

Tuesday, August 10, 2021


 Work is love made visible. And if you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms of those who work with joy. Khalil Gibran

Did you know that, according to St. Augustine, kindness bestowed upon others in the form of deeds are considered "Alms deeds?" Many of the saints had little or no wealth to give so they gave what they had instead. This included the clothes they were wearing right off their backs. When the need was other than monetary they gave assistance or service. "He who supports a lame man bestows an alms on him with his feet; he who guides a blind man does him a charity with his eyes; he who carries an invalid or an old man upon his shoulders imparts to him an alms of his strength. Hence none are so poor but they may bestow an alms on the wealthiest man in the world.” (Shea, J. G. (1887). Pictorial Lives of the Saints (p. 220). New York; Cincinnati; Chicago: Benziger Brothers.) Love thy neighbor as thyself. (Matthew 22:39) These things must be done with love and compassion to have any meaning. No matter the gift or service it is giving back what the lord has gifted us with. We were blessed with life and things that others do not have. Those gifts are not ours to hoard away. They do not gain interest or multiply in ways that are eternal. They do fade away and disappear into the forgotten world of nothingness since most of the gifts of importance are not material. As for the gifts of material things, they can't be taken with you when you cross over to eternity. Some have tried by having them buried with them. That is only selfish greed. Those things will either rot away to nothingness or they will be forgotten along with the one it is buried with. No one remembers them or honors them for their greed. Be of generous heart and be gifted with even greater gifts. (Luke 6:38, Acts 10:4, Romans 12:7, Corinthians 12:8-10, 2 Corinthians 8:3) 

Today I am sharing the third image of the Victorian house. This is a departure from the other two in the way it was colored. DW would like me to do more variations since she like this one so much.  

Several of the parts of this image were colored different than any others. The roof shingles are the greatest difference. Next week is the last of these renderings. I am sure you tire of this image anyway. 

Remember to always "Love The Details." God bless and keep you safe always.


  1. There is nothing greater than giving with love, whether it be time, effort of material things... and we certainly cannot 'take it with us' :) To give with love invokes a blessing on both the giver and the recipient.
    Love your colouring of the house this time around Jim
    Stay safe

  2. We all have something to give, no matter how poor or how much money one has. Great post Jim! Love this coloring on the house, the roof looks great! I'm not tired of this image, I love it so much! Hugs and blessings, Brenda

  3. The gifts of time and or love are the most precious. Beautifully colored image, too, my wonderful friend xoxo

  4. Love the quote. Thank you for this post.


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