

Tuesday, April 19, 2022



Have you ever wondered about Eden? Have you questioned if it really existed? Did Adam and Eve really exist? According to scripture they were banished from Eden because of sin. (Genesis 3:22-24) Where was the garden of Eden? The garden was apparently within Eden since it was the "garden of Eden". Where then was Eden? No one really knows because it was hidden from us until that time when the new heaven and Earth are revealed. (Revelation 21:1-3) Genesis 2:10 says a river came from Eden and parted into four streams that watered the garden. In the center of the garden were the two trees. The tree of life bearing the fruit that would give eternal life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. the location that is generally accepted is at the location of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. There is also a location in present day Turkey that fits the description in the bible. Modern day scholars still debate the location of Eden. What are your thoughts on this subject? Do you believe in the garden or do you think it is just a story?

The old wooden cross has always been a favorite of mine whether plain, with a purple cloth draped over it or as adorned with flowers.
I'm not sure where this image came from but it is one  that I enjoyed coloring.

The Copic colors are:

That is it for this week. I pray everyone is well and safe. May the good Lord bless and keep you forever in His arms. Remember to always "Love The Details".


  1. I agree with your thoughts on its location. Given the climate in the region... assuming it was then as it is now... any garden would need to be in an oasis, so the confluence of rivers is the ideal spot.

    As always, your coloring is stunning xoxo

  2. I do believe in the Garden of Eden, in Adam and Eve. I never really thought about where it was located though. But always assumed it was in the middle East Holy Lands somewhere. Sometimes maybe we just aren't to know where something was as it would drawl droves people to it and some things are just better left alone. Just my two cents though as I, if had the chance, would be one of those peoples in droves. lol Love this gorgeous image and love the way you have colored it Jim. Hugs & Blessings, Brenda


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