

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Thank You

Have you ever wondered why prayer seldom seems to be answered? Has it ever occurred to you that prayer that is always asking for something is counter productive? Is it possible that we are seen as complainers, greedy or just plain ungrateful. Are we thankful for our existence in this world? (Psalm 118:24) This is the day the Lord has made. Rejoice and be glad in it. In other words say a prayer of thanks often and rejoice in the love of the Lord. There will always be things to offer up for Him to take care of but always be mindful of the life we are given. Praise and singing, even if it does sound like a bellowing bull moose, are pleasing to Him. He is not a vending machine in the sky or a sugar daddy. Give thanks more often than anything. Remember where we've come from since He is the one created us and that brought us this far. Rejoice every day not just Sunday. 
Every so often I like to include a celestial image to show the wonder of our awesome God's creation. This post seems the perfect place to do that. Here are a few beautiful images that inspire and awe.

hubble space telescope - Ring Galaxy

Arp 148 is the staggering aftermath of an encounter between two galaxies, resulting in a ring-shaped galaxy and a long-tailed companion

ESO 593-8 is an impressive pair of interacting galaxies.

infant_stars_1017_500. Two infant star clusters born in the dust and gas cloud behind them. Notice also the much more distant galaxies in this image. There are quite a few of them. Some are oval some are round and a few look like streaks. Stars in the image that are close have four spikes. The more distant ones are just pin points. Awesome. 

Hope you like the images. Remember to stay safe and "Love The Details." God bless. 


  1. Amazing ... Thank you for your posts and for your prayers .............Lis

    1. You are welcome. The prayers are my pleasure and a privilege.

  2. Amazing, amazing photos Jim - thank you! Yes praise is certainly powerful, and a discipline that I have cultivated over the years. I love it that the presence of the Lord is perpetual, we don't have to 'go to church' to feel him near us.
    Stay safe

  3. Stunning images and heartfelt words, my friend xoxo

  4. Beautiful posts Jim, we often forget to give thanks to God, I've tried to make sure I give thanks to Him everyday, several times a day. I always did, but not often enough, but after Dwayne passed, I started to try and do it everyday. Do I fail? Sometimes, but not for long. For I know it is the Lord that lets me have what I have, it is the Lord that gets me through everyday, etc...Love those beautiful galaxy photo's, they are stunning. The second one to the last looks like an angle and the last one looks God and Jesus talking amongst the stars. So beautiful! Love, hugs and prayers to you and Jill, Brenda

  5. Stunning photos, Jim! Thank you for sharing! I concur wholeheartedly with your thoughts on prayer! Take care. I hope it is slowly warming up. Hugs, Darnell


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