

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

The Calling


We have been called and given a task as a Christian follower. It is to be reflections of the one who created  us and the one who died for us on the cross. The task? Walk in the light of the cross in complete gratitude and humility for the gift of life that is eternal knowing we have been granted the privilege of being in the presence of the great "I AM".  How do you know you have been called? Good question but very hard to answer. Usually it is a very subtle urge to seek something more than yourself. A feeling that there is more to life than just working for money, self gratification or the things many others consider important. Sometimes it is a not so gentle shove but a dire warning to change. Sometimes it is a combination of both. It can happen almost anywhere you happen to be. There is not enough room in this post to tell of all the ways it can happen. If there are questions you feel the need to get answers for find a Christian prayer community and attend if possible. Ask your questions. I am sure they will be more than happy to help. What I present to you in these posts is not the complete story but some insights into the Christian walk. Even the images posted are the gift our risen savior. Without Him these posts and images would not be possible. Seek Him and all things are possible. 

This week the finished image I shared last week. Again, this and the other images I will shared are from a book of digital images from ETSY called HighlandDreams. 

The Copic colors used are;

There was some wicking with some of the colors, which was corrected with the 0 blending pen,  and a little bit of glossing but it turned out nice. I left most of the blouse uncolored at the urging of my dear wife.
That is it for this week. May the good Lord bless and keep you safe. Remember to "Always Love The Details."


  1. Your definition of the calling we ALL have is great, Jim - we are told to walk in the Light as He is in the Light, and to reflect it to those around us - it puts me in mind of the old chorus "This Little Light of Mine".
    Your colouring of the image is amazing - you have certainly mastered the art of using copics!

  2. Your girl is gorgeous, very well coloured. Gratitude is evidently something which many people have never heard of! Hugs

  3. You gave some great advice to those seeking to know the Lord in a true relationship.
    Your artwork turned out wonderfully, too, Jim!

  4. Without humbleness we are nothing and with that comes gratitude. Gorgeous coloring, as always.
    Love and hugs xoxo

  5. It's just amazing how you bring these drawings to life with your coloring skills. The blouse does look perfect, but I love how the red and green accents compliment each other with her jewelry and hair design. I choose to live each day being grateful for everything because when you stop to think about it, it's all the things we take for granted that are the most important things we've been given. God bless, and have a fabulous week ahead.

  6. AMAZING artwork! Wow on the hair and eyes! Just beautiful. You have made some extremely thought provoking statements too!

  7. Querido amigo, precioso relato que llega al alma, la obra quedo maravillosa, un placer visitarte
    Abrazos y besos

  8. What a beautiful lady. You choose great subjects. It is wonderful to look at beauty.

  9. Amén.


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