

Wednesday, December 13, 2023



The world is a messed up place right now. Looking at what hate does to the heart and mind makes us sad and fearful. It creates a time of "revelation" seekers. That is not a good place to be. (Matthew 24:4-31) Be alert to be sure but not taken prisoner to fear. History is rife with doomsday prophets and those who would distract us from the lord. 

More from the book that never was.



 The Prayer


Lord of strength and mercy,

You are my shining armor,

The warmth within my soul,

The bright twinkle in my eyes.

Come to me Lord of love

And fill me with your glow.


New Life


Lord Christ! Savior king be praised!

Compassion and suffering were Your lot.

Crucified and buried; You rose again.

Eternal life is Your reward.


The temple of God is open to You

And it is Yours by the Word of God.

The world cannot dwell there;

Only those in whom You dwell.


Conceived into a world of sin

To suffer the pain of life's beginning

Then to leave the womb to be born

And live in the house of God.


Clear is the path once so littered

From a life confused and unsettled

With senseless, stubborn grudges

And unforgiven hurts and pains.


Darkness is light now that we are free

To love and care for all mankind.

Through kindness our hearts react

With a gentle word amidst the storm.


Beauty as seen through open eyes

Once closed to all things and everyone

Cannot be foretold or expressed in word

But shown in heartfelt love.


Long have we waited for the hour

Now unfolding before our tired souls.

Peace and understanding moving,

Growing in our minds and hearts.


The Seed


                          The wheat plant dies

                                And the seed is planted

                                 Before they can bear life

                                  Or strength for growth is granted.


                                    New life begins with rain.

                                    Fresh shoots precede roots.

                                  Roots reach for nourishment

                                 As shoots reach for sunlight.


Young plants grow steadily

Until strong and tall,

Waving majestically, gracefully,

In the gentle breeze of summer.


Mature, full and ripe,

With new fruit in plenty,

The plant must die

To reap a new harvest.


The new seed is divided,

Some for new bread,

The rest to die again

For planting into new life.


The grace of God is with you

As you die to the world,

As you yield yourself to Him,

As He calls you to him.


Here is another image from Moontear.

The copics used are:

That does it for this week. May the good Lord  Bless you and keep you safe. Remember to "Always Love The Details."


  1. Gorgeous Post! Just saying hello, still in the grip of COVID! hugs, Valerie

  2. Two things keep me mesmerized by your work. One is the ability to color hair so perfectly with copics, not easy. The second is that you preserve detail in her dress when adding color. These two things are just amazing. Love seeing your images which are so beautifully done!

  3. Your coloring is absolutely stunning! xoxo

  4. Very true! I believe it tells you not to fear 365 times in the Bible. One for each day of the year. If we put our trust in God, there is nothing to fear.


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