

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Ezekiel 37:1-14 (Dry Bones Brought back to life


What does this bible reading say to you? Why does God ask Ezekiel if the bones can live?  God is testing Ezekiel's faith. (Ezekiel 37:1-3) The WORD of YahWeh is the word of life. Just because something has no life does not mean it cannot be brought back to life. This has a meaning far greater than just bringing life to dry bones. (Ezekiel 37:4-11) Not just the bones were given life, but the living matter that clothed them were restored to them and life breathed back into them creating a massive army. (Ezekiel 37:12-14) By doing this YahWeh declared His word and will was supreme for all to see. This example extends to more than just the valley of bones. How many bones are in your valleys? How many things in your life have you thought dead and not revivable. Some may be just that because they are not right for you but some may be because you were not ready for them. Hope is not abandonment of dreams and dreams are not necessarily dead because they were not granted. The statement in verse 11 speaks of this lost hope. YahWeh answers this in verses 12-14. Jesus speaks of this when 'He says ask and you will receive knock and the door will be opened.' (Luke 11:9, Matthew 7:7) Do not set the rules or conditions in your asking and you are more likely to see the perfect granting of your prayer that far exceeds what you expect. What is dead YahWeh can breathe life into no matter what it is. It only takes faith and a belief in our Lord. Ezekiel believed and spoke what the Lord told him to speak. The bones not only rose up but were clothed in flesh and blood. The breath of life was restored to them when His words were spoken by a mere man per His command. Is it possible that this can happen? I would rather ask how much more is possible when we obey the wishes of our Lord. Even in this day miracles are granted the faithful. Healings and wondrous things are still happening every day. We do not always take note of them but they are happening just the same.

Sorry I am late in getting this post out. It has been crazy here with everything slowed down by the heat and humidity. Here is another door project from my huge store of images. Again, no idea where it came from but it was a challenge to color.

The Copic colors are;

There were a few more colors than you would think to make this image pop. this was several hours worth of work. Turned out nice.

That will do it for this week. May the good Lord keep you well and protect you in the coming week. Remember to always "Love The Details." God Bless. (If you leave a comment, I would love to return the kindness but Since Blogger insists on messing with the programming I will not be able to do so unless you change your comment section from embedded to floating in your setup.)


  1. Yes, it is so often when we lay something down that the Lord restores/revives it with way more than we ever dreamt of! He is such a good and great God!
    Love your colouring of the door Jim - that is beautiful

  2. Thank you for sharing. I appreciate it.

  3. Your art is amazing, Jim. PRAISE GOD for the talent He has given you. Thanks for sharing your encouraging words. We all need this, need each other, and NEED the love of Jesus. Thanks for openly sharing what He lays on your heart. I hope that many lost hearts will wander by and be blessed. The Lord will surely use your hearts' efforts for His glory. Praise God.

    P.S. I am your newest "Follower" and I'd love to have you "Follow" my blog as well (if you're not). I enjoy your posts.

  4. I come here to reread your posts and get hope. Thank you.


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