

Tuesday, May 17, 2022


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What is the most difficult problem you face in life? The number of answers would astound you. If you were completely honest the real answer would be self. Yeah, I know, daily life has all sorts of challenges to face and some seem overwhelming. The truth is that human kind sees the world differently than any other living creature on God's earth. Few would consider the problem to be one's own self. The happiest people I know have come to know who they are and are at peace with themselves and with those around them. The ones that are struggling are those who think everyone else is the problem. They in turn make those around them miserable when they try to reform others to be more like them. This is true of both Christian and non-Christians. Everyone is different, unique, singular. It is OK to struggle with who/what we are but it is not OK to expect others to be like us. It is not OK to persecute or rule over others. It is not OK to isolate or hurt those we do not agree with or differ with. The problem then becomes me if I do any of these things. Self is not something that Christ considered important other than to serve. Self in His eyes was only seen as being the property of God and servant of His father in Heaven. He led by example. (John 13:1-16) He washed the disciple's feet as a servant would do. Though His authority was above all others He was foremost a servant of the most high. Self was not something He dwelt upon but was confident in the knowledge that He was one with His father and servant to the children of His father. 

 This another image from "Paint The World"  that I really like. It is what I know as a tiger lilly. They are very impressive in the garden. When we visit Longwood Gardens and they are in bloom they are a sight to see. 

The Copic colors used are:

That will do it for this post. May the good Lord bless and keep you safe. Remember to always "Love The Details."


  1. Dying to self is a constant battle and yet one of the most important Christian disciplines - as someone once said to me, the flesh and rust never give up!
    Love the lily you coloured - I used to have them growing almost wild in one garden of a house we bought... I managed to isolate them to a small area, and they were spectacular all bunched together there.

  2. Another beautifully put post and image xoxo

  3. A very thought provoking post Jim and so on point! Your tiger lily is just gorgeous, you have really brought it to live with your coloring. I used to have a lot of them along the driveway side of my house, but when not in bloom, they looked like weeds when coming down the road, so I ripped them out. A decision I've regretted ever since! I wish I would have just moved a few first. Live and learn! Love, hugs and blessings, Brenda

  4. Thoghtful post and great coloring... Love, Jill


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