

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Above Ourselves

The above quote pretty much speaks for itself. It is discouraging reading the news these days. Very little is concerning the happiness of others. Buy this or that product, it will make you happy. The only people that are happy are those taking your money. Vote for this or that person and we will make this or that happen. Only special interest lobbyists and government itself is the winner. I could go on and on listing those that are not among the givers but are takers. There are some among the named above that are mostly concerned with others. They are far and few inbetween. I will just say that if you make the effort to make others happy you may find that you are happier too. This past weekend was Mother's Day. I would like to say a belated Happy Mother's Day to the Ladies with children. 

This week another image from Moontear.

The Copics colors are:

This post was rather short this week. There are a ton of things that need doing but I was not going to miss posting. Until next week, God bless and keep you safe and remember to "Always Love The Details."


  1. Giving to and serving others is love expressed, and is so rewarding. It brings great joy to all parties.
    Love your colouring, as usual it's exquisite

  2. Yes, it's true that people only seem to care about themselves, or making a profit. And all the hateful discussions goin on in the world just now are very distressing.
    I love the beautifu image, I hink this is my favourite! Hugs, Valerie

  3. Querido amigo, bello post, la felicidad es hacer feliz a los demas.
    Ayudar, dar amor.
    Un placer leerte
    Abrazos y besos, que Dios te bendiga hoy y siempre

  4. Hermosa pintura, me encanto!!!

  5. Let us do as Jesus taught us - to love and serve others. When we put ourselves and our interests first, everyone loses.
    Beautiful image in color today!
    Blessings, Jim!

  6. Beautiful image, and your colouring is as usual totally amazing!!

  7. The coloring of the hair mesmerizes me every time. Not easy to color hair with copics. This is an incredible work of art and your message is so very true too!

  8. It is so much more fulfilling to give than to constantly take from others. As always, your coloring is stunning.
    Love and hugs xoxo

  9. Querido amigo, que tengas un feliz inicio de semana
    Abrazos y te dejo un πŸ’‹

  10. The quote is exactly what I’m learning these days.

  11. πŸ’‹ Que duermas bienπŸ’‹ Me encanta como escribesπŸ’‹


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