

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Luke 12:34


Luke 12:34 "For wherever your heart is, that is where your treasure is as well." What is your treasure? Where is your heart? There are many answers to that question but only one matters. Go back to Luke 12:12-34 and read it. The important things in life are not things that can be stored away in earthen vessels for another time. Earthen vessels are not forever. Your body is an earthen vessel  and will return to the earth it was created from. All things of this earth and this universe will not last forever. Things that can be touched, seen, sensed are not permanent but transient. Pleasures of this world are fleeting at best. The treasures we store up are those our creator sees as worthy. None of those things are stored here on earth but in heaven. 

This image was a challenge to do because of the fine detail and the fact that it is a garden scene with LOTS of plants and flowers. Couple that with the fact the image is a 4"x6" print and eye strain becomes a reality. This was 2 days in the making and 48 colors used. I hope you like it.

The Copic colors are:

I know, that's a lot of colors. A flower garden without lots of color is not a garden. The array of fragrances in a garden like this would be mind blowing not to mention the amount of color. It is somewhat like a botanical garden. 

That is it for this week. May our good Lord watch over you and keep you safe. Remember to always "Love The Details."


  1. Great quote from Socrates to start with Jim, and truly our treasures stored in heaven are the only everlasting ones!
    Love your colouring - it was worth the effort with this wonderful result

  2. Fantastic Jim this is amazing such patience and talent . Sorry I have not been around much lately just things at home getting in the way hope you are well Carole

  3. As always, your words are heartfelt and your coloring is stunning! The scene is absolutely amazing. Great minds think alike, too... as you'll see in my upcoming post xoxo

  4. WOW, my friend. What a gorgeous creation. I also appreciate your devotional. It's something I needed today. Thanks for sharing what the Lord lays on your heart. I wish everyone could know the incredible joy and peace of loving and living for the LORD Jesus Christ.
    Also, Thanks for stopping by my blog this morning to say hello. I'd love to have you share your art with us at Word Art Wednesday and I hope you will also be inspired by what you find there. It's a joy and a blessing to meet you, my brother in Christ and fellow artist. I hope you'll come fellowship and share your God-given talents with us.
    Karen L
    My Cup Runneth Over


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