No comment today but a piece from my book of thoughts and inspiration.
I travel a road of dreams,
Laced with thistle and thorn,
To find a peace filled clearing
Golden sunshine can adorn.
Onward, ever onward it seems,
Finding new scars each turn,
As old ones heal and disappear
Along this path of no return.
It seems such a hopeless way
In a life I did not request,
Trying to fill a mold not mine
Though I've done my very best.
The impossible is not impossible
With my Lord's hand in mine,
Despite my reluctant nature,
In the living love divine.
copyright by Irish Cherokee (aka J.T.C)
I have reluctantly agreed to share this post with Cherokee. No card today but a few colored images. Anything to say before we start Cherokee? "Cherokee happy to be back and share on Bugger." That is blogger. " You always call it bugger." That is because it gets all messed up when they try to improve it. " That not make sense. Why they do that?" It is the white man's way, you know that. Can we move on now. "OK."
Why do I get the feeling this will be a post filled with detours? "What is detour?" When you come to a fork in the road and make a wrong turn that makes the trip longer than the turn you should have made. "Oh! Are we going on trip?" Never mind. I will explain it later. "OK! We go on trip later." Uh....Yeah. Trip later. Me to my shrink.
" Irish say we show picture of firewater first then picture he colored with markers. He want you to tell him if you see it looks the same or not."
You are getting better at this. The Image is by Stamps Happen.
"Not Drink Fire water. Makes Cherokee feel funny. Chief says live up to name when I drink fire water."
You mean Crazy Mule?
"Yes. I get crazy and stubborn."
More than you are now?
"Yes. Not remember much next day and large tom-tom banging in head. Even mouse walking across floor make head hurt."
That is called a hangover. Shall we show the other image. The one I colored?
"OK. Here is image. Not bad Irish. Your should do cave painting."
Uh... OK. The Copic colors used are V20, R39-46-59-85, E08-11-40-41-43-44-50-55-79, E81, C1, C2.
Cave painting? Why cave painting?
" Irish paintings look real. Much nicer than cave painting."
Thank you.
By the way Darnell is not Darn Nell. Darnell is her name and it is not two words. "I think Crazy Mule goof." UhOh! What did you do? "Ask Darnell why people call her Darn Nell." Well I did warn her you might stop by and say hello. I hope she isn't upset with me now. Thanks Cherokee. Lets move on shall we?
The next two images are from Imagine and do. The link is on my sidebar. I just love the playful images and her portrait images are extraordinary. "Are we showing pretty ladies now?" Yes. "I like how you color pretty ladies. Here is colored pictures."
This is a slight variation of the one I shared back in February. These images are some of my all time favorites. The artist who drew these is extremely talented. The Copic colors used are: R00-000-00000-85, BG53, YR30,Y18, G82, RV00-02, B00, E19.
"Looks like she have black eye. How that happen?"
That is eye shadow. Women use it to make themselves pretty.
" Like war paint?"
Kind of but not for making war. It is just for making themselves feel pretty. The next image is also from Imagine and do. A little more risqué but very well done. "What is risqué?" It means daring, like acceptable but not normally done. "OK! Here is not normally done colored picture."
"She just wake up?"
No, she is posing for this picture. "If that was me I be Embarrassed."
If that was you I would be embarrassed.
The copic colors used are: R00-000-0000-85, RV0000, YR30, BG0000
I think it is time to move on.
I think we have bored our followers enough for one day. I hope you enjoyed your visit.
Darnell you are lucky. Hammy can't talk. If you didn't tell us what was happening we wouldn't know he was there. Life has its ups and downs and I am not sure where Cherokee fits in there but it is never dull around here. Innocence has its perks and surprises. Honesty can be embarrassing and rewarding but never dull. You do the honors Cherokee.
"Cherokee thinks Darnell nice lady. Sorry get name wrong. Get spelling wrong too. Lots of red lines when I type. It is fun to use mouse to let computer fix spelling. Cherokee smiling right now.....OK. Irish says use LOL. Remember to LOVE DETAILS. Ooops. Sorry Princess Judy...Uh....That's interesting."
You forgot 'the' in LOVE THE DETAILS.
P.S.- Princess Judy said on here blog never use "Ooops. Use Ah....Thats interesting" instead. Guess who picked up on that one.
You are getting better at this. The Image is by Stamps Happen.
"Not Drink Fire water. Makes Cherokee feel funny. Chief says live up to name when I drink fire water."
You mean Crazy Mule?
"Yes. I get crazy and stubborn."
More than you are now?
"Yes. Not remember much next day and large tom-tom banging in head. Even mouse walking across floor make head hurt."
That is called a hangover. Shall we show the other image. The one I colored?
"OK. Here is image. Not bad Irish. Your should do cave painting."
Uh... OK. The Copic colors used are V20, R39-46-59-85, E08-11-40-41-43-44-50-55-79, E81, C1, C2.
Cave painting? Why cave painting?
" Irish paintings look real. Much nicer than cave painting."
Thank you.
By the way Darnell is not Darn Nell. Darnell is her name and it is not two words. "I think Crazy Mule goof." UhOh! What did you do? "Ask Darnell why people call her Darn Nell." Well I did warn her you might stop by and say hello. I hope she isn't upset with me now. Thanks Cherokee. Lets move on shall we?
The next two images are from Imagine and do. The link is on my sidebar. I just love the playful images and her portrait images are extraordinary. "Are we showing pretty ladies now?" Yes. "I like how you color pretty ladies. Here is colored pictures."
This is a slight variation of the one I shared back in February. These images are some of my all time favorites. The artist who drew these is extremely talented. The Copic colors used are: R00-000-00000-85, BG53, YR30,Y18, G82, RV00-02, B00, E19.
"Looks like she have black eye. How that happen?"
That is eye shadow. Women use it to make themselves pretty.
" Like war paint?"
Kind of but not for making war. It is just for making themselves feel pretty. The next image is also from Imagine and do. A little more risqué but very well done. "What is risqué?" It means daring, like acceptable but not normally done. "OK! Here is not normally done colored picture."
"She just wake up?"
No, she is posing for this picture. "If that was me I be Embarrassed."
If that was you I would be embarrassed.
The copic colors used are: R00-000-0000-85, RV0000, YR30, BG0000
I think it is time to move on.
I think we have bored our followers enough for one day. I hope you enjoyed your visit.
Darnell you are lucky. Hammy can't talk. If you didn't tell us what was happening we wouldn't know he was there. Life has its ups and downs and I am not sure where Cherokee fits in there but it is never dull around here. Innocence has its perks and surprises. Honesty can be embarrassing and rewarding but never dull. You do the honors Cherokee.
"Cherokee thinks Darnell nice lady. Sorry get name wrong. Get spelling wrong too. Lots of red lines when I type. It is fun to use mouse to let computer fix spelling. Cherokee smiling right now.....OK. Irish says use LOL. Remember to LOVE DETAILS. Ooops. Sorry Princess Judy...Uh....That's interesting."
You forgot 'the' in LOVE THE DETAILS.
P.S.- Princess Judy said on here blog never use "Ooops. Use Ah....Thats interesting" instead. Guess who picked up on that one.