

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Pride or hope

 In the community of God's family there are many who have little of earthly value. They are often destitute and forgotten. For some not even hope is a bright light in their lives. For them it seems there is nothing left, nothingness is their reality. There is a choice here that really matters. Too often I see those with little to their name belittled and demeaned by those that have much. The wealthy are prideful of what they have and look down on those who are poor. Rest assured that Jesus has taken notice and will hold them accountable. You cannot call yourself a Christian in this situation. It matters not if you are a regular church attendee. There are many lost souls that attend church regularly, who tithe regularly, who enjoy the limelight of status and still they are lost. (John 2:14-16, Matthew 21:12, Mark 11:15-17) The Lord spoke of those who are blessed and will be part of His family. (Matthew 5:3-12) Think again before you look down on the poor and down cast for you know not who you might be judging as not worthy of respect. Compassion is missing from those who believe they are above the rest of the world and the people that have little. I dare say that some of the happiest people I know are those very individuals. Pride in one's self will not be honored in heaven. (Luke 18:9-14, Matthew 23:12, Jeremiah 9:23-24, Proverbs 16:18-19) Hope is more important than pride. Read the passages and think about it. 

Today another image from the Highlander image book. I am ecstatic with these images. They are the best I have been able to find. 


The Copic colors used are:

Less colors used makes it a bit easier but still have to pay attention to the detail. That is it for this week. May the good Lord bless and keep you safe. Remember to "Always Love The Details."


  1. This is yet another magnificent colored creation made with your hands. She's quite stunning with her beautiful auburn hair. The world is seriously lacking compassion and kindness, so I'm always grateful when it comes my way. Unfortunately, greed. hate and criticism seem to have moved front and center these days but I still believe kindness is easier to use as we live our lives. God bless and have a great week ahead.

  2. WOW!!! How is it possible to do that colouring so perfect??? So soft and elegant! A masterpiece!

    1. Thank You for the kindness. It is appreciated. Hugs

  3. Hope is more important than pride - Yesssssssssss! love the girl you coloured! Hugs, Valerie

  4. May we always respect all persons no matter what their status in life may be. Gorgeous coloring today, too, Jim!

  5. Querido amigo, preciosa entrada, con una imagen perfecta y bella, te felicito.
    Abrazos y te dejo un beso

  6. That is the truth, Jim - as ever. Some of the most wonderful people I know do not have much (materially) to their names at all, but oh the love (of Jesus), compassion and gentleness I see in them!! They are rich beyond measure.
    You colouring is once again, simply exquisite...

  7. Please excuse my late comment... I took most of last week off for a much needed break, and I'm just catching up. Yet again, your words speak the truth and I totally agree with you. And as always, your coloring is stunning.
    Love and hugs xoxo

  8. Querido amigo, te deseo un precioso y feliz inicio de semana.
    Abrazos y besos


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