Y13, R29, G24, E09, YR00, RV00, RV02, E17, RV34, V25, V99, R56, E34, E31

That is not the most colors I ever used on an image but it is a lot. 😏 (Not sure these emoticons can be seen by everyone but they make it interesting.) That will be it for this post. Please stay safe and healthy. Until next post, remember to always "Love The Details." God Bless and Keep You Safe.


  1. Beautiful image, your colouring is wonderful as always. Hugs, Valerie

  2. Your words are spot on Jim - so very true... but then many are scripture, so of course they are true :)
    Love your colouring - exquisite as ever
    Stay safe

  3. You colored it beautifully and it is exactly like a stamp class.....Lis


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