

Monday, June 30, 2014

June 30, 2014 Life

The path I have taken today cannot be retraced since our life path is but one way.

No comment today but a piece from my book of thoughts and inspiration.


I travel a road of dreams,

Laced with thistle and thorn,

To find a peace filled clearing

Golden sunshine can adorn.

Onward, ever onward it seems,

Finding new scars each turn,

As old ones heal and disappear

Along this path of no return.

It seems such a hopeless way

In a life I did not request,

Trying to fill a mold not mine

Though I've done my very best.

The impossible is not impossible

With my Lord's hand in mine,

Despite my reluctant nature,

In the living love divine.

                    copyright by Irish Cherokee (aka J.T.C)

I have reluctantly agreed to share this post with Cherokee. No card today but a few colored images. Anything to say before we start Cherokee? "Cherokee happy to be back and share on Bugger." That is blogger. " You always call it bugger." That is because it gets all messed up when they try to improve it. " That not make sense. Why they do that?" It is the white man's way, you know that. Can we move on now. "OK."
 Why do I get the feeling this will be a post filled with detours? "What is detour?" When you come to a fork in the road and make a wrong turn that makes the trip longer than the turn you should have made. "Oh! Are we going on trip?" Never mind. I will explain it later. "OK! We go on trip later." Uh....Yeah. Trip later. Me to my shrink
 " Irish say we show picture of firewater first then picture he colored with markers. He want you to tell him if you see it looks the same or not." 
You are getting better at this. The Image is by Stamps Happen.  
 "Not Drink Fire water. Makes Cherokee feel funny. Chief says live up to name when I drink fire water."
You mean Crazy Mule?
"Yes. I get crazy and stubborn."
More than you are now? 
"Yes. Not remember much next day and large tom-tom banging in head. Even mouse walking across floor make head hurt."
That is called a hangover. Shall we show the other image. The one I colored? 
"OK. Here is image. Not bad Irish. Your should do cave painting." 
Uh... OK. The Copic colors used are V20, R39-46-59-85, E08-11-40-41-43-44-50-55-79, E81, C1, C2.
Cave painting? Why cave painting?
" Irish paintings look real. Much nicer than cave painting."
Thank you.
By the way Darnell is not Darn Nell. Darnell is her name and it is not two words. "I think Crazy Mule goof." UhOh! What did you do? "Ask Darnell why people call her Darn Nell." Well I did warn her you might stop by and say hello. I hope she isn't upset with me now. Thanks Cherokee. Lets move on shall we?
The next two images are from Imagine and do. The link is on my sidebar. I just love the playful images and her portrait images are extraordinary. "Are we showing pretty ladies now?" Yes. "I like how you color pretty ladies. Here is colored pictures."
This is a slight variation of the one I shared back in February. These images are some of my all time favorites. The artist who drew these is extremely talented. The Copic colors used are: R00-000-00000-85, BG53, YR30,Y18, G82, RV00-02, B00, E19.

"Looks like she have black eye. How that happen?" 
That is eye shadow. Women use it to make themselves pretty.
" Like war paint?"
Kind of but not for making war. It is just for making themselves feel pretty. The next image is also from Imagine and do. A little more risqué but very well done. "What is risqué?" It means daring, like acceptable but not normally done. "OK! Here is not normally done colored picture." 
"She just wake up?"
No, she is posing for this picture. "If that was me I be Embarrassed." 
If that was you I would be embarrassed.
The copic colors used are: R00-000-0000-85, RV0000, YR30, BG0000
I think it is time to move on.
I think we have bored our followers enough for one day. I hope you enjoyed your visit. 

Darnell you are lucky. Hammy can't talk. If you didn't tell us what was happening we wouldn't know he was there. Life has its ups and downs and I am not sure where Cherokee fits in there but it is never dull around here. Innocence has its perks and surprises. Honesty can be embarrassing and rewarding but never dull. You do the honors Cherokee.
"Cherokee thinks Darnell nice lady. Sorry get name wrong. Get spelling wrong too. Lots of red lines when I type. It is fun to use mouse to let computer fix spelling. Cherokee smiling right now.....OK. Irish says use LOL. Remember to LOVE DETAILS. Ooops. Sorry Princess Judy...Uh....That's interesting."
You forgot 'the' in LOVE THE DETAILS.  

P.S.- Princess Judy said on here blog never use "Ooops. Use Ah....Thats interesting" instead. Guess who picked up on that one.



  1. Loved your story today and the reminder to always smile and laugh :)

    Beautifully colored images! (black eyes and all!) *wink!*

    You are a blessing :)

  2. This made me laugh and smile so much :) gorgeous colouring huggles Sue xx

  3. More great coloring and some wonderful images! Love the blond hair you gave this fine looking lady.
    You're actually going to be shocked on Wednesday when you see my post where I actually COLORED! Yikes!

  4. My apologizes to Stamps Happen, but I like your version of the fire water better. Theirs is so dark that it looks suspiciously like poison. Of course, I kind of think that about all wine anyway.... Love your fancy lady coloring too. If I just woke up I'd be too disoriented to be embarrassed and my hair certainly would not look as good! Ah.... that's interesting!

  5. Beautiful fire water picture! Your coloring is so wonderful!! And I enjoyed your pow wow too! You have a fine sense of humor! :). Love the beautiful!!!

  6. Oh dear Irish, Send Cherokee back to where he came from - he makes you embraced. Oh .. that's interesting, should be embarrassed, with some of what he says i am sure. ;-)
    Love your colouring, your thoughts, even when interrupted, and I agree that your colouring of the wine is the better version.

  7. What a fun post! Love your poem, love your colored images (your wine does look lighter and less scary), and love your banter. Sort of like watching a comedy routine on TV - you are so talented. Hugz!

  8. OMG the coloring is delicious!!! and i loved specially the second image with the wine...great one
    hugs and warm hello from california, bibiana

  9. I loved reading your conversation...made me smile :) Your colouring is so amazing, and so is your poem. So well-written. You are very talented.

  10. Not sure if my comment got posted, seems like it has just vanished. Anyway, I loved reading the conversation, it made me smile.:) And your colouring is great, so is your poetry. So meaningful and well-written. You are so talented.

  11. You two are hilarious!! Your colouring is so amazing and I especially love the woman 'who has just woken up'. The colours are so soft and beautiful. I can only hope I look like that in the morning.....

  12. Your colored images are beautiful, and I especially love the wine bottle in dark red!

  13. That woman will catch cold without her clothes!! But it gives me a chance to admire your beautiful colouring skills.. and how lucky to be able to adorn yourself in a SMALL sheet and cover all your 'bits'!
    The wine has made me thirsty so am now away to find war paint, a LARGE sheet and an even LARGER glass.....

  14. Oh, so Cherokee did show up. Which one of these characters does Jill like the best? LOL Your coloring on the Stamps Happen image is fabulous. You've colored each piece to perfection. I've been having more Blogger problems...with my post yesterday and can't tell if my comments are publishing today or not. Could Cherokee help?????? :-)

  15. Hi there - your colouring is wonderful as is your poem - quite thought provoking methinks! As for your bud Cherokee, well I lurve his sense of humour, so like mine! A very interesting conversation going on there - I must remember not to type ooooops! Everything will be 'ah ....that's interesting' from now on, thanks to Princess Judy.

    Must fly as I'm off to the vet this afternoon, we have a nasty rash on our back ..... must specify that Blossom is the patient not me!!!

    Hugs to you (both!!) Sue Pxxx

  16. Fabulous coloring! I love how you did the wine, it looks better than the stamps happen picture!

  17. So funny. Glad you had Cherokee joining you today. It's great that you have a buddy there to help you get through the slow spots, and guide us along the tour of the art. I liked the fire water picture very much, that ruby glass just sparkled and made me thirsty. #2 put me in mind of some of the 30's ladies that we would see in the Hollywood fan magazines (think Jean Harlow) but the soft coloring was so very pretty. That was some great detail on the smoky eyeshadow too. A tiny space to do such tiny coloring strokes. Well done, indeed, for you & Cherokee. Tell him to watch that fire water, though! Ya'll have a great day, and TFS.

  18. Loved onward and these are great images so inspiring Love and Happy Crafting Hugs Carole x

  19. I started to read, took a detour and now I am back! :)
    Lovely coloring! Thanks for your faithful visits to my blog! I appreciate
    you and your great sense of humor!

  20. Loved reading your poem Jim. Your colouring is just fantastic, I am in awe!

  21. I like to come here early morning when I am alone and quiet Some how it is friendly and soothing to read your post Thank you for starting my day .........Lis

  22. Loved reading this Jim! Your coloring is amazing. Great job!

  23. Thanks for sharing your poem Jim! Amazing shares!

  24. Great reading and a good way for me to finish my evening here down under.xx
    ♥aNNie The Journey is the Start

  25. Wonderful poem Jim and awesome coloring.

  26. Wonderful poem and your colouring is GREAT! I have my right arm in a plaster cast right now, so things are hard! Valerie

  27. Fabulous! Cherokee made me laugh...he has a great way with words :)! There is some amazing colouring here, especially the wine glass and the 'embarrassed lady's' wrap! A very entertaining post!

  28. Beautiful poem and your coloring with Copics is awesome! Lovely pictures. ~Diane

  29. Very beautiful images and colouring and a smile from Cherokee...can't be bad for a Friday night :-)

  30. Wonderful poem- and your coloring is just gorgeous- loving your version of the wine- very cool image- and your blond- she looks fab- eye make-up and all. Glad your blogger is back and behaving : )

  31. Oh wow - that wine glass image is coloured perfectly!!!!!!!

    Deanne :)

  32. Hi there
    I was going to say "Hi Mr Cherokee" as usual but it appears you are not the Cherokee then? I've only been around for a short while so I'm not familiar with your friend. Did think you had been visiting the wine cellar at one point lol!
    Your colouring is always superb and your poem is very poignant.
    Best wishes.
    Ang x

  33. Thinking of you and Jill.....hope you had a lovely 4th of July!

  34. Thanks for the smiles this morning Jim, and thanks for all the well wishes on my new grandbaby! Those images are wonderful!!!

  35. Ahhh....a quiet (for now) Tuesday evening, having returned yesterday from visiting my husband's family yesterday, preparing for mine to come today (I signs as of yet of Ms. T and Mr. C). My husband is out training on his bike...and so, opportunity to dash to, and relish in, your always wonderful posts. Once again, you've given me pause for reflection with your thoughtful poem, a huge smile with your conversation with Cherokee, and breath-taken away awe with the beauty of your images. I'll echo the others (including Cherokee): your version of the 'fire water' is absolutely gorgeous. The original is gorgeous, only *grin*. The Imagine and Do images: outstanding! Exquisite and elegant, both! Thank you for sharing the various shades and nuances of "you" with us!! Blessings~c

  36. Thanks for sharing the poem and that glass of wine! It look so real! And the ladies are colored so beautifully! What a talent you have!

  37. Well, look what I found scrolling all the way back to HERE!! Sorry that my life got upside down between the NBUS Challenge and my birthday and going away so I never even saw this! Thank you, Jim and Cherokee for featuring me in this fun post! And, oh by the way, Hammy does talk!! I'm lucky it's not often and I don't share because, well, peeps thinks I'm crazy enough, you know! I don't know how I got my name. Spelled with one l, it is in the dictionary and means "poison weed that grows in a field!" I like to think I was named after the actress Linda Darnell, but my family history never allowed me to question my parents about it. Anyway, Mister is calling, but thanks again!! That was fun! Hugs, Darnell


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