

Tuesday, January 11, 2022


"There is never a time in the future in which we will work out our salvation. The challenge is in the moment; the time is always now."

                                                  James Baldwin

In the days when the Jewish Temple stood in Jerusalem, the holy of holies was veiled with a curtain. There was also a veil that prevented gentiles from entering in specific areas of the temple. Sin during this time was a death sentence for the sinner. When Christ died on the cross the veil in the temple was torn in two, top to bottom. This was to let the believer know that they now had access to the creator without human restriction. The veil of the Holiest of Holies was part of other Christian religious practices until recent history as well. These were man made and not part of what the Lord intended; direct access to our Lord. Christ blessed us with the removal of the curtain between his creation and Himself. Salvation does not come with the law but with the word of God and the sacrifice that Christ made on the cross. He was the ultimate sin offering for the forgiveness of our sins. Salvation is the gift of grace we cannot earn. Belief in Christ is the only price and is a gift of grace from our Lord. It is non-transferable and cannot be voided so long as we believe in Him. It is what is so unique about Yahweh, our God. He first loved us before we loved Him. Even the sacrifice of His only Son was not too much to show His love for us. Should we feel any less toward Him? Shouldn't we show that same love for others? That is the ultimate love. (2 Timpthy 1:10)

Note: If there is a subject you would like to have me write about please let me know. These posts are prepared at least a few weeks in advance to allow for research as needed.

Today I am sharing the second dove image from Serendipity. Some of the problems are corrected that I didn't like in the first rendition.

 Copic colors are: White Water Color, Multiliner 0.05, G05, R29, Y08, E57, B0000

The beak and feet are now a yellow shade instead of orange shade. The berries are a lighter shade of red. The holly leaves are a lighter shade of green, The shading is lighter as well. 

That will be it for this week. Remember to always "Love The Detail." God Bless and keep you. 


  1. What a gracious God we serve - I am forever in his debt for the great price he paid for my redemption.
    Loving that dove, and yes, I do like the lighter shading on this one
    Stay safe

  2. I thank Him every day for my salvation, and for the blessing of yours and Jill's friendship. Beautiful image, too xoxo


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