

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

To see in the darkness


If you have ever been in a place of near to total physical darkness you know how near impossible it is to see even your hand in front of your face. In time you adjust to the light available, if any, or to the lack of light and learn to hear and see by touch and memory of your surroundings. It isn't the same as having your sight but you learn to deal with it. That is because you still have hope for going on with your life in what seemed an impossible situation. There are times when life deals a blow that seems to leave no possible avenue of recovery. The glimmer of hope may be small and difficult to see but there it is there. It isn't always what you expect or even want but it is there. This life is temporary and short. I often think of one of my favorite stories in the bible that reminds me of hopelessness and what we should remember before we shut down in the face of it. (Psalm 27:8-14) Says pray to the Lord and rely on the Lord that He will take you in. There have been times when I have wondered who would come to my aide when it seemed there was no answer to a dilemma. Two guesses where the help came from. Prayers  were answered and the answers were not always as expected but the Lord took me in and gave the answer needed. The hope we seek is not always in those around us but in the one who has taken us into his fold and cares for our needs. Light in the darkness is the Lord Jesus and the hope we have in His promises.
This week another Image from Highlander Dreams. This image will be the final image for awhile from this series. I found some male images that I am excited to try. Finally male images that are not fantasy or cartoonish. It is a welcomed change. 

The Copics used are:

The Pen is a Copics multiliner Cool Grey 0.03mm.
Note: I started another image but, as sometimes happens it was not up to snuff with the colors I chose. It is on hold for now.
That is it for this week. May the good Lord Bless and keep you safe. Remember To "Always Love The Details."


  1. Oh yes, Jim, God ALWAYS comes through... even if at first glance there is barely a pinprick of light/hope. Today I was troubled over some comments, finally took it to Him, worked through to a place of peace, and then later was able to clarify the situation without any rancor on my part, and from a totally different angle than I anticipated.
    Love your colouring of the image - that is such an amazing piece of work - a stunning image, enhanced by your colouring!!

  2. You're right, at times, it really is tough to see that glimmer of light, but it is there. As always, your coloring is stunning.
    Love and hugs xoxo

  3. You've colored another masterpiece once again with this image. I love the shadows in the background that beautifully compliment the colors of the image. She's just gorgeous and I look forward to seeing the masculine images when you finish them. God bless and have a good week ahead - may all your days be in the light.

  4. Jesus is and always will be our light of hope shining in this dark world. Beautiful art and reflection, Jim. Blessings!

  5. Another beautiful image, and I am looking forward to seeing your masculine images. Hope is so necessary for us all. Hugs, Valerie


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