

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Pride or hope

 In the community of God's family there are many who have little of earthly value. They are often destitute and forgotten. For some not even hope is a bright light in their lives. For them it seems there is nothing left, nothingness is their reality. There is a choice here that really matters. Too often I see those with little to their name belittled and demeaned by those that have much. The wealthy are prideful of what they have and look down on those who are poor. Rest assured that Jesus has taken notice and will hold them accountable. You cannot call yourself a Christian in this situation. It matters not if you are a regular church attendee. There are many lost souls that attend church regularly, who tithe regularly, who enjoy the limelight of status and still they are lost. (John 2:14-16, Matthew 21:12, Mark 11:15-17) The Lord spoke of those who are blessed and will be part of His family. (Matthew 5:3-12) Think again before you look down on the poor and down cast for you know not who you might be judging as not worthy of respect. Compassion is missing from those who believe they are above the rest of the world and the people that have little. I dare say that some of the happiest people I know are those very individuals. Pride in one's self will not be honored in heaven. (Luke 18:9-14, Matthew 23:12, Jeremiah 9:23-24, Proverbs 16:18-19) Hope is more important than pride. Read the passages and think about it. 

Today another image from the Highlander image book. I am ecstatic with these images. They are the best I have been able to find. 


The Copic colors used are:

Less colors used makes it a bit easier but still have to pay attention to the detail. That is it for this week. May the good Lord bless and keep you safe. Remember to "Always Love The Details."

Wednesday, June 12, 2024


Last week I urged those of you who felt that there was more to your existence than you are now experiencing. There truly is more to life than the work-a-day routine consisting of making money, getting ahead, acquiring power or most other things most people do. Those things may or may not happen in your lifetime. Even if they do they will not follow you when you die. God and Jesus are not in the business of preserving what you acquire in this world. What they are about is making you part of the family of God. Have you ever noticed that those who follow Jesus are always involved in service to others and not making themselves greater than those they serve? Jesus promised the paraclete would come to those who followed him. That promise was for any and all who answered His call to repent (turn from the sinful ways of the world) and follow the way of the Lord. It is called walking in the spirit. It is what you feel urging you to seek Him out and follow Him. The amazing fact is that you have a choice to follow or not to follow. No arm twisting or coercion just facts to consider. Believe in Him and the promise of eternal life or not and accept a nonexistence for eternity. Many good people reject Him and believe there is no life after death and accept death as a permanent nothingness. Scripture says that nonbelievers are condemned to the pit of fire not just a nonexistence. The urge to seek Him out is a calling from the Spirit of God to come home to Him and become part of His family. Walk with Him in the Holy Spirit and experience a world that is different than anything you have known before. 

This week is another of the Highlander images. This is by far the best one I have had the privilege of doing. It was challenging on many levels. I asked several people which one to do next and this was the choice.
Notice: The image is mislabeled as Dreams Coloring Art. It is actually Highland Dreams.

The Copic colors used are:

The pen is 0.05 black. The 0 blender pens were used to make corrections and to clean up so areas the bled. This was a mixed media project. The pencils were used where the lines were too fine to do with the Copics. 
That is it for this week. May the good Lord bless and keep you. Remember to "Always Love The Details."

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

The Calling


We have been called and given a task as a Christian follower. It is to be reflections of the one who created  us and the one who died for us on the cross. The task? Walk in the light of the cross in complete gratitude and humility for the gift of life that is eternal knowing we have been granted the privilege of being in the presence of the great "I AM".  How do you know you have been called? Good question but very hard to answer. Usually it is a very subtle urge to seek something more than yourself. A feeling that there is more to life than just working for money, self gratification or the things many others consider important. Sometimes it is a not so gentle shove but a dire warning to change. Sometimes it is a combination of both. It can happen almost anywhere you happen to be. There is not enough room in this post to tell of all the ways it can happen. If there are questions you feel the need to get answers for find a Christian prayer community and attend if possible. Ask your questions. I am sure they will be more than happy to help. What I present to you in these posts is not the complete story but some insights into the Christian walk. Even the images posted are the gift our risen savior. Without Him these posts and images would not be possible. Seek Him and all things are possible. 

This week the finished image I shared last week. Again, this and the other images I will shared are from a book of digital images from ETSY called HighlandDreams. 

The Copic colors used are;

There was some wicking with some of the colors, which was corrected with the 0 blending pen,  and a little bit of glossing but it turned out nice. I left most of the blouse uncolored at the urging of my dear wife.
That is it for this week. May the good Lord bless and keep you safe. Remember to "Always Love The Details."