

Tuesday, February 2, 2021


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The bible begins with a creation of something out of love. The end product was man and woman. Their place of residence was Eden. As long as their hearts were on the Lord of lords there were no fears. The word of God sustained them and provided all they needed. The Brainy Quote is simple but profound. A baby is not born with fear but learns it when it comes into this world. We cannot avoid it in this life but we can overcome it. That is not to say it will no longer exist, only that it will not be the ruling factor of our actions, thus our lives. Fear is actually akin to love. (Psalms 111:10) Fear can be a pairing with love. (Psalm 23) I see fear of God not as a punishment but as a safeguard for "God is Love." (1 John 4:8-9, 1 John 4:16, DEUT 7:9) The fear we have of God is not fear of punishment as much as fear of His turning His love from us. As long as we walk the path He sets before us we need not fear. Pure fear and terror is not of God for God is love.

Today I am sharing the final inlayed die cut. It is a variation on the one shared in the last post. 

Again it has 262 inlays. The colors used were light gold, silver, white, dark blue and red. The red template was an experiment. Not sure I would use that color again for this kind of work. A darker color seems to work better. In my next post I will share a fun die cut. No hints. Stop by for a smile. Remember to always "Love The Details". 


  1. Jim this is beautiful, lovely post. xx

  2. God is love and thus we should not fear, but instead to turn to Him when in fear because He will take that fear right away. We just always need to trust in the Lord. Beautiful post Jim! As is this inlayed design! I think I am with you on the red though, still very beautiful. These dies you used are stunning and I can't imagine how much patience it takes to inlay all these pieces, but it is well worth it! Hugs and blessings, Brenda

  3. As one who also enjoys doing this inlaid work, I am floored with how many tiny pieces you've placed back into this star! It turned out fabulous and I have a fond appreciation of the time it takes to do this sort of thing. I had to scroll back to see the previous post and the glittered stars look absolutely amazing! Well done!

  4. Oh Jim, how true - perfect love casts out fear, and that perfect love comes from God. Unfortunately some learn fear in the womb due to the mother's circumstances, but ultimately this too can be cast out and healed with the appropriate ministry.
    Loving your inlaid work - such patience !!!
    Stay safe

  5. 262! Wow! That is aamzing and as special and painstaking as His love for us. I imagine this was so peaceful to work ont. Gorgeous work, Jim!


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