

Tuesday, June 15, 2021



Some days are difficult to get through when everything seems to be either bland or empty of excitement or things that stimulate us. Lazy days or cloudy dreary days for example. On these days it seems we are on our own and the Lord has left us for whatever reason. Even if we seek Him out it is as though there is no answer from Him. Have you ever considered that maybe we are looking in all the wrong places? Is it possible that maybe that is the problem? We are busy and He is saying STOP? Be still and listen to my voice! It is at those times He is closest to us and speaking in a voice that cannot be heard if we are too busy. (1 Kings 19:9-13) Those who have learned to be still and listen for the whispers of the the Holy Spirit have learned they are never alone. I am most often awakened early in the morning with an urging to get up, go to my computer and write these posts or open my bible and read or to read my email and pray for someone in need.  Almost every post is written that way, this one included. Our existence should be the joy of telling the world of the existence of Jesus Christ and His love for us. Our father in heaven Does exist and it is we who are blind and unfeeling at times. I cannot imagine not feeling His presence, being assured He hears our conversations or just knowing a friend is always near. It is lonely when we forget He is near and that He exists. 
This is true of those who say God does not exist. It is important to always live because He exists and not as if He exists. The one is real, the latter is pretend. 
This card was something of a group project. My DW received the phone die cut as a gift from Darnell from djkardkreations. Jill had no numbers to use on the dial so she asked me if I had anything. I found some electrical numbering tape that fit the bill and used a leather hole punch to cut out and number each insert. I also used some white ink to highlight the legs and handset covers. If I had thought about it I would also have punched out the number holes on the dial to recess the numbers. Punching out the numbers and attaching them was something of a challenge in themselves.

All things considered it turned out pretty well. Jill did a great job with the card. 
That is it for this weeks post. Please leave a comment . Remember to always "Love The Details" and God Bless.


  1. You are so right Jim - without God, life would be meaningless, and I am so glad He is my constant companion.
    Loving your combined effort on the card :)
    Stay safe

  2. It is so important to slow down and listen. Love the latest collab with Jill too xoxo

  3. I can't imagine people not believing in the Lord. I hear him talk to me all the time. Sometimes it is just to ease my mind about an illness I'm feeling. Like I was having some back pain and was worried it was my heart, but nope, the Lord whispered in my ear that it was my ribs aching in the cool rainy weekend we were having. Yes, if we listen, we WILL hear the Lord talk to us. So many times he whispers in my ear. I love it! I'm so glad I take the time to "hear" Him. OMGosh, this is a cute card!! Jill did a great job with it, I love old phones and how cool you had numbers that would work. Looks challenging getting them punch and on the phone, but boy did it turn out great! Hugs, Brenda

  4. Excellent post, as always, Jim. Thank you for the unexpected shoutout! I remember how much Jill loved this phone die. You did a wonderful job with the numbers, which I'm sure was very fiddly! I hope you two are doing well! Hugs, Darnell


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