

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Moving Forward


You never know who is watching and being inspired by how you see life and live it. Paul was the prime example of a life that matters and living it to the end and to the fullest.

More from the book that never was.



                   I often see others become envious or even

              depressed when someone close to them experiences a

              powerful "revelation" or "touch" from God. It isn't

              the earth shattering religious experience that

              keeps us or makes us whole but the realization

              that every moment we live is an incomprehensible

              touch from God. Life continues but sudden

              experiences fade and become diluted with time.

              Life, on the other hand, renews itself constantly

              and is a constant, living, flowing revelation.



                   I seek in death what my body can answer and

              understand now the answer to what I seek. That

              answer is a question that is short and definite.

              My life will be spent when I finish hearing it.

              My death is my birth and my conception

              was but a thought of my coming to be. I left a

              womb to enter a womb in preparation for death to

              prepare for life. I seek what cannot be found

              until I am still and when I am still I find all

              the answers I seek.



            I am not a Saint nor am I worthy. I cannot be nor

          become  anything but me. The weight of being me is all

          the same cross  to bear as He who bore it first. The

          only difference is I am sinner, He was not. The weight

          of the cross bears down heavily on all who would seek

          Him. He bore my sins at His cross so the one I carry

          would not be beyond my strength. It is not

          removed but shared with my Jesus who loves me.



The Promise


            During a storm of rolling thunder, whose power was

released with blinding flashes, a rain fell steadily as if to

cleanse the earth and prepare her for the coming

twilight.  Even as the light failed there came a stillness of

the air and the rain changed to a sparse sprinkle.  An

electric quiet filled the air as all of  heaven and earth

transformed, glowed with golden light.  Houses, trees, air

and sky shown with golden hues.  A great orb of translucent

pink-orange settled on the rim of the earth's shoulder.

Peace abounded and God walked the earth.  His presence

was heralded in the golden light of the promised Jerusalem

as it shown all about.  As He passed by, He touched the sky

with His finger and renewed all His promises with the arch

of a perfect rainbow that reached from earth to heaven to

earth.  Then he breathed a sigh of love and a second

rainbow appeared above the first to gently seal it away

forever within the hearts of all who beheld it.





Still another Moontear image.

The Copic colors are:

That is it for this week. May the good Lord bless and keep you safe. Remember to "Always Love The Details."


  1. Oh I really like how you colored this sweet girl! Have a blessed holiday season!

  2. Your words of wisdom and encouragement are so appreciated when one can feel lost and alone and not wanting to be in this world.. thank you for that.
    Fabulous image coloured and you do colour so nicely xx

  3. Your coloring skills are amazing and bring these images to life. May your Christmas be a blessed one and I hope by now you're feeling much better.

  4. As always, your words and coloring are stunning! xoxo

  5. Yes, we must live with the intent to honour Christ in all we say and do... and the mountain tops are exhilarating, but barren - growth 'happens' in the verdant valleys.
    Great thoughts and so beautifully expressed in your 'book that never was'.
    Stunning colouring once more - love it!
    I am moved, and settled, and the internet is now back on...


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